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DIABLO III pričajte - slobodna diskusija

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Svidja mi se ovo sto menjaju koncepciju sa ex-hhealth potionima i beskonacnom energijom...uvek mi je to bilo najretardiranije kod Diabla, ne racunajuci besomucno kliktanje misa ofc :P

I ostale novine nisu lose, pa i grafika.

Diablo III doesn't have a release date at the moment, as Blizzard is saying it'll be done when it's done.

Znaci kad Srbija postane kandidat za EU i ja se ozenim ;)

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Svidja mi se ovo sto menjaju koncepciju sa ex-hhealth potionima i beskonacnom energijom...uvek mi je to bilo najretardiranije kod Diabla, ne racunajuci besomucno kliktanje misa ofc :P

I ostale novine nisu lose, pa i grafika.

Znaci kad Srbija postane kandidat za EU i ja se ozenim ;)

pa terace wow.. pa kad on krene da umire onda ce izbace diabla, nece prave konkurenciju sami sebi :-)

ovako bi diablom ubili wow ^^

Edited by TeacH

Craziness is directly related to having a vagina.


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fak ju :-)

E gde je objasnio zashto nisu konkurencija, nisam video, bash bi da pogledam :P

btw G majica nie moja! nego ribina (tj ex ribe sad) -_-

i probao sam samo na min! ne vishe! ;D

Edited by TeacH

Craziness is directly related to having a vagina.


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EuroGamer interviewed Jay Wilson, Lead Designer of Diablo 3. He says a lot but here are some interesting bits I managed to stuff into a blockquote:

And then on the role-playing side, we've been focusing on more story. We want people to be able to ignore the story if they want, but we still want there to be a denser story, we want there to be a lot of scripted events that support the story, we want the story to be better formed and more interesting. Plus we want there to be some elements that allow players to feel like they're in a role-playing game. I think that one of the differences between Blizzard North and what we sometimes call Blizzard South is that Blizzard South, led by our creative director Chris Metzen, is just a little bit more story-focused. That's not a knock, but it can't help but be something that gets into the game now, because it's also a value that I have.

Eurogamer: Why do you think so few RPGs have gone with the isometric perspective - and why did you choose to stick with it?

Because our industry is a technology industry and is very focused on innovation, there's this push to always advance. For us, yeah, we want to advance too, but the camera has nothing to do with that. The camera is a gameplay style, and a vastly unexplored gameplay style, especially with RPGs. It's so under-explored, and it makes for such good gameplay, it's so approachable, it's so eloquent.

This is the mistake I think a lot of developers make. They don't make it about the game they want. They make it about the tech they want to run, or the new engine, or the cut-scenes that they want to make. Somebody else asked: doesn't it restrict your scale and scope? Well, we use our cinematics for that, that's what they're for, that's why we make them, so that the game can be what it needs to be on its own.

So no, there was never a doubt. In my mind there was never a doubt that we were going to go isometric at all, it wasn't even under consideration, because it had to be Diablo. For me, that was one of those things - people look at the art style and say oh, they're not Diablo any more - if we'd come out and we weren't isometric, then I would agree with that.





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To što je on rekao bi možda imalo smisla da Diablo zapravo jeste RPG i da je izometrija u službi taktičnosti i planiranja borbe... ovako je u ovom kontekstu isti kurac, trebaju ti samo refleksi (pritiskanje na hotkijeve levom rukom i pomeranje kursora vs pritiskanje na wasd i pomeranje kursora).

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naravno da je sastavni deo oba, ja recimo sad jedva cekam ovo, a ne bih ga ni pogledao da je neki drugi pogled u pitanju, nepregledno mi je i zamorno. a jos i ne ljubim diabla nesto previse:)

brate sto ti ne smuvas miu? realno 5 min da provede sa tobom bila bi ready za guraj-vadi. :)

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To što je on rekao bi možda imalo smisla da Diablo zapravo jeste RPG i da je izometrija u službi taktičnosti i planiranja borbe... ovako je u ovom kontekstu isti kurac, trebaju ti samo refleksi (pritiskanje na hotkijeve levom rukom i pomeranje kursora vs pritiskanje na wasd i pomeranje kursora).

Ali je fun ... and thats all that matterzzzz

Is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the Hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control, even over his own will

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Šta pokušavaš reći Vudi? Da izo nije sastavni deo gameplay-a ili da izo nije sastavni deo Diabla kao igre?

Da nije jedan od najvažnih elemenata gejmpleja u Diablu, jer Diablo nije Fallout i Baldur's Gate i nema taktičke (pseudo)potezne borbe pa da je izometrija ključna da se ta borba izvede kako treba. Diablo komotno može da se uradi i kao first/third person igra (eno ga Hellgate London) i da ostane isti gejmplej, jedino što bi možda trebali malo brži refleksi, ali bi se isto igralo. Što znači da taj Wilson iz intervjua meša babe i žabe poredeći Diablo sa izometrijskim rpgovima.

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Zar nije poenta izometrije visoka preglednost situacije, sa nekom third person varijantom bi se rvali sa kamerom pola vremena.

"You're the first of the official death squads to whom we've been formally introduced... How do you do?"


"By my deeds I honour him, V8."


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Da nije jedan od najvažnih elemenata gejmpleja u Diablu, jer Diablo nije Fallout i Baldur's Gate i nema taktičke (pseudo)potezne borbe pa da je izometrija ključna da se ta borba izvede kako treba. Diablo komotno može da se uradi i kao first/third person igra (eno ga Hellgate London) i da ostane isti gejmplej, jedino što bi možda trebali malo brži refleksi, ali bi se isto igralo. Što znači da taj Wilson iz intervjua meša babe i žabe poredeći Diablo sa izometrijskim rpgovima.

ocigledno nisi igrao dovoljno diablo...

hellgate je dokaz koliko fps/tps sakuje ako pretenduje na nesto vise od serious sam-a, jedan ogroman FAIL . ne ne mislim da su sve fp igre fail vec da su sve one koje imaju u prvom planu arkadnu zabavu (rostiljanje, kliktanje, klanje do besvesti) najcesce lose, toliko lose da se gotovo vise i ne prave

umnogome gresis ako mislis da izo ne ucestvuje u diablo gejmpleju jer je cela dinamika i ceo sistem skilova pre svega oko toga napravljen pa tek onda sve ostalo... da naravno mozes da diablo prebacis u fp ali to onda nije diablo, to nije isti gejmplej, nista nije isto...

percepcija ti je totalno drugacija (ma nemoj) i umnogome vidish vishe neprijatelja odakle dolaze, sta nameravaju, koliko ih je, kakav je teren oko tebe, gde je loot itd itd... dok u fp u toj situaciji bi ishao pravo i i kraljao sve redom pa sta bude... tako da i izo u diablu ima vecu takticku vrednost od bilo kog FPa (ne racunamo multi igre) koji se moze svesvrstati u zanr/podzanr rpga ili sa nekim njegovim elementima...





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