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tachno, grom koristi BM skin ali nema mach nego sekiru, i realno je warr, i to sto ovi imaju windwalk i agi based su ne znachi da nisu warrovi....tj da su najblizhi warrovima...i nemo da se neko vata za to kako su BMovi goli./imau slab armor, vidi warra u TBC introu, ashkandi i go do pojasa ;oP.....isto tako, illidan je demon hunter, i blizz drobi o tome da ce hunte, kad jednog dana uspostavimo kontakt sa vanzemaljcima, moci da postanu demon hunte, a ne da ce rogovi to moci (iako realno wow rogovi vishe liche na ilidana a hunte su blizhi rexaru koji je beastmaster (mada je evidentno da ima i dosta poena u survival buildu chim ide za 2 sekire mili ;oP))

i tako...veselje... =o)

ah da, samo da bi nervirao bokija za sluchaj da otvori ova topik:

kad jednog dana otvore hero klase samo ce blood elf paladini moci da postanu deathknightovi, mkay =oP

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imba sajt na kome pise sve o bcu sto se moglo izvuci iz bete

rofl nab kad si izvalio?:D

ne krivim te, ionako je putanja rur>wow>rur>wow>spavanje>rur>wow..... [:D]

Ok, blademaster se ne može jasno definisati klasama iz wow-a, ali...

agility based, invisibility, hi damage attack iz stealtha - war osobine?

Blade znači oštrica, što mene lično više podseća na roga. War mi je više generalni weapon master.

ima onaj jebeni whirlwind, to je warrovska osobina, ali sve u svemu blademaster je rogue>warr

tachno, grom koristi BM skin ali nema mach nego sekiru, i realno je warr, i to sto ovi imaju windwalk i agi based su ne znachi da nisu warrovi....tj da su najblizhi warrovima...i nemo da se neko vata za to kako su BMovi goli./imau slab armor, vidi warra u TBC introu, ashkandi i go do pojasa ;oP.....isto tako, illidan je demon hunter, i blizz drobi o tome da ce hunte, kad jednog dana uspostavimo kontakt sa vanzemaljcima, moci da postanu demon hunte, a ne da ce rogovi to moci (iako realno wow rogovi vishe liche na ilidana a hunte su blizhi rexaru koji je beastmaster (mada je evidentno da ima i dosta poena u survival buildu chim ide za 2 sekire mili ;oP))

i tako...veselje... =o)

ah da, samo da bi nervirao bokija za sluchaj da otvori ova topik:

kad jednog dana otvore hero klase samo ce blood elf paladini moci da postanu deathknightovi, mkay =oP

Grom'ogh, Edge of Hellscream

@ ayreon or stormscion w/e

shamani lesser class? own u anytime 1 on 1, with equivalent gear.

shaman>pala, to sto vas blizzard bafuje ko lude ne poricem (rollujem be palu u tbcu:), ali nista ne mozete protiv klase zvane Shaman, The Master of Elements [:D] (flametongue>plate, purge>blessing of protection)

btw ja sam ateista, tako da ti ne pomazu te divine fore (bubble i ostalo) [8D]

Edited by 47@mission
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da vidish, kad pochne tbc imace prozor od 3-4 dana kada ga realno netje gankovati lvl 60ice jer ce da leveluju u outlandu, a onda ce da ga stignu drenai shamani i blelf pale koje poweruju guildmateovi (za vreme bete ja dok sam se zezao i doshao od 60ogdo 63egm, zbachi oko 3 nedele chill igranja neki ludak je (ochigledno ne bash chillovanjem =o)) digao bl elf palu na 70ti! i to mahom kvesting uz minimalnu pomoc guildija za neke elite akcije...no da je brutalno - jeste =o)))

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kili druzhe dizali su chalnovi HC gildi koi su kompletno dobili beta invite i koji su jedini izokretali sve iotvorene instance i sve bosove...i naravno da im e u 25 man timu trebao pala/shaman jer su encounteri dizajnirani za 9 klasa...

