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Lepo Elveon izgleda...za promenu malo i elfovi a ne humans/orcs...mada neshto mi pricha nije bash neshto preterano...

elem...Sacred 2 sa dva karaktera...pa zar nisu mogli da ubace makar josh 2 karaktera pored the Seraphim-a i Shadow warrior-a??? [}:)]

poshtujem trud shto su napravili vishe od 100 vrsta oruzja i 40 modifikovanih oklopa...ali jbg-a...gde je vampirica...demon u celoj toj prichi!? [:(]

"Ja uvek vidim greh i uvek prvi,ma koliko bio oprezan i mali,ja ga vidim jer ja sam uvek tu..."I'm so hidden and you're never gonna see,I'm cold,forgiven all because of my beliefs,I'm nobody that you ever wanna be cause,I know that the world is afraid of me!

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ko ima vremena i dobar net njemu 300 mb nije nishta.... [}:)][:D]

"Ja uvek vidim greh i uvek prvi,ma koliko bio oprezan i mali,ja ga vidim jer ja sam uvek tu..."I'm so hidden and you're never gonna see,I'm cold,forgiven all because of my beliefs,I'm nobody that you ever wanna be cause,I know that the world is afraid of me!

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E al moze neko da mi kaze nesto vise o sledecim igricama:

Evil Islands: Curse Of The Lost Souls

Spaceforce: Rogue Universe

Paradise Cracked

Loki - Im Bannkreis der Goetter [Hack'n'Slash RPG] (ger+eng+rus Lang)

Return to Krondor

Aj javite mi posto bi da skidam nesto odavle, ako valja. Fala.

I da Space Rangersi su tacno sta?! Ja gledao neke screen shotove izgleda mi kao strategija ?! Aj javite pa da skinem i to nasao sam prvi i drugi deo 4.13gb komplet, valjda je to to !?

Edited by Frubi


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zar je google, wiki toliko komplikovan ili nedaj boze nfroce :)

evo u par reci

spacefore - ruska igra (ako ti to nije dovoljno) svemir, upravljanje brodom iz prvog lica trgovina pucanje i slicne zajebancije

loki - upravo zavrsena diaboliki hack n slash sa nordijskim motivima ja bih rekao

evil islands - From the creators of the Rage of Mages series (Allods in Europe) comes Evil Islands (formerly known as Allods 3: Redemption), where you play as a hero in the mysterious world of Allods and take on non-linear quests in a rich, fully 3D complex fantasy world, as you attempt to uncover the mysteries around the islands in a test of wits, ability to make the right decisions, and solve massive problems with small force.

paradise cracked-matora igra, potezna borba, ruska :)

Return to Krondor- Return to Krondor is a computer role-playing game set in Raymond Feist's fictional fantasy setting of Midkemia. A sequel to 1993's Betrayal at Krondor, it was released for Windows 95 on the PC in time for the 1998 Christmas season. Within the game, the player commands a group of heroes with different attributes, strengths, and weaknesses which the player may upgrade over the course of the game.

space rangers - najbolja od sve dece :P skini samo drugi deo jer na njemo se nalazi i prvi


A rumour has arisen in the US Official Xbox Magazine suggesting that the third title in BioWare's awesome KOTOR series could be with us as soon as Christmas or at least in 2008.





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zamisli tu zimu 2008. starcraft 2, fallout 3, kotor 3... ima li tome kraja ... nnnnooooooo.... kako cu biti mator tada za igre :P

mada kad razmislim ocigledno je fake news ili ti obichan rumor

jer ko bi pravio igru

Bioware- ne, jer su zauzeli cvrst stav da prave od sada samo igre po svojim pravilima, ne interesuje ih vise SW i d&d, a i Mass effect ce biti njihova varijanta kotora

Obisidan - jok, jer se i njima smuchilo da rade na nastavcima igara koje oni nisu radili, a i rade Mask of Betrayer, Aliens rpg i jos neke projekte

Bethesda, malo verovatno zar ne

ko je u opste ostao ?





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Evo jedan savet. Ako ste igrali Space Wolves 1 a zelite da probate Space Wolves 2, mozete da ocekujete identican gameplay, identicne stare modele brodova *samo je 6 godina proslo od 1 dela* plus nova klasa brodova i oruzja *isti modeli za oruzje, samo bole vise* i neverovatno ali istinito 5-6fps u nekim delovima borbe tipa 15+ brodova. Jeste da mi masina nije azdaja ali prvi deo radi mnogo bolje a izgleda isto. Cak i kad smanjim detalje isto se desava sto me dovodi do pomisli da igra ima memory leak.

Ljudi se dele na optimiste i one koji znaju bolje.

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nisam iskusio slichan problem :)

sa druge strane interesantan rumor, koji je do sada mogao pronaci citajuci najmrachnije coshkove tamnih i vlaznih fallout fan foruma :P

There is mysterious hint from a 1Up Yours podcast nearly two weeks ago. Garnett Lee, Managing Editor of 1Up, said the following in a conversation about Bethesda's Fallout 3, at the 80:50 mark:

I think we are going to see a spiritual successor to Fallout One and Two from the guy who originally did Wasteland, and I'm just going to leave it at that.

It seems likely that Garnett is referring to Brian Fargo, founder of Interplay and current CEO of InXile. In an interesting wrinkle, Fargo also owns the rights to Wasteland, which Fallout was partially a spiritual successor to.

o ovome je bilo rechi pre godinu dana mozda. zomg? zamislite wasteland kao duhovni nastavak fo1&2 ? (flap flap flap [:D])





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