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drugi svetski rat šbbkbb


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btw, upravo na tv1000 ima film o kradji nemacke podmornice i enigme na njoj...

ahaha, najjaca scena, kad ovi na nemackoj u-boat zaranjaju preko 200 metara da izbegnu depth charges... svi cute i cekaju kad ce podmornica da se raspadne i lik kaze nesto u fazonu "ove shvabe stvarno znaju da naprave podmornicu" :)

edit, to je u-571 film, sad videh, ima dosta gresaka u filmu, ona potera sa destroyerom je smesna, al dobro:)


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realno to smao britanci mogu da odagaje u svojoj vojsci

prava doza ekscentrzima ali i ludacak hrabrost pa te niko ne moze zvati zabusantom vec heroj sa oderedjenim tripovima ali heroj

hahahaha car je lik

gajbe i mac


Porno Ikona 90-tih:)

dve najmocnije grupacije na svetu: Deijevi rodjaci, Mohijevi Ortaci

(Ivan_ @ May 27 2009, 10:33)

da se kojim čudom nađem na čelu plejboja, promenio bih fazon totalno.

jebao bih vrlo mnogo, drogirao se jos vise i vodio kojota kao maskotu na zlatnom lancu okolo, a on bi vikao HARRRRSACU DAT E JBEEM NAMATSIO SAM KARU KOAKINOM

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Evo par zanimljivih nemachkih koncepata


Wind Cannon

Barrel Length : 12m

Barrel Diameter : 700mm

Nozzle Size : 13mm

Range : 200m

The “Wind Cannon” used a detonation of hydrogen and oxygen to form a highly compressed plug of air that was channeled through a long tube that was bent at an angle and fired like a shell towards enemy aircraft. Impossible as this may seem the Wind Cannon did particularly well on the ground - breaking one inch thick wooden boards from a range of 200 yards! This promising development, however, meant nothing against the Allied bombers that were flying at 20,000 ft! Nevertheless, taken from the Hillersleben Proving Grounds the Wind Cannon was used in defense of a bridge over the Elbe River in 1945. Either there were no aircraft present or the cannon had no effect because it was still intact where it was found.


*na slici nije Feuersturm, vec slichan koncept

Major Lusar investigated the coal dust produced vortex as a means of exotic propulsion and considered if it might be applied to one of the Flugscheiben (Flight Discs).

A virtually unknown engineer working on the Flugkreisel Projekt named Gerhard Faulker came up with an idea that could have revolutionized aerial warfare in 1945. He proposed that a giant 100 meter diameter disc be constructed that would not only use Zippermeyer’s coal dust vortex as the main power plant but also to produce a giant fire cloud through the bomber streams by ejecting coal dust explosive propellant through vents in the spinning external ring and then igniting the mixture with ring-tip burners.

Ing. Faulker named his design the Feuersturm (Firestorm). It was proposed in late 1944 but abandoned by the spring of 1945 during the collapse and thus could not be constructed. The design was also nicknamed the “Zyclope” (Cyclops) due to the heavily shielded gyroscopic ball cockpit “eye” that would rotate as the craft literally flew in a widening arc to create the long burning cloud trail that would engulf the enemy bombers.

The Feuersturm is also unique due to its landing gear. The disc would have stood on a central coil stand made up of a series of hydraulically-retractable concentric metal rings with various diameters up to 50 meters. When extended, these formed the huge Turbulenzrohr (vortex pipe) with a huge blast plate/exhaust orifice at the bottom. When the craft went into attack, the entire collapsible hydraulic ring system retracted up into the belly of the disc with the blast plate protecting the bottom of the disc as the vortex effect generated inside the disc now drove the spinning external fire ring. For defense in the VTOL role the Feuersturm would carry four internal launch tubes that would vertically fire coal dust explosive shells. They were to be pre-loaded before launch.

The Feuersturm would have been a point-defense interceptor disc designed to quickly climb vertically to the altitude of the approaching bomber stream and then arc sideways creating an immense burning fire cloud into the path of the bombers.

One disadvantage to this proposal was the desired result. If the Feuersturm worked and all 1,000 bombers plus 500 escorts plunged to the ground on fire the devastating effect on the locals could have been actually worse than the bombing run!

btw josh jedan concept art duletovog super tenka



sa druge strane, imamo americhke protoss carriere i ruski megatenk


XF-85 Goblin

he McDonnell XF-85 Goblin was designed to meet a USAAF requirement for a single-seat "parasite" escort fighter that could be carried by a large bomber. Development of two prototypes was ordered in March 1947. The resulting design was entirely the product of design constraints, which required it to fit into the bomb bay of a B-36 (although it was first tested under a B-29). The B-36 was the intended mother ship that would carry as many as three Goblins.

