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Vase oruzje?

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zamislite da ste ratnik. bilo u buducnosti bilo u proslosti, u final fantasy ili diablo-u. u grckim ratovima, u trecem svetskom ratu, whatever. Kad biste birali sebi oruzje kojim biste neprijatelje slagali na gomilu sta bi izabrali, koje oruzje? Sta vam najvise pase i zasto? Ja bih sebi izabrao nesto poput blood rayne seciva, posto imam prilicno agilne ruke, samo manja seciva naravno, ipak nisam vampir :)

The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.

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uuuuu fensi pitanje... i vrlo zanimljivo! uvek sam mozgao o ovako nechemu ali nikada nisam mogao da se odlucim. ja sam uvek bio opcinjen carobnjacima pa bi to mozda bio neki magic staff, ali da je malo realnije, bila bi to verovatno katana. ali opet, ne mogu da zamislim, jer volim i schyte i koplja... ahhhh necu, nabrojacu sve

...... f e n s i c ......

...yes, ur unique...

...just like everyone else...

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JoJ ili oni machewi, weliki teshki kao sho su witezowi nosili, ili sechiwa Fredi Krugera ili neka mala slatka crna strela... Jedostawno ne znam shta od toga wishe wolim...

Code Realms

Evo je, bice nevolje...

Unutar svake normalne osobe postoji ludak koji se bori da izbije na povrsinu. Niko ne poludi brze od potpuno normalne osobe.

One... Two... Freddy's coming for you...

Three... Four... Better lock the door...

Five... Six... Grab a crucifix...

Seven... Eight... Gonna stay up late...

Nine... Ten... Never sleep again!!!

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