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Fallout 3


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znaci, ono, ne podnosim FO jer ne mogu da svarim postapokalipticno okruzenje, tako da cu uvek pre igrati BG, ali, brate, objektivno gledano, FO pere BG u svim rpg aspektima i to nenormalno.

brate sto ti ne smuvas miu? realno 5 min da provede sa tobom bila bi ready za guraj-vadi. :)

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citam sve te revjuove i ono na samo jednom mestu je spomenuto da se AP regenerishe i u VATS sistemu borbe samo mnogo sporije nego kada se vratish u realtime, ako je ovo istina bar delimicno, mozda ipak postoji nada za neku taktichnost u borbi mada i dalje smrdi u velikoj meri

btw NMA je odradio FAQ koji ce biti updateovan sa svim novostima koje se pojavljuju po netu, praktichno sve na jednom mestu, sjajno shtivo za chitanje






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Ha malo sam brovzirao onaj link na nma i citiracu jedno zanimljivo mesto:

Are they doing a lot of things to make Fallout mainstream?

They’re “just doing what is cool”, they admitted that games today have a huge emphasis on graphics, but that they wanted to bring back some retro gaming features (ie - speech trees) (ref)

Dijalozi i grananja su retro elementi danas :D

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Ima calimane logike u tome sto pricas, ali samo donekle :P

Nije bas lako potisnuti tolike godine cekanja i nadanja, i pride se "terati" da ti se igra svidi, tj. pokusavas da je gledas kao da nikada nisi igrao FO 1 i 2 i kao da ovo nije punokrvni nastavak...

Da se ne lazemo, 99% nas ovde ce probati igru, bez obzira koliko je pljuvali i to sto su joj uradili, probacemo je iz ljubavi prema prethodnim delovima :) a uporedjivanja su neminovna, i neizbezna su, jer ponavljam radi se o punokrvnom nastavku. Mozes zazmuriti na jedno oko i probati igru, ali ne mozes zazmuriti na drugo oko, if u know what i mean man!!

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ja cu da je probam samo da bih je josh zeshce kritikovao :P

btw evo malo sochnih detalja

NMA has posted an indirect Q&A with Critical Hits editor Bartoneus. He elaborates on some things that didn't quite make it into their previews.

VATS. Ok, so I can pause to aim. Does that mean where I aim in RT doesn't matter, i.e. if I click on the head I'd still hit the torso, in RT? Also, when in VATS, can any actions be taken, or is it just cuing actions to happen?

Correct that VATS is a pause to aim idea, but from what I saw and heard at the event the Realtime play is like any other realtime game with shooting, if you aim and actually hit the head the same effects would apply as a called shot. Again, I'm not certain, and anything about that is conjecture based on the gameplay that was shown. From what I can tell, VATS is purely a system for queuing actions and that is all, we did not get to see if your inventory can be accessed/used while paused or if that would use action points also.

Shooting in RT slows down AP recharging. What about moving or other actions?

Not sure about this one, honestly in the demo Todd was pausing every time he really wanted to fight and only a few times did he have to run'n'gun in realtime and that seemed like just when a Mutant got the jump on him. He had modified the system a bit to help the demo along faster so I don't know how much of this was final mechanics and how much was for demonstration purposes.

Viewpoint. A bit unclear on drawing back the camera. Does it allow the camera to be drawn back far enough to be roughly the same bird's eye isometric as Fallout 1 had?

It looked (roughly) the same as the view from Fallout 1, and the graphics engine looked as if it stood up perfectly to the zooming in/out.

I attempted to stress it in my original commentary, but the entire graphical presentation of this game is stunning. Whether in first person view or over the shoulder you literally FEEL the destruction of the environment, the desolation, the abandoned ruins of small towns and junky shanty towns of the survivors. I seriously doubt many people, even die-hard purists who play the game, will end up using the isometric view very often because it simply looks too damn good in the other views (over the shoulder especially). The roleplaying aspects of the game will be improved incredibly by the immersive environments and feel of the interface. The first time a group of giant Rad Insects jump out at you and start chasing you, you'll begin to feel what I'm talking about (if not before that). If you don't think a franchise can stand a technical transition into first person and retain the qualities of the original, you clearly haven't played Metroid Prime.

Dialogue. Matt Miller caused a stir on this with his remark that "the tree is closer to Oblivion." So how does it look (visually, like Oblivion)? The PC has full lines or keywords? Any sign of long NPC replies? Any hint (probably too short a demo) of expansive branching dialogue?