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taman mogu na kolektivno posmatranje [:)]

naravno nemam nista protiv toga kad izadje bc

ali da neko baca toliko truda i vremena na nesto sto nece postojati za par dana je potpuno nenormalno :)

/agree, ali...Jedno veliko ALI...Ochistish sve u WoW-u shto se ochistiti mozhe, finansijsko stanje ti je okej, u dobrom si guildu (chisto primer Curse, Nihilum ...), shta da radish od pochetka decembra do 16 januara ? Mislim ono... Mozes ti da idesh svaki dan na www.worldofraids.com i da gledash ko je shta ubio i kakvi su enchantovi, da gledash 100 filmica ali to opet nije to, jer nisi igrao.Ronaldihno nije postao ono shto jeste zato shto je gledao fudbal na tv-u, nego zato shto je igrao.

P.S. Mozda je glup primer, ali trenutno ne mogu da se setim nicheg pametnijeg [:D][:D]

latencyqv9.png Just great...
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brate oni su iskoristili betu kao trening poligon da kad pochne tbc izlveluju sto brzhe i ochiste sve instance koje zhele BEZ da chekaju da se pojave na netu uputstva kako ubiti kog bosa i addoni za razne encountere...po chemu je to nekome bacanje remena ne znam =o)

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brate oni su iskoristili betu kao trening poligon da kad pochne tbc izlveluju sto brzhe i ochiste sve instance koje zhele BEZ da chekaju da se pojave na netu uputstva kako ubiti kog bosa i addoni za razne encountere...po chemu je to nekome bacanje remena ne znam =o)

kole je stvarno pametan [:p]

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Sta je sa ovim serverima koji kurac opet ?? :OOOOOO Oo

-Ukoliko neka devojka sedi negde sama NIKADA joj nemojte prici, sesti pored nje i izvaditi digitron i pitati je jel zna da racuna, ona kaze da zna, i reci "racunaj da cu te jebati" (osoba cija je ovo fora ima 30 godina i NIKADA nije imao devojku koja ima sve zube)


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novi patch kknp


-Several classes have gotten updated changes to match current beta patches.

-The Map icon has a new, more browner, icon. No longer a Globe.

-Everlook Guards now level 67. (Possible for all steamwheel guards)

-Spirit Healers now appear on minimap while dead

-Player can now right click on thier portants to enable or disable PVP mode (PvE severs)

-New option for LFG tool: Heroic Dungeons

-All abilities have had their base mana cost reduced.

-Priest and Druid tier 2 bonus changed to "Restores 20 mana per 5 second" from "allows 15% of your mana to continue while casting"

-Epic Mount training cost reduced to 540g with honored discount.

-Noggenfogger is now on a 2 minute cooldown.

-New vendors selling level 70 pvp rewards added in Stormwind and Orgrimmar.

-Tauren Can now ride Black War Raptors, but not other Raptors

-You can now change Blacksmithing and Engineering Specializations through a gold cost.

-Snipers added to Gadgetzan rooftops. (Unknown if they are in other towns atm)

-Wyverns, bats, griffons, and hippogryps now make noices while in flight.

-New title "Scarab Lord" available to first opener of the AQ gates.

-Elite rare spawns now have a Silver Dragon around their portrait to show their correct status.

-Improved character stat (spirit now displays how much health and mana is recovered per tick)

-All Blackwing Liar Trinkets that used or Modified %s Have been reduced to flat numbers (Check thottbot/beta for the certian numbers.)


-Eye of the Storm battle master added.

Only one bracket, 61-70

No faction affiliated with this battle ground at the moment.


-Shadowstep as 41 Talent Point

-Imp Sap switched out with Elusiveness

-Imp backstab and imp SnD have switched places.

-Imp Sap is now a 2 point talent - 50%/100%

-Surprise attack is now 10% and finishing move can no longer be dodged

-Weapon expertise changed to +10 weapon skill.

-Combo points preserved on previous target if target is changed during combat.