Termination of the XF-85 program in mid-1949 was the result of a number of factors:

1. Docking with the bomber "host" proved much more difficult than thought; even experienced test pilots had trouble. (On the other hand, Chuck Yeager stated that the XF-85 test pilot was particularly incapable of formation flying.[3])

2. The XF-85 was no match for the conventional enemy fighters it would have to engage to defend the bombers - it was slower and much more lightly armed.

3. The increasing range of jet escort fighters (along with the advent of in-flight refuelling) allowed them to accompany bombers on their full missions.

4. Tight budgets meant that less important programs such as the XF-85 were canceled.

Later, a B-36 was used as a mother ship for similar tests, carrying a conventional Republic F-84 Thunderstreak fighter. These tests, known as FICON (Fighter Conveyor) experiments, were also found to be of little long term practical use and the whole concept was dropped.



Crew: 15 men and one Commissar Length: 51 feet, 4 inches

Height: 15 feet, 3 inches Width: 10 feet, 10 inches

Height/tower raised: 37 feet, 8 inches Weight: 138 tons

Engine: 3 X V-2 at 600 horsepower each Max Speed: 13 mph

Max Range: 98 miles road; 43 miles cross country

Armor: 160mm maximum; 7mm minimum

Armament: 2 X 152mm; 2 X 76.2mm; 1 X 45mm; 2 X 12.7mm DShK; 2 X 7.62mm Maxim; 14 X 7.62mm DT; 16 X BM-13 Rockets; 2 X Model 1933 Flamethrowers

In July 1941, Stalin learned of a single KV-II that had held off the entire 6th Panzer Division for more than a day. With the incredible success of this single tank, Stalin ordered a crash program for a land battleship based on the KV-II design.

It was to have three turrets and be very heavily armed and armored and able to defend itself against all types of attack.

The project was given to the joint team of Kotin/Barkov. When the designers complained to Stalin that the insistence on three turrets made the vehicle too long to have an acceptable turning radius, Stalin's answer was: "It doesn't need to turn, it will drive straight to Berlin."

The final design became known as the KV-VI "Behemoth". The KV-VI was a multi-turreted tank using components of the KV-I and II, Bt-5, T-60, and T-38. The use of existing tank designs was necessary because of pressure from Stalin and the strains put on Soviet industry by the German invasion. Because of its massive weight, the tank was equipped with wading devices permitting it to traverse rivers up to 9 feet deep

The team also designed a removable observation tower that could be used to direct the fire of the howitzers and rockets while the tank was in a turret down position.

Operational History

The first prototype was completed in December 1941 and was rushed into the defense of Moscow. In its first action during a dense winter fog, the rear turret accidentally fired into the center turret. The resulting explosion completely destroyed the vehicle.

The second prototype was completed in January 1942, and was sent to the Leningrad front. This one had indicators installed to show whe another turret was in the line of fire. In its initial attack on the Germans, the tank broke in half when crossing a ravine. A spark ignited the leaking flamethrower fuel and the resulting explosion completely destroyed the vehicle.

The third prototype, shown here, had a reinforced hull and was also sent to the Leningrad front in early 1942. It did manage to shoot down three German aircraft. In its first ground engagement, the KV-VI was firing on German positions when coincidentally all of the guns fired from the 3 O'Clock position a the same time. The tremendous recoil tipped the tank into a ditch and the severe jostling set off the 152mm ammunition, which completely destroyed the vehicle.

After these failures, Stalin cancelled the project, and many of the design team members spent the rest of their lives in the Gulags of Sibera. The KV-VI was nicknamed "Stalin's Orchestra" by the few Germans that encountered it because of the variety of weapons it deployed.

P.S. Ovo je fejk, ali me je dobro nasmejalo :)

A ne zaboravimo ni HMS Habbakuk


n 1942, the Allied forces were losing a considerable amount of merchant shipping in the Atlantic Ocean, due to German submarine forces and the lack of adequate air cover in the mid-Atlantic. The range of operating aircraft was not sufficient to cover this area and aircraft carriers were in short supply to allow for shorter range flying. Plans for an Allied invasion of Europe were also underway and it was felt that large floating platforms were needed to assist the assault forces. The Second World War was also a time when many scientists were encouraged to develop weapon technology and other military equipment to assist the war effort. Many projects that were developed were successful, such as the bouncing bomb by Barnes Wallis, midget submarines, mulberry harbours and the Pipe Line Under The Ocean (PLUTO) project. Others were not so successful and some were even incredible.

