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Mene nervira onaj Mihail - chovek je fucking immortal!

Shto se tiche kraja, provalio sam odmah da neshto nije u redu sa Dzekom poshto nigde do tada u seriji nije bilo nishta o tom momentu u njegovom zivotu kada je bio tako low... S druge strane nisam uspeo da skapiram ko je umro - mrzi me da gledam po frejmovima shta je napisano u onom novinskom chlanku.

I jeste li primetili big mistake u snimanju plaze na pochetku - prvo idu na levo gde im je ostrvo sa leve strane a more sa desne, a u sledecoj screni gde pokazuju kolonu ona ide tako da je ostrvo sa desne strane a more sa leve (tj. u suprotnom smeru [:D])

А в чем сила, брат?

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Mene nervira onaj Mihail - chovek je fucking immortal!

Tako nekakao znaci, ubili ga do sada jedno 3 puta i nista ... nije mi samo jasno kako je uspeo sa harpunom u grudima tj. u plucima da zadrzi vazduh i ispliva vam looking glassa sa bombom ... smor deo, plus sto na sve to je Carli mogao ALI opusteno da izadje i zatvori vrata sa druge strane ... jer postoji i "volancic" sa druge strane... pa i ako ne bi mogoa dugo da zadrzi vodu, mogli su da isplivaju za to vreme napolje ... jes da nisam nesto gotivio Carlija, ali je zasluzio da umre bolje, ovo je bas ko za malu decu :)

sex, drugs and bio food!

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Carli se, da kazem, ubio jer je to tako rekao Desmond da ce da se desi i ako promene nesto u svemu tome mozda nece da se spase... Carli se zrtvovao..

Sto se tice papira, tesko ga je desifrovati ali evo neceg sto sam nasao na netu..

Los Angeles

Man Found dead in

Downtown Loft

The body of J.........antham of

New York was?...? shortly after 4

a.m. in the ?...? of Grand


Ted S(p?)... a doorman at The

Tower ?...? heard loud

noises coming from [last name from above]'s loft.

Concerned for the ...'s safety, he

entered the ......(discov?)ered the

body hanging from a beam in the



....ce ape.....


edit: evo jos jedne verzije

The body of John Lantham of New York was found shortly after 4 am in the 4300 block of Grand Avenue. Ted Worden, a doorman at the Tower Lofts complex, heard loud noises coming from the victim's loft. Concerned for tenants' safety, he entered the loft and found the body hanging from a beam in the living room. According to Jaime Ortiz, a police spokesman, the incident was deemed a suicide after medical tests. Latham (sic) is survived by one teenaged son. Memorial services will be held at the Hoffs-Drawlar Funeral Home tomorrow evening."

The obituary text was just dictated to me by a friend who worked on the L.A. portion of the reshoots, where TPTB filmed the E.R. and Oceanic Airliner scenes. I believe it to be 100% accurate, and I stand by my source.

Edited by Swiper
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bas je kul ovaj novi spojler tag


auf extra finish, meni je Carli kao lik svideo tek kad je Desmond skapirao u kakvoj je frci, konachno je prekinuo da peva i komponuje pesmice :D

sjajne epizode, ko ce sada da ceka februar :(

e da da je kole u pravu i da je u pitanju neka alternativna realnost mozda pokazuje kada dzek kaze onom doktoru da zove njegovog oca koji ce biti pijaniji od njega, il nesto tako, cime se sugerise da mu otac mozda nije mrtav ?


uf ono sav uzbudjen posle gledanja obe epizode odjednom morao sam da shnjuram po netu da vidim sve te teorije i ona do sada najbolja na koju sam naushao je sledeca:

"Can I have a writers job for Lost? You can reach me via my email.

