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QCON 2006 wallpaper contest osvojio Zrenjaninac

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Haha znaci neverujem overite

We're very happy to bring you news today that our official wallpaper contest is over, and we have a great winner for this year's party. The winner of the QuakeCon 2006 contest is Dragan Vasicin! Take a look at his work:qcon_2k6_wallpaper.png

Dragan will be able to collect his prize on-site, as well as getting his hard work splashed across all the tourney and official systems at the event. Go check out our logos page to get your own copy of the wallpaper at various resolutions.

Thanks go out to all of the hard work that went into the submissions to this year's contest. To view all the entries, go here to check out the gallery.


Edited by ZeRoQL
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da budem iskren kakva jeb-- ideja!?!?

nalepio je gotov Qcon logo na moshn blurovan q1/q4 znak i to je ideja!?!? omg!?!?

tamo na listi nema ni jedna ideja........

btw ako upotrebite malo mozdane mase on je jedini lik koji je dao 25 wolpejpera za predlog od ukupno 35

mizantrop iz Singidunuma


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