Lord Louis Mountbatten was Chief of Combined Operations and part of the work of this department was to develop technology and equipment for offensive operations. He encouraged scientists to produce their ideas, however fantastical they might seem. Many ideas did not get past the drawing stage, but others were taken up and experimented with before being abandoned. One such idea was that of an iceberg aircraft carrier, and this project was enthusiastically endorsed by both Mountbatten and Churchill.

Habbakuk was the idea of a scientist called Geoffrey Pyke. His idea was that because ice was unsinkable, the berg ships would be insulated and impervious to bomb and torpedo attacks. They would be easy to repair as water only had to be poured into holes and frozen, thus making the ship whole. The ships would be cheap to make so that a vast number could be made. The ships could be up to 4000 feet long, 600 feet wide and 130 feet in depth. They could be used to carry aircraft to protect shipping in the mid-Atlantic, since the aircraft would be able to operate at shorter ranges and could be used for an invasion force base. He christened the idea (misspelling the name in the process) after the words from Habakkuk, the Old Testament prophet: “Behold ye among the heathen, and regard and wonder marvellously: for I will work a work in your days, which ye will not believe, though it be told to you.” Hab. 1:5

The idea was taken up by Mountbatten and in December 1942, Churchill was convinced that the idea was worth pursuing. One problem had to be overcome. Ice split too easily and Pyke suggested the addition of some kind of building material could solve the problem. In 1943, two American scientists made a compound out of paper pulp and sea water which was almost as strong as concrete. This substance was named “Pykecrete”, after Pyke. Plans were drawn up for a vessel with the dimensions of 2000 feet long with a displacement of 1,800,000 dead weight tons. For the best possible results, the ship would need to be built in Canada or Russia, where the ship could be naturally frozen. The budget for continuing with the experimental ship was limited to £5000.

The Americans were not convinced about the project. They felt that due to technical problems, the ice ships would not be ready until 1945, and by this time, the conventional carrier fleet would be large enough to make the need for ice aircraft carriers obsolete. Churchill also gave up on the project when he realised that the carriers would cost over £6m.

The model in Patricia Lake was “scuttled” in 1943 by removing all the machinery that had been used and leaving it to sink in place. In the 1970’s remains of the model were found and studied and in 1989, a plaque to commemorate the unusual ship was placed on the lake’s shore.

Edited by cali
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Jeeeste sledece je nosac aviona od stiropola =)))

Churchill je lik, kao neki avanturisticki roman da citas. Mogu da zamislim sebe u nekom pickovcu na strazi, mrznem,

gledam samo gde da se ustekam od hladnoce i pojavljuje se iz mraka lik sa KLEJMOROM?!?! Wtf man =))))

Andjeo smrti spusti buktinju i s' njom ugasi se jadno bice moje.

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odlican post kali, ovaj nosac aviona i oni interceptori su jebeni roflcopter:)

btw, jos jedno od cudnih nemackih oruzja iz ww2 je bio V-3 cannon...top je imao ogromnu cev duzine oko 130m koja je sa strane celom svojom duzinom imala eksplozivna punjenja...ona su se detonirala kako granata prolazi i ubrzavala je do preko 1500m/s...imao je domet od skoro 200km i koristio granate kalibra 155mm...ali koriscen je vrlo malo pocetkom 1945 i nije bio bas efikasan...


i jos jedan zanimljiv projekat, pominjali smo ga ranije cini mi se...u pitanju je bombarder sa najvecim dometom u ww2, avion koji je mogao da leti od berlina do njujorka i nazad bez dopune goriva...radi se naravno o Messerschmitt Me-264 nemackom strateskom interkontinentalnom bombarderu, prvom te vrste u svetu...nazalost napravljeno je samo par prototipova koji su unisteni u saveznickim bombardovanjima...obavio je samo jedan probni let...postojali su planovi i za me-264 sa sest motora...nemam sad vremena stvarno da se raspisujem, evo samo specifikacija i slika...