Okay....I am only going to explain it once, because this show makes my head hurt from thinking. All the characters stories are on a loop. They have been running/living the same loop for who knows how long and how many times. Maybe hundreds. Don't ask me why, I was never good at science. The whole point to their madness is to figure out they are on a loop so that everyone doesn't make the same mistakes. Hence Jack's crappy future life for example. Locke is figuring this out, Ben knows this. That is why they do things that seem bad but really aren't. Like Locke killing Naomi. Locke tried to stop Jack from getting them rescued because they are not supposed to, or at least not rescued yet or at that certain way or time. That's why he said "you are not supposed to do this", he was trying to warn them. That's why flash forward Jack wants to go back, he knows they made another mistake, which is why he tells Kate "he is tired of lying!" Desmond's flashes are memories from all the times they have gone through the loop and all the mistakes they have made, except now he is remembering them ever since he turned the key and blew up the hatch and now he is trying to prevent these flashes. Every flash he has had of Charlie's death have been past loops that have gone wrong. Next season they will most likely go back to this moment again and he will prevent Charlie from drowning aswell, like one of those choose your own adventure books....plus if you haven't figured it out yet, it was Charlie that programed the code in the looking glass in first place since it was programed by a musician, Locke programmed the Flame Station do be blown up by his knowledge of chess, Hurley programmed the hatch with his numbers...all this happened on a past loop. They are all leaving clues for themselves for the next time around. A loop we have not seen yet, but am sure will see in the future. Which means Charlie will be back next season when they repeat the loop again. Charlie is dead, but only on this loop. Walt is communicating between loops trying to warn themselves, that's why sometimes his information comes out backwards and distorted. In the end each character will have to go through the loop until they realize what they are meant to know, who knows maybe they will eventually never get on the plane in the first place, and none of the castaways will ever meet each other in their lives even though their paths have crossed over so many times before. Which is what causes that moment between two people who have never met but feel like they are connected in a way they can never explain. Thank you and good night."





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  • 3 weeks later...

evo cisto nesto malo ;)

-Damon Lindelof tells me, "Desmond will have to deal with the aftereffects and the guilt of [Charlie's death]. He will question whether or not Charlie would have made this sacrifice, had he not told him that was what he was going to do? He will question the role he played in Charlie's death." So, it sounds like big sexy Dezzie is haunted by Charlie's passing, as many of us fans are!

-"The four-toed statue is something we will get to next season," Cuse revealed. "Sometimes we're surprised by the things people get fixated on. We tried to answer a fair number of questions this year, but that's one we just didn't get to." Benry's barely visible boss man will also be back, he confirms. "There will definitely be a lot more of Jacob in Season 4."

- Next season of Lost will feature BOTH flashbacks and flash-forwards.

- There's a great deal left to be told about the relationship between Sawyer and Kate.

c/p sa http://www.spoilerfix.com/

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  • 5 months later...

Ae da ozivim topic iz mrtvih,

znaci odgledao sam 3-cu sezonu sad,i ne da sam odusevljen serijom nego znaci neam reci da opisem,ako nista bar nas tera na razmisljanje a ne kao kod obicnih humoristicnih/krimi/drama americkih serija koja nemaju drugu svrhu nego da nam oduzimaju dragoceno vreme,nego dosta sam srao :)

Ako ima jos neko da je tek u skorije vrijeme kao i ja odgledao sve 3 sezone nek napise ovde,pa da se otvori nova rasprava o tome sta nas ceka u februaru,ako je jos neko nasao nekih zanimljivih objasnjenja kao sto su ova dva gore,ako je neko otkrio sta pise na onom Jack-ovom papiricu da napise i tako....

A ovo sto je lik provalio da stalno prolaze kroz zivotne krugove i ispravljaju greske svaka im cast,kosto je skontao da su oni zapravo programirali one stanice.


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  • 4 weeks later...

Pojavio se novi trailer za 4. sezonu koja krece 31. januara


'Lo, there do I see my father. 'Lo, there do I see...

My mother, and my sisters, and my brothers.

'Lo, there do I see... The line of my people...

Back to the beginning. 'Lo, they do call to me.

They bid me take my place among them.

In the halls of Valhalla...

Where the brave... May live...


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Izgleda da ce njih 6 da napusti ostrvo.. U traileru se na blic pojavljuje broj 6 u 1:07

'Lo, there do I see my father. 'Lo, there do I see...

My mother, and my sisters, and my brothers.

'Lo, there do I see... The line of my people...

Back to the beginning. 'Lo, they do call to me.

They bid me take my place among them.

In the halls of Valhalla...

Where the brave... May live...


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Uhhhhhhhh, ne mogu da dočekam :) Ludnica od serije :)

Gledao sam i ostale 'popularne' ali nijedna ne može da se meri sa ovom po uzbudljivosti i mističnosti.. Ta mističnost me oduševljava :) jel gledao neko seriju koja bar malo podseća na Lost?:) Mislim po mističnosti i neizvesnoti..

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