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E sta mislite o ovome,tj sta ce ispasti na kraju?Ja sam se nevidjeno lozio na crvenokosu vampiricu (i ne samo tu:),i to samo u kecu,a dvojku (jos) nisam igrao...Tu je jos i Misel Rodrigez(mmmmmmm),a i Majkl Medsen(meni licno jak lik),i,naravno,Kristana [:p] (moj prvi smajli:) -sto sve obecava nesto dobro.However...

Po screenovima se vidi da ne prati pricu iz prvog (a verovatno i drugog) dela,a i znamo sta se dosad desilo sa filmovima radjenim po igrama, a od kojih smo (filmova) ocekivali mnogo...

Dakle,neka ovo bude topic pre svega o BR,ali i generalno,o game based filmovima,zasto su...hm...takvi kakvi jesu,i moze li se to popraviti.

Ima li neki takav film da vam se svideo?Meni mozda malo Mortal Kombat 1,i ne mogu vise da se setim-neko mi je,verovatno u zajebanciji,rekao da je Starship Troopers zasnovan delimicno na Starcraftu,mada ja u to ne verujem,a inace mi je film extra:)

Vase misljenje o svemu ovome je...


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Iskreno mislim da će biti njesra, voleo bih da ne bude ali režiser je Uwe Boll, odnosno lik koji je režirao Alone in the Dark a svi znamo koliko je to kvalitetno odrađeno.

E da lik je takodje uzeo da upropasti još po neku dobru ideju :

Far Cry (2006) (announced)

Fear Effect (2006) (announced)

Hunter: The Reckoning (2006) (announced)

Night Claws (2005) (announced)

Dungeon Siege (2006) (filming)

U svakom slučaju ću pogledati pa možda ga i usere.

Go then. There are other worlds than these.

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upravo zbog tog recepta od filma može da ispadne dobra lalala zabava, ako zanemarimo da je na korak od strip filmova..

nego, kad smo već kod toga, šta se dešava sa deus exom?

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Cini se nishta ... najavljen je bio za 2006. godinu, ali nema nikakvih detalja, pa kapiram da bi do sada nesto snimili valjda ako ciljaju da ga izdaju tokom 2006. Mada, ko ce ga znati, mozhda i mogu da stignu ... koliko uopste treba vremena od pocetka snimanja filma do zavrsnog proizvoda (ovog kalibra) ?

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Sad pogledao i ja trejler, sta znam nesto mi se ne svidja ova Kristina kao Rejn, nije za nju uloga (polu)vampirice. Nema onu vampirsku hladnu lepotu. Niti ima tu neku Rejn pojavu, a i ne stoji joj crvena kosa.

Ali Uve Bol kao reziser, joj. I jedna od uloga je Mit Lof :DDD jel taj jos ziv bre??

Pretpostavljam da ce film da izvade Medsen, Kingsli, Bili Zejn i ova mala Rodrigez.

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poenta ovog filma je da rayne izgleda dobro i to ce da proda film :) osim ako uwe i tu nesto ne zasere

The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.

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izgleda covek ne konta da pravi lose filmove...

The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.

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hehe, verovatno ima veze sa onim zakonom o oporezivanju filmova u nemackoj

jedan od linkova


...Here's how it works: Germany allows investors in German-owned film ventures to take an immediate tax deduction on their film investments, even if the film they're investing in has not yet gone into production. If a German wants to defer a tax bill to a more convenient time, a good way to do it is by investing in a future movie. The beauty of the German laws as far as Hollywood is concerned is that, unlike the tax laws in other countries, they don't require that films be shot locally or employ local personnel. German law simply requires that the film be produced by a German company that owns its copyright and shares in its future profits. This requisite presents no obstacle for studio lawyers...
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