General characteristics

* Crew: 8

* Length: 69 ft 9 in (21.3 m)

* Wingspan: 141 ft (43 m)

* Height: 14 ft (4.3 m)

* Wing area: 1,376 ft² (127.8 m²)

* Empty weight: 46,630 lb (21,150 kg)

* Loaded weight: 100,400 lb (45,540 kg)

* Max takeoff weight: 123,000 lb (56,000 kg)

* Powerplant: 4× BMW 801 G/H radial engines, 1,730 hp (1,272 kW) each


* Maximum speed: 350 mph (560 km/h)

* Cruise speed: 217 mph (350 km/h)

* Range: 9,500 mi (15,000 km)

* Service ceiling: 26,000 ft (8,000 m)

* Rate of climb: 390 ft/min (120 m/min)

* Wing loading: 72.9 lb/ft² (356 kg/m²)

* Power/mass: 0.07 hp/lb (0.11 kW/kg)


* 4 × 13 mm (0.51 in) MG 131 machine guns

* 2 × 20 mm (0.79 in) MG 151 cannons

* 6,600 lb (3,000 kg) bombload in internal bay




drugi jos zanimljiviji projekat je nemacko "letece krilo"...u pitanju je Horten Ho 229, lovac bombarder na mlazni pogon...on je jedini avion koji je bio blizu ispunjenja cuvenog geringovog zahteva 3x1000...naime da ima dolet od 1000km, max brzinu od 1000km/h i da moze da ponese 1000kg bombi...napravljeno je nekoliko prototipova i obavljeno nekoliko probnih letova, ali zbog kraja rata projekta nije zavrsen...opet samo specifikacije i par slika...btw, mislim da vam je jasno odakle su ameri pozajmili dizajn svojih buducih aviona, recimo b-2:)

General characteristics

* Crew: 1

* Length: 7.47 m (24 ft 6 in)

* Wingspan: 16.76 m (55 ft 0 in)

* Height: 2.81 m (9 ft 2 in)

* Wing area: 50.20 m² (540.35 ft²)

* Empty weight: 4,600 kg (10,141 lb)

* Loaded weight: 6,912 kg (15,238 lb)

* Max takeoff weight: 8,100 kg (17,857 lb)

* Powerplant: 2× Junkers Jumo 004B turbojet, 8.7 kN (1,956 lbf) each


* Maximum speed: Mach 0.92, 977 km/h (607 mph) at 12,000 m (39,370 ft)

* Combat radius: 1,000 km (620 mi)

* Ferry range: 1,900 km (1,180 mi)

* Service ceiling: 16,000 m (52,000 ft)

* Rate of climb: 22 m/s (4,330 ft/min)

* Wing loading: 137.7 kg/m² (28.2 lb/ft²)

* Thrust/weight: 0.26


* 2 × 30 mm MK 108 cannon

* R4M rockets

* 2 × 500 kg (1,100 lb) bombs




btw, odlicna knjiga o nemackim tajnim projektima u ww2, moram ovo da procitam kad budem imao vremena:)


i posle neko nek kaze da nemacka medicina nije najbolja na svetu:)


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о овом носачу-леденом брегу сам читао раније. идеја је била у поодмаклој фази истраживања и пројектовања, када је напуштена. такви бродови би били јако јефтини за прављење, али је Черчил сматрао да му толика плутајућа острва не требају за дан Д, а Медитеран је већ био под влашћу савезника, Амери су планирали нуку за Јапан, па је овај маестрални подухват напуштен због околности и тактичких захтева, упркос надмоћним перформансама на свим пољима.

што се тиче немачке аеронаутике, били су за класу испред Савезника и 2 класе испред Руса тада, али им је сав капацитет био уништен или десеткован када су дошли до таквих ваздухоплова.


Style over subsistence

Crown of Light. Keeper of The Yoda Chamber. I&I, Righteous Army of One.

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  • 2 weeks later...

па већину тих ствари из те књиге сам прочитао раније из других извора.

не будите на крај срца, другови.



Style over subsistence

Crown of Light. Keeper of The Yoda Chamber. I&I, Righteous Army of One.

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Što se tiče letećih krila, matori Northrop je svoje dizajne razvijao nezavisno od Švaba još od pre rata, tako da i nisu morali da ukradu dizajn. Ako neko pamti stari film Rat Svetova gde bace atomku na marsovce, bacaju je iz aviona koji je postojao, samo prototip, niko se nije oduševio ali je delovao dovoljno futuristrički da se 50tih pojavljivao po SF filmovima.

Taj dizjan je u osnovi jako nestabilan i bez moderne kompjuterske kontrole i fly by wire sistema je isuviše opasan i rizičan.

Sve te omgwtf zajebancije su samo pomogle nemcima da izgube rat. Desetine i desetine projekata i prototipa, još stotine studija koje su ostale samo na papiru (jer više i nisu mogle da postignu sa tehnologijom tog vremena)... samo su traćili vreme i novac.

