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DIABLO III pričajte - slobodna diskusija

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a jos je arogantnije potcenjivati stare koji su deceniju uz njih i koji su im toliko godina pruzali, osim svog novca vremena i energije, vrlo bitan feedback kako sta tvikovati sta valja a sta ne, balansi, bagovi, patchevi etc etc etc... i kad dodje nov naslov hrrrk pfuj njima u lice, color is your friend, reinventing rpga, fps je next gen i slicne nebuloze

Cekaj, koliko puta treba da se kaze da je 3000 igraca u neprestanom kontaktu u vezi sa igrom? Ne znam kako su tu zaboravljeni fanovi? Ne znam da li je Kole ovde pricao kako su napravili Wow, mozda je pametno da sad kaze.

paying customers ce biti svako ko uzme igru odigra je jednom i baci je... sto se vise dizajneri igara okrecu toj filozofiji to ce joj kraci vek trajanja biti jer ce se igre balansirati za igrace tog tipa, sto sve u svemu znaci losiji sadrzaj samih naslova...

Ne bas. Poenta je da se napravi loyal customer, a takav je svaki Blizardov customer. Mi pricamo ovde o Blizardu, kapiram ja da je tesko zbog Betezde, ali Blizard je ipak nesto drugo.


nema vise zezanja


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Ja ne znam zashto se ljudi brinu. Josh nijedna igra nije izashla iz Blizzarda a da nije bila extremno dobra. Cak i mrski mi WoW koji i nisam neshto puno igrao. Ljudi su jednostavno genijalci.

We must all fear evil men. But there is another kind of evil which we must fear most and that is the indifference of good men !

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G!!! brate sve im pobrishi sta lupaju, ako hoces podeli warnove, i onda daj nastavite diskusiju. Ne mogu sad da citam ceo thread, obrisao bih ja, ali mozhda ode i neshto od korisnih postova.

Vi ostali iskulirajte sa glupim komentarima i pokushajte da se bavite igrom.

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Bilo bi lepo da se neko smiluje u ovoj zemlji i da uz pomoc sponzora dovede par likova iz Blizza da odrze omanji event u Skadarliji. Mislim da bi uzivali uz rostilj, a i mi sa njima.


Dodju u Mackat na sve redno, radzu i pecenje, da osete feeling barbariana i da ga naprave kako valja :)

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evo malo za diskusiju o sadrzhaju ;o)

krenula pricha dal' je jedan od wwi artworka za d3 andjeo imperius iz sin war knjige


uglavom, pojavio se official poster i reshio dilemu + pobrojao ostale drugare koje mozda vidimo u igri...

Alright, I will close this thread. Any comments may be shared on the original thread here. Atrumentis PM me to bring up this theory. I have the novel right in front of me, and the description lightly resembles the artwork. We don't see the color of his robes, but the sword is unmistakeable.

Each angel of the Angiris Council is described by Richard A. Knaak in the book. Each of them has different clothing/armor colors, signs and shapes.

These are the five members of the Angiris Council

Angel Imperius: Majestic angel with robes of royal red and a shining breastplate upon which the image of an upturned sword blazed.

Angel Auriel: Female wearing softer blue robes. She's the most animated and merciful of the five.

Angel Itherael: Gray-clad angel who doesn't look male nor female in aspect.

Angel Malthael: Black robes and black breastplate.

Angel Tyrael: you know him

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Jedna zanimljiva stvar vezana za Blizz. Trenutno pored SC2, D3, WOTLK expa. radi i na novoj fransizi (nema nikakve veze sa bilo cim sto su pravili do sada). Kakvi ludaci. Kao uspavane mecke. Nema ih neko vreme, guraju samo WOW i odjednom rade na 3 projekta.

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hmmmm...glasine glasine ;o)))

On creating a new game franchise:

Pearce: We have a lot of developers that would be really enthusiastic about the idea of doing a new intellectual property. Everyone at the Blizzard offices loves the “Warcraft” franchise, loves the “Starcraft” franchise, loves the “Diablo” franchise but we’ve been doing a lot of that for a long time, and I know there’s a lot of guys that at some point would love to have the opportunity to do something new. When the current development teams roll off what they’re working on, we’ll involve them in the decision-making process for what game they’re going to make next. And we’ll be having those discussions when those teams are rolling off “Starcraft II” and “Diablo III,” but that’s a ways down the road.

On the time between game releases:

Sams: I think that there will be a little bit less time, but we’ll continue to take our time to make sure that they’re right. I don’t see there being any differences in our thought processes as it relates to that. We’re going to make sure that we put the time and the energy and the money and the resources into making the best games in the world that we can. And do I think because we have multiple development teams that the release dates will go closer together for Blizzard releases? Probably a bit. But I don’t think our development cycles will shrink on any of the projects that are going on; it would just be that there’s more product flow.

full interview here:


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Ispratite par zadnjih njuza sa diablofans ,onaj baja PR odgovorio na par zanimljivih pitanja.

Also,na zvanichnom sajtu dodato par artova,skrinova i jedan novi wall. ;)

У једној старој књизи читао сам чудну причу; а враг би га знао откуд мени та књига из неког смешног времена, у коме је било много слободоумних закона, а нимало слободе; држали се говори и писале књиге о привреди, а нико ништа није сејао; цела земља претрпана моралним поукама, а морала није било; у свакој кући пун таван логика, али памети није било; на сваком кораку говорило се о штедњи, а расипало се на све стране, а сваки зеленаш и нитков могао је себи купити за неколико гроша титулу: велики народни родољуб. 
Радоје Домановић - "Страдија" 1902. -

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