This really tests my memory on the specifics of the demo shown, but I'll try my best to remember exactly. Looking back at Oblivion your choices in dialogue were things like "rumors, cathedral, Glarthir, etc." The visual look of dialogue is similar to Oblivion in how it zooms in on the NPC's face and where the text is displayed, but from the short bits we viewed it looks like PC respones will be phrases much like from Fallout 1, and typically it looked as if there were serious answers, angry answers, and funny answers all mixed in. The dialogue trees definitely looked like they had longer NPC replies also, and there was definitely a HINT of expansive / branching dialogue but really with the demo not enough was shown to say. From how Emil and Todd talked about it, I imagine the level of depth and detail shown throughout the demo expands to every part of the game.

I got a very good sense of "Fallout" from the dialogue shown, and strongly feel that this is one thing the people at Bethsoft are putting a lot of effort towards getting right.

Guns. Do they use schematics to construct?

One example we were given was the lunchbox explosive: you combine the lunchbox with some explosives (C4? something else?) and fill the rest of the lunchbox with bottle-caps and you'd have yourself a regular claymore shrapnel device. As far as schematics/instructions I don't know, but that makes the most sense.

Bobbleheads. How do they work?

This was not looked at in-depth for the demo, just mentioned in passing. It seems to be more of a side-game / additive element then a primary focus of the gameplay.

BoS. Was any explanation offered for their presence?

When Todd finally entered the city, he encountered a group of super mutants and was quickly saved by a unit of them (i believe that's who they were). I didn't catch if it mentioned exactly why they were there, but they help protect the player through what would otherwise be a tougher part of the city. Short answer: Not that I know of, no explanation yet.

Are bottle caps in as a currency?

As mentioned above, they were discussed as being used in the 'lunchbox explosive' so I figure they will be in the game as currency as well.

wtf???? pa koji ce ti onda uopste VATS sistem? chemu onda ap kada i u real time modu mozesh da napucash koga hocesh u neki deo tela ? kako ce da se koristi Fast Shot opcija? sniper? kakav CRAP verovanto ce da izbace pola featura iz special sistema a drugu polovinu ce da totalno izmenjaju.... idioti... jedva chekam da je probam i onda da krene lavina :)

a kakvi tek idioti se danas samoproglashavaju za novinare i josh tvrde da je vats sistem unapredjen oblik turn based sistema a u stvari obichan real time sa pauzom, verovatno su progtuali previshe PR baljezganja mada me to ne chudi





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@dži: jebo vats bre, čitaj ostalo. zvuči dobro.

mislim jebote, izvučeš ogroman tekst, obeležiš jedan pasus koji ti se ne sviđa i onda "AAARGH", a nema veze što su u ostatku objašnjene neke bitne stvari. Eto, saznali smo da će ti bablhedi biti kao pazaak u kotoru, tj. to niko neće raditi, onda znamo da dijalozi neće biti ko u oblivionu (fala bogu, jer više mi je pun penis onih bezličnih rumorsa koji ničemu ne služe), i da će utisak jada i devastacije biti jako intenzivan. to je bre bitno, jebala te borba, ko da pričamo o sledećem delu kvejka ovde ffs.

Edited by voodoo_
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Ima calimane logike u tome sto pricas, ali samo donekle :P

Nije bas lako potisnuti tolike godine cekanja i nadanja, i pride se "terati" da ti se igra svidi, tj. pokusavas da je gledas kao da nikada nisi igrao FO 1 i 2 i kao da ovo nije punokrvni nastavak...

pa ovo i nije punokrvni nastavak. ime i setting su isti, i tu ca manje-vishe da se zavrshi identichnost.

bash kao shto FoT nije punokrvni nastavak FO serijala, a imao je mnogo vishe slichnosti sa prethodnicima nego shto ce imati FO3.

A kad sam reshio da se raspishem, moram vam reci josh par toplih rechi: durability oruzhja. zashto ste toliko krenuli da pljujete po njemu? ako se pravilno implementira, bice odlichna fora. plus shto cesh moci sa dovoljno velikim mechanics skilom da zapravo uradish neshto vishe od popravljanja tri mashine u celoj igri. rasturish pushku na delove, salvagujesh shta mozhesh, zbudzish custom pushku.

a shto se tiche pljuvanja wobbleheada, shta onda reci za cat's paw magazine? jurish ih na sve strane samo da bi dobio malo xpa i bonus na energy weapons.

josh jednom da jasno stavim do znanja da ne volim put koji bira bethesda, ali brateeee.. da oni daju izjavu da ce ubaciti oblake u igru, ovde bi se nashlo pet likova koji bi odmah vrishtali kako oblaci nisu u duhu prethodnih delova..

