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Helloween + Gamma Ray, Hala sportova, 17.11.2007.

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Ou jea ween dolazi,i to zajedno sa gamarejem sto znaci samo jedno...kai hansen se vraca u helloween! (bar na bini :))...ovo je dogadjaj godine sto se tice koncerata i ne propustam ga :)

Btw mogao bi ove najave da kacis u onaj topic za najave ako jos postoji jer je malo glupo za svaki koncert da otvaras novi topic...ima jos 5-6 koncerata,nemoj samo svaki najavljivati posebno pls :))

Edited by Hell

Let me tell you the tales of your life of

your love and the cut of the knife

the tireless oppression

the wisdom instilled

the desire to kill or be killed.

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killy speed metalac \m/ to se ceni :)).Gammaray ti je bend Kai Hansena (nekada glavnog coveka u Helloweenu) tako da u sustini sviraju slicnu muziku...mada cuo sam samo par pesama,moram ih preslusati.Trenutak kad se Kai popne na binu sa Helloweenom i (nadam se) pocne da peva Ride The Sky ce biti dobar trenutak za umiranje :))

Let me tell you the tales of your life of

your love and the cut of the knife

the tireless oppression

the wisdom instilled

the desire to kill or be killed.

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realno gledano obe grupe su mnoooogoooo kul, i ko je metalac i to propusti kajace se...

ja verovatno necu ici, nemam pare za bacanje, a oni mi nisu nikad bili omiljeni bendovi... jedino mi je zao sto sam propustio therion :(

If there's some higher power that controls my fate, i would like to meet him, shake his hand, then crack open his ribcage and tear out his heart.

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realno gledano obe grupe su mnoooogoooo kul, i ko je metalac i to propusti kajace se...

ja verovatno necu ici, nemam pare za bacanje, a oni mi nisu nikad bili omiljeni bendovi... jedino mi je zao sto sam propustio therion :(

lol nub dolaze opet u decembru i opet ces da propustis zato sto nemas pare za bacanje :))

Let me tell you the tales of your life of

your love and the cut of the knife

the tireless oppression

the wisdom instilled

the desire to kill or be killed.

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