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World's ugliest dog

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Somebody call the medic !!!

Pacijentu nije dobro .. sestro - lekove!!!!

A sad o kuchetu ..

He's so ugly even the judges recoiled when he was placed on the judging table, SAID HIS PROUD OWNER, Susie Lockheed, of Santa Barbara.

nadam se da je ovo bio sarkazam ..

..... nemam rechi ....

Edited by Atomic Pulse
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Ne moze pacov da bude najruznije kuce .... Nije fer :( ..... Ako je ono kuce treba ubiti i kuce i vlasnika, i kremirati ih ( posebno psa ili pacova ili sta vec ) .......

-In the church they say to forgive...

-Forgivnes is between them and God, my job is to arange the meeting ...




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ovo je bash bash bash ruzno kuche i neznam ko moze da da pare da mu u kuci bude ovako neshto ruzno to je neki mutant nechega ruznog i nechega jako ruznog i gadnog

Sto si tako okrutan?

Kako ti, molim te mi reci, znas kakvu to stvorenje ima cud?

Mozda je umiljato, mazno i dobrocudno stvorence!

PS: Jeste ruzno za sve pare [:D]

Never underestimate the predictability of stupidity!

'Ajde mala bubice, vreme je za pesmicuuu!



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Ma ovo je photoshop..

ne mozhe pas da ima takve ochi! to je samo prepravljeni Africhki golokozhi pas, koji je slichan ovom, i zaista spada u najruzhniju rasu na svetu, nema nigde dlake sem te cube, a kozha ko u praseta, pomalo tufnasta, ali imaju dobru narav



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