Da su Švabe batalile sve V projekte, sve mlaznjake (sem možda da su probali da 41 ili 42 naprave nešto što bi više ličilo na Salamandera nego na Lastu) sve tenkove preko 60 tona i samo usavršavali i štancali FW-190 i TA-152 i što se tiče tenaka da su napravili mnoogo jeftiniju i mnogo manje kompleksnu varijantu Pantera... mogli su da se drže mnogo bolje i možda godinu dve duže. (dok Ameri ne naštancuju dovoljno nuki i dovoljno escort fightera da mogu da za jedno popodne spale celu Nemačku). OK dobro, Pancerfaust, Panceršrek i SG-44 svaki od njih par godina ranije u dovoljnoj količini bi čuda činili.

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Što se tiče letećih krila, matori Northrop je svoje dizajne razvijao nezavisno od Švaba još od pre rata, tako da i nisu morali da ukradu dizajn. Ako neko pamti stari film Rat Svetova gde bace atomku na marsovce, bacaju je iz aviona koji je postojao, samo prototip, niko se nije oduševio ali je delovao dovoljno futuristrički da se 50tih pojavljivao po SF filmovima.

Taj dizjan je u osnovi jako nestabilan i bez moderne kompjuterske kontrole i fly by wire sistema je isuviše opasan i rizičan.

Sve te omgwtf zajebancije su samo pomogle nemcima da izgube rat. Desetine i desetine projekata i prototipa, još stotine studija koje su ostale samo na papiru (jer više i nisu mogle da postignu sa tehnologijom tog vremena)... samo su traćili vreme i novac.

Da su Švabe batalile sve V projekte, sve mlaznjake (sem možda da su probali da 41 ili 42 naprave nešto što bi više ličilo na Salamandera nego na Lastu) sve tenkove preko 60 tona i samo usavršavali i štancali FW-190 i TA-152 i što se tiče tenaka da su napravili mnoogo jeftiniju i mnogo manje kompleksnu varijantu Pantera... mogli su da se drže mnogo bolje i možda godinu dve duže. (dok Ameri ne naštancuju dovoljno nuki i dovoljno escort fightera da mogu da za jedno popodne spale celu Nemačku). OK dobro, Pancerfaust, Panceršrek i SG-44 svaki od njih par godina ranije u dovoljnoj količini bi čuda činili.

u pravu si, kasnije videh da je nortrop razvijao letece krilo jos pre rata...stoji naravno da je vecina ovih novih projekata vise odmogla nego pomogla nemcima, al jebiga, onaj ko gubi se hvata i za slamku:)


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e imam jedno pitanje za experte. koliko su verodostojne emisije sa history kanala sa kablovske? na svaku nemci vs rusi ide 5 nemci vs ameri, i svaki put nemci brojno nadmocniji napadaju nekoliko amera koji ih sve pobiju ko u rambu bez ogrebotine. ovo sad pricam pod utiskom zadnje emisije koju sam gledo kad je 40 americkih aviona sjebalo 200 nemackih.

meni je deda uvek pricao da su nemci potrosili najbolje vojnike na rusiju, a da su ostavili decu i starce da cuvaju zapadne granice. vrlo sam sklon da poverujem kako je taj kanal u stvari propagator amerike, al reko aj da proverim sa vama ;)

"A forgotten virtue like honesty is worth at least twenty credits." -JC Denton

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Dule ce ti reci, ali jesu nemci potroshili veci deo vojske na ruse a kuci su ostali deca i starci. Emisije na history-ju su surova propaganda da su saveznici porazili nemce (odnosno uvecanje njihove uloge), shto je besmislica sa obzirom da su Rusi po statistici odgovorni za unishtenje preko 50 % nemackih trupa u drugom svetskom ratu (mozda greshim dule ce me ispraviti).

Cist primer propagande koja je prisutna na History-ju je emisija o prvom svetskom ratu gde se Srbija pominje samo u kontekstu Gavrila Principa i atentata totalno zanemarujuci Solunski front o kome bukvalno nema ni jedne jedine reci (a koji je prakicno reshio rat, ili njegov veliki deo), dok se pominje front u Danskoj u kojoj je ukupno poginulo 100 ljudi.

Edited by Sting

We must all fear evil men. But there is another kind of evil which we must fear most and that is the indifference of good men !

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ima poneka dobra emisija na historiju, al uglavnom su vecina propaganda i jebene lazi...mislim jebote, rusa poginulo 20 miliona u ratu, a amera ni pola miliona...a kad krenu da seru sa onim herojskim akcijama rambo style, zapita se covek za sta su oni podelili sve te medal of honor...emisije o ratu na pacifiku su isto smesne, svakome je ocigledno da su pristrasni...al zato kad sam naleteo na nemacku emisiju o bizmarku, bilo je svrsavanje:)...jos samo da nadjem negde neku japansku emisiju o kumanu ili musashiju pa da mrem:)


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