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jel ima ovakav Telefon?

Brkata Nakaza

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Znaci meni treba telefon koji ima podrsku za mp3 file-ove , tezina mu je do 90 grama,

i da ima stereo zvucnike ?

i interesuje me koliko su stereo bolji od mono zvcnika i jel postoji jos neka 3 vrsta zvucnika?

puno pozdrava svima na forumu i da vam se sve zelje ispune u 2008

There's a little boy and on his 14th birthday he gets a horse...and everybody in the village says,"how wonderful" and the Zen master says,"we'll see".Two years later The boy falls off the horse,breaks his leg and everyone in the village says,"how terrible" And the Zen master says,"We'll see".Then,a war breaks out and all the young men have to go off and fight...except the boy can't cause his legs all messed up and everybody in the village says,"How wonderful" and the Zen master says,"We'll see".

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nisi cenu napomenuo , ali karakteristikama odgovara se w810i


-"Don't think, feel! It is like a finger pointing away to the moon. Don't concentrate on the finger or you will miss all that heavenly glory."

-"Love is like a friendship caught on fire. In the beginning a flame, very pretty, often hot and fierce, but still only light and flickering. As love grows older, our hearts mature and our love becomes as coals, deep-burning and unquenchable."

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jel to ono 5 telefona u mrezhi i jedan kulira ?

ne brate, nego telefon sa specijalnim kablom i onda ga okacis na plafon i jako gurnes i onda on krene da se vrti oko tebe jer je zakacen tim kablom, a u odredjenim trenutcima vrtenja ispusta zvuke kao da je prednji levi, prednji desni, zadnji levi, zadnji desni, centralni ili subwoofer. Ali posto se vrti jako brzo, onda ti zapravo dobijes utisak da on zauzima svih tih sest pozicija u sobi i tako stvara surround zvuk.

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ne brate, nego telefon sa specijalnim kablom i onda ga okacis na plafon i jako gurnes i onda on krene da se vrti oko tebe jer je zakacen tim kablom, a u odredjenim trenutcima vrtenja ispusta zvuke kao da je prednji levi, prednji desni, zadnji levi, zadnji desni, centralni ili subwoofer. Ali posto se vrti jako brzo, onda ti zapravo dobijes utisak da on zauzima svih tih sest pozicija u sobi i tako stvara surround zvuk.

shit no more lucky


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