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Blu-ray vs. HD DVD

`Dr. Nick Riviera`

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veci kapacitet >>> manji, svaka chast + smrt mikrosoftu i ostalima koji profitirju na prolongiranju zvanicnog prelaska na jedan standard

za korisnike PCa bitnije je da igre dolaze na blu rayu...a varovatno oce...plus bluray rezach chita hddvdove pa si pokriven i sa te strane =o)

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yup...al je zasto skuplji 3.5x od BD plejera ;o)))

Blu-ray Playback

Pioneer BDC-202 Blu-ray Disc/DVD/CD Combo Drive - $280

The BDC-202 offers 5x read speeds on BD-ROM, BD-R, and BD-RE Blu-ray single layer discs and 2x speeds on dual layer discs. The drive also features 12x DVD±R, 6x DVD+RW, 6x DVD-RW and 5x DVD-RAM writing speeds. The drive is capable of 4x DVD+R DL and DVD-R DL writing speeds and a maximum DVD read speed of 12x. Other features include 32x CD-R reading, 24x writing/rewriting speeds, and a SATA interface.

Blu-ray Writer/ HD-DVD Playback

LG GGW-H10NI Super Multi Blue Drive - $899

It is hard for us to recommend an optical drive in this price range, but this drive sets the standard for Blu-ray writing speeds and also offers very good HD-DVD playback capabilities. On the other hand, you could purchase the previous LG GBW-H10N or a mid-range Sony/Lite-On Blu-ray drive, an XBOX 360 HD-DVD player, and pocket a couple of hundred dollars to buy some movies and popcorn. The GGW-H10NI writes to BD-R media at 4x, BD-RE/BD-R DL media at 2x, and offers 4x read speeds on BD-ROM, BD-R, and BD-RE Blu-ray single layer discs and 3.2x speeds on dual layer discs. The drive also offers 8x DVD±R, 6x DVD-RW, and 4x DVD±R DL writing speeds. Also included are DVD read speeds of 12x and HD-DVD reads speeds of 3x.

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Ma ja kapiram da ce se to srediti lagano sa uredjajima koji citaju obe stvari, i onda ti posle realno nece biti vazhno dal' je bluray ili hddvd. Ono sto jeste interesantno je da je Playstation uvek unosio neki novitet koji je posle postao standard, pa posto PS3 stizhe sa blurayem, ako se istorija ponavlja to je onda bluray, ali kapiram da je resenje u podrsci za oba.

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hm, osmelicu se da se ne slozhim ;) Ono sto znam sigurno je:

1. Neke igre vec sad idu na 15GB i vishe, posebno za PS3 itd, znachi tezhi se ka tim velikim kapacitetima.

2. Filmovi boljeg kvaliteta bla truc, iako ti treba TV od 5000 evra da bi to zaista mogao da primetis.

3. Za mene najvaznije - backup! Sad vec blu-ray uredjaji kostaju 300tinak evra, mediji 5-6, sto ce reci da celu jednu particiju harda mogu backupovati na samo jedan dvd.

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Ma bekap je najbitniji... broj DVD-ova sa igrama mi je odavno premašio stotku, sama pomisao da to sve može da stane na 5 diskova vrlo je lepa :D

edit: kojom računicom sam došao do toga da je pet BD-ova po 25 GB isto što i 500 GB, ne znam [:D]

Edited by voodoo_
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mozhda je sveti petar kupovao kajganu za 180 dindzhi na nekom mestu gde je imao popust...ili pak nije uzeta u obzir inflacija pri iznoshenju tog poredjenja ;o)

inache i ja sam pobornik oma na bluray jer brate sa CDa smo presli na dvd, ocu ponovo 6x veci kapacitet na novm medijumu a ne 2x...

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Although pricey, LG's Super Multi-branded optical drives are a good choice for those who want to have Blu-Ray and HD DVD support cramped into a single 5.25" unit. To offer at least one new choice for those trapped by the format war LG is planning to update its Super Multi Blue line-up with an external hybrid drive.

Showcased at CES and named GGW-E10L the new drive is capable of reading Blu-Ray discs at 6x, HD DVDs at 3x and DVDs at 16x. The drive won't stop at reading though as it will be able to burn CDs, DVDs, and Blu-ray discs, HD DVD being the only format not supported for writing. Boasting a USB 2.0 interface the GGW-E10L will also have LightScribe support and will be released later this year. No word on pricing though so you can expect it to be over $1000.


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Zanimljiva teorija zavere izašla je iz usta čoveka odgovornog za film Transformers. Majkl Bej, koji je svojevremeno histerisao po emisijama zbog odluke Paramaunta da Transformerse snima samo na HD DVD disk, umesto na Blu Rej, hvaleći time ljutog protivnika HD DVD-a, sada smatra da iza celog rata formata stoji - ko drugi nego Umbrella corp. Mikrosoft. Bej kaže da je dobro upućen u priču iza kulisa i da Mikrosoft želi prolongira rat da bi dobio na vremenu. A zašto? Navodno, Mikrosoft je finansijski pomagao HD DVD, jer je ovaj “mnogo slabiji od Blu Reja”, time stvarajući zbunjenost na tržištu a sve zato da bi “oba formata propala i oni bili heroji kada dođe vreme za digitalni download, jer će ponuditi najbolju uslugu za skidanje visokorezolucionog materijala na računare”.


The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.

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Pa majq mu, i to shto bi skinuo u visokoj rezoluciji morash negde da narezesh... xD


Paramount studios is poised to drop its support of the high-definition DVD (HD DVD) format after Warner Bros studio said it would back the competing Blu-ray format, the Financial Times reported on Tuesday.The loss of support from Paramount, which is owned by Viacom Inc, would likely deal the final blow to the HD DVD format backed by Toshiba Corp and put an end to the format war, the newspaper said on its Web site. Time Warner Inc’s Warner Bros studio on Friday said it would exclusively release high-definition DVDs in Sony Corp’s Blu-ray format, marking a major setback to the HD DVD camp.

Blu-ray discs outsold HD DVD by nearly two-to-one in the United States last year, but HD DVD had secured major allies in August when Paramount Pictures and DreamWorks Animation SKG Inc said they would go exclusively with HD DVD. But Paramount is understood to have a clause in its contract with the HD DVD camp that would allow it to change sides if Warner Bros backed Blu-ray, the Financial Times said, citing people familiar with the situation. However, Paramount spokeswoman denied this news as speculative with “Paramount’s current plan is to continue to support the HD DVD format”.

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