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izasao ovaj down of magic, lichi pomalo na diablo/dungeon siege/sacred ali sa nekim novim featurima, mada u principu cist hack n slash

Dawn of Magic allows players to choose from 12 different schools of magic, each with eight unique spells. This pushes the number of spells in the game to more than 90 different magical abilities. In addition to this massive arsenal of offensive magic, players will be able to teleport within their field of vision, an action which heals the character in the process. Players will also be able to enter into conventional melee battles with a slew of medieval weaponry, including clubs, swords, spears, and umbrellas

napunjena verzija samo 1.2 giga pa proverite ljudikome je malo do seckanja






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Valjda dawn of magic :)

Odigrah demo i nije me odusevio bas, oni prvi kvestovi se svode na bezglavo jurcanje za decom/razbojnicima/strazarima etc. Mada ima do jaja razvijen sistem magija, pa jos neke tetovaze rci palci, ludnica.

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Ovoj suši kvalitetnih RPG naslova izgleda da nema kraja, pa bi zamolio nekog da me uputi na neki stariji RPG koji sam slučajno promašio. Koju igru između '95-'00 pošto sam tek od dvadeste postao RPG fanatik. M&M. BG, FO 1 i 2... sam igrao ali možda ima nešto što sam promašio. Grafika me ne interesuje, samo je bitno da je da je dobra igra.

Screw You Guys, I'm Going Home!

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Gothic 1/2/3 [:p]

Divine Divinity ti je odlična igra, a ni Kult: Heretic Kingdoms nije lo

"You're the first of the official death squads to whom we've been formally introduced... How do you do?"


"By my deeds I honour him, V8."


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Wizardy 8, Arcanum i Kult: Heretic Kingdoms sam odigrao a Gothic 1, 2 i 3 su mi je oteli bar 6 mjeseci života :)

Znači ostaje Divine Divinity, Arx Fatalis, Stonekeep i Lands of Lore što bi trebalo da bude dovoljno da ubije nekoliko dana :)

Lands of Lore 3 je, ako se dobro sjećam, dobio lošu ocjenu u SK pa se nisam ni trudio da ga iskopam.

Usput, iako organski ne podnosim akcioni RPG, Kult: Heretic Kingdoms je stvarno dobra igra, mnogo zanimljivija od Diabla i ostalih Diablo klonova.

Screw You Guys, I'm Going Home!

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Ako zelish malo da se nervirash uzmi Icewind dale :P

@tema : osim FO3...nishta...nemogu da verujem...uzas...

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix..neznam u chega spada...ali to je jedino da kazem novije...meshavina platforme i arpg-a...ccc kakvi zanrovi dolaze nebi me chudilo da ce i nindza kornjache biti rpg [}:)]

"Ja uvek vidim greh i uvek prvi,ma koliko bio oprezan i mali,ja ga vidim jer ja sam uvek tu..."I'm so hidden and you're never gonna see,I'm cold,forgiven all because of my beliefs,I'm nobody that you ever wanna be cause,I know that the world is afraid of me!

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Dobro da ste me podsetili pošto Icewind Dale 2 imam negdje u policama. Nisam je završio pošto sam baš u to vrijeme odigrao Planescape: Torment i BG 2 pa mi je igra bila pomalo dosadna. Danas nisam toliko izbirljiv.

Screw You Guys, I'm Going Home!

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ja testiram jos, dobra zamisao sa onim djijama pa me intersuje kako to deluje ...

a i kul one tetovaze i sto se menjas u zavisnosti od magija koje koristis... da sam ljubitelj magija mozda bih igrao vise





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  • 4 weeks later...

Grotesque - Heroes Hunted


December 31, 2007

Legend: Hand of God:


August 30, 2007

Hard to Be a God



December 31, 2007

Sacred 2: Fallen Angel


Q1, 2008



i taaako





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