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"How can you stop what's coming... when you don't know anything about power?

Congratulation, you're Sylar, the artist formerly known as Gabriel Gray! You are a seriously nerdy person with an enormous desire to be different, and to be recognized for it. As long as you don't go eating brains, this doesn't have to be a bad thing at all. You're ambitious, intelligent, tenacious, and unique. Your best quality: Panache Your worst quality: An obsessive desire for recognition and power."



P.S> nickwoode, zasto se ne "log_out"-ujes kad si na forumu sa mog kompa? DovlaGSI



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tek sam poceo da gledam ovu seriju, posto mi se "ucinilo" da 37 strana postova na ovom topicu nesto znace :P

btw, sto se tice onog testa:

Your Score: Ando Masahashi

You scored 29 Idealism, 37 Nonconformity, 58 Nerdiness


My test tracked 3 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender: You scored higher than 68% on Nerdiness

tesim se da onih 32% accounti NISU made by Kole, inace cu stvarno da se izbedacim ;)

Edited by brue
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Congratulations, you're D.L. Hawkins! You've got a bit of a past to overcome, but you are a strong person and you care very deeply about the people you love. You are good at getting out of tight situations, however, you're not quite as good at simple, practical things like making lunches. Your best quality: Getting yourself out of difficult situations Your worst quality: No culinary skills whatsoever, refusal to don tights

Sve sve, al' da ne znam da napravim ruchak i kuvam, bash su ga omanuli :)

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ok je epizoda, ali sada se sve svodi na krajnje scene kao sto je vec neko rekao ..

ja ne znam sta se samnom desava, sve mi je pomesano sada, verovatno, tacnije siguran sam, zato sto sam sve pogledao u dva dana..

btw, jos dve epizode i onda pauza do sledece godine! omg pa to je mesec dana :]

OK mi je epizoda, opet ima pomalo rupa, ali je dobra kompletnim tokom pa se te rupice i ne primete toliko. Zabavan je rasplet na kraju, ono sa Westovim tjaletom, slowmo efekat i par sitkom trenutaka kao kad west donosi el i ono sa automobilom kojeg ovaj vozi ;)

?? na sta mislis?? gde se pominje vestov tjal?

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