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pa niko ne pljuje na durability, moze da bude dobro, ali skepticizam je sasvim normalan, posto je moglo i milion drugih stvari da bude dobro pa nije vec je obichan crap

modabilnost i pravljenje svog oruzja zvuchi fantastichno, sve dok ne pogledash da je jedno od takvih oruzja vec spominjani ruchni nuklearni bacach :|

mada realno izadjesh iz vaulta kao ispod staklnog zvona i onda pravish oruzja koja nisu postojala ni u najludjim snovima tvojih predaka... bzvze

cat's pow ? brate minli on bar ima neku prichu ima kvestove, i ti si ubedjen da ce pipboy wobblehead biti na istom nivou?

fallout tactics je bar bio dovoljno fer da u nazivu ne indicira da je u pitanju nastavak

sa ove perspeketive bilo bi sjajno kada bi onu trojku izbacili iz naziva, i 50% fanova bi to bash fino pozdravila

a i generalno ne vidim da se pljuje SVE sto su najavili (osim promene upravljanja likom, promene perkspektive, promene borbe, promene dijaloga, promene speciala... mozda sam nesto zaboravio da spomenem ... a da pa nema vishe sta da se menja !!!!!)





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zasto mi je cool da pratim ovoliko razvoj situacije oko ove igre? na stranu sto sam fan prethodnih delova, i pored toga sad vec delujem previshe uvuchenim u celu prichu. valjda je razlog taj da sto vise pratim razvoj jedne igre od strane multimilionerske kompanije sto vise ulazim u chitanje izmedju redova to mi se sve vishe ukazuje koliko je game industrija sve vece i vece sranje na vishe nivoa. jbga... to me valjda nikada nije toliko pogadjalo jer generalno nisu doticane stvari koje sam voleo josh od svog detinjstva (jeste jeste i ja imam emocije jebite se svi :P). komericjalizacija je stigla i u taj kutak mog zivota (jeste ja smatram fallout na neki nachin delom svog zivota jer mi je cela ta postapokaliptichna atmosfera na naki nachin dug niz godina jedan od mojih hobija, od filmova, serija, sajtova, knjiga da igara). sranje, sve te momente neko ce da izvrne obrne unakazi i da ih servira sa kechapom i majonezom.. kapitalist!!! njaaaa bububububuuuaaaaaaaaa... valjda mi se urushava i poslednje ochekivanje da cu imati naki cool nachin da odrzim svoj hobi aktivnim, a prava prilika je propustena... no da ne smaram vishe posto ovo nije moj nepostojeci blog :P idemo daljeeee...

kako se to danas radi, zadovoljavanje zelja fanova je retro, out of date, pregazen princip marketinga koje se dokazao neuspeshnim na mnogo nachina, kako to danas radi prava mashinerija iskreno vecinu boli dupe al aj kao da ispustujem one kojima nije tesko da odigraju koji turn vishe, i josh ovaj i josh ovaj i josh ovaj...

"Mike Musgrove of the Washington Post has put up a fascinating tidbit on how the gaming companies try to court game reviewers to friendship and positive reviews of their games. One of his prime examples? Fallout 3.

A little validation from Masson, a writer for the French game magazine PC Jeux, and others like him can help tip the scales in the competitive game industry, where a cutting-edge title takes many years and millions of dollars to develop. That's why game designers, like movie studios, have learned to lavishly court such tastemakers, the guys who write for the major blogs and magazines and play a key role in today's big-bucks video game industry.


The company flew Masson and about 60 other writers in from as far away as Australia and Japan to give them an early look at the company's Fallout 3, scheduled for release late next year.

In addition to an hour-long demo and chats with the game's designers, the trip included a two-night stay in downtown's swank Helix Hotel, dinner at Logan Tavern and a private party at a nightclub in Adams Morgan. Airfare, hotel, food, drinks and shuttle bus were provided, courtesy of Bethesda Softworks. Although a few attendees paid their own way, most did not.

"What we're trying to accomplish with an event like this is to have the undivided attention of the important people in our industry, that cover the industry," said Pete Hines, vice president of marketing at Bethesda Softworks, whose Fallout 3 will be set in a version of Washington that's been scorched by war. "There are a lot of titles out there competing for attention."

It looks like Bethesda Softworks is getting that attention: Fallout 3 is scheduled to soon grace the covers of 20 gamer magazines, largely as a result of the event.

Bethesda Softworks' parent company, ZeniMax, is privately held and won't disclose the game's budget, but it's not uncommon for the budgets of cutting-edge titles like Fallout 3 to exceed $20 million, including marketing costs."






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