-Evasion (Rank 2) now trainable.

-Stleath Animation Fixed.


-Bear gives 450% armor bonus and 25% HP

-Barkskin now usable while stunned and no longer contains a casting penalty, cooldown increased to 2 minutes.

-Several talents have had their costs reduced in the balance tree (Such as imp moonfire)

-Tranquilty changed.

Cooldown Increased back to 10 minutes (as such pre-1.8)

Now untalented heals for 1092 every second at max rank.

-Pounce no longer requires facing

-Mangle (cat) now includes a +30% dmg to shred.

-Natures Grasp USABLE in forms (To clear up confusion)

-Can now talk to NPCs while in forms.

-Tree of Life Aura Now only applies 25% of spirit as extra healing on party members.

-Mana cost of regrowth reduced to 720 mana at max rank. (Untalented)


- Totemic Call added

- Rockbiter now increases specifically DPS

- Rockbitter and earthshock no longer cause additional threat.


-Rampage at 20 rage Cost

-Slam no longer interrupted by damage.


-Cost of Silencing shot also reduced (from 123 to 92).

-Pet Speed Normalized. All Pets have a 2.0 attack Speed.

-Several Pet Abilities' Icon have changed.

-Mana cost of Mutli-Shot Reduced (To Pre-2.0.1 costs)

-No Casting Animation on Hunters mark.

-Pet Revival now has a "whoooise light from above" animation at its end.


-Soullink now has 20% of dmg split with pet, damage incrased to 5%

-Shadowfury is now on a 20 second cooldown.

-Infernals are no longer enslaved when first summoned (Possible bug, Tooltip does not reflect the


-arena Preparation Buff in The arenas Now Remove soul shard costs of spells and abilities.


-Improved Righteous Fury: talent changed to also reduce all damage taken by 2/4/6% while Righteous Fury is active.

-Improved Divine Shield: talent renamed to Sacred Duty, talent now also increases the Paladin's stamina by 3/6%.

-Spell Warding: talent changed to now reduce all spell damage taken by the Paladin by 2/4%.

-Crusader Strike: cooldown increased to 10 seconds.

-Vengeance: damage bonus reduced to 10%.

Bug Fixes

-Enchants are now green again.

-Felguard no longer makes the succubus noise when summoned.

-Duel core processing bug fixed

-Map errors mentioned in 2.0.1 Patch notes Fixed.

-Zandalarian Hero Charm now properly uses its charges.


-Netherwind Mantle now has the correct (Pre 2.0) graphic. (Swirly Balls)

-Idol of Ferocity and idol of Brutality changed. Now added damage to Maul and Swipe and Claw and Rip.


-Players can now change Blacksmithing Specialization In IrofnFore/Org. for a Fee of 50g

-Player can learn past 300 of secondary professions from books. (Purchasable in Outlands,

So Non-expansion owner can use them, but expansion owners need to buy them and put them on AH"

-Players require the expansion pack in order to get main professions past level 300.

New Armorsmithing Recipes: (learnable at Armorsmith Trainer)

1. Earthforged Leggings

2. Windforged Leggings


smorili su sto su nerfovali pet attack speed


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bas mi je zao ljudi koji nisi imali epica do sad i kupili ga skoro, pre ovog patcha [:D]

btw ove nedelje ima free migracija i otvaraju se 2 nova servera za migriranje

na koje ce moci transfer

Burning Legion to Boulderfist

Burning Legion to Haomarush

Crushridge to Burning Blade

Crushridge to Jaedenar

Drak'thul to Twisting Nether

Drak'thul to Xavius

Frostmane to Dentarg

Frostmane to Mazrigos

Grim Batol to Agamaggan

Grim Batol to Dragonmaw

Warsong to Daggerspine

Warsong to Vek'nilash

Kilrogg to Anachronos (brand new realm)

Runetotem to Anachronos (brand new realm)

Silvermoon to Bronze Dragonflight (brand new realm)

Stormrage to Bronze Dragonflight (brand new realm)

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