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Emulatori & Rom-ovi

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Od sinoc sam poceo nesto da radim sa emulatorima na telefonu, i mogu reci da sam odusevljen. Planirao sam kupovinu konzole, ali sam definitivno odustao. Ubacio sam emulator za Nintendo DS i za PSP. Odlicno rade, nijedan ne baguje. za Nintendo sam koristio DraStic, a za psp PPSSPP. Jedino sto treba malo jaci telefon, da bi radilo bez bagovanja. 

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The Quest to Build Xbox One and PS4 Emulators  [jupi]

“It would be easier to create a PS4 or Xbox One emulator within the next year or so than it would be to create a PS3 or Xbox 360 emulator that ran at the speed of the device,”


Emulacija je sasvim moguća ali u neku ruku to nebi ni bila,samo treba "emulirati" software,tj. način na koji konzole pokreću igru,sve ostalo je na hardweru koji je u suštini isti.


“I see an emulator for these next-gen systems being similar to a piece of software like VMware or Xen or Hyper-V, where you’re actually building the machine to run as if it was a virtual machine. Normally, emulators are software executables that prop up their own little environment and play in a little sandbox,” he said. Hardware-assisted virtualization could help run emulator code “natively on the machine with hardware acceleration.”



Takodje govori o njegovom projektu,xbox360 emulatoru koji još nije gotov ali ima nameru da ga zavrsi i objavi.







RPCS3 Is A New PS3 Emulator, Still In Early Stage, Boots Commercial Game





Eo vec ispravili glitcheve,tako da za godinu dve mozemo ocekivati potpuno operativan ps3 emulator

Edited by SteXmaN
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Od skora sam sa Mario Karta 64 preshao sa drushtvom na igranje Mario Karta Wii.


Postupak je veoma jednostavan a zabava je endless.




Skinete ovaj emulator i ubacite u njega iso koji ima na bilo kom torrentu (skinuo sam prvu verziju koju sam nashao) i sve radi na keca. Jedino sam malo imao problema sa kontrolama. U Wii kontroleru treba staviti Emulated controller i u njemu Extension>Classic pa konfigure njega samo.


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Nostalgia overload

http://www.usgamer.net/articles/The-Best-Arcade-Machine-is-Your-PlayStation 2

(Nema ga na spisku, ali Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 postoji kao dodatni sadržaj na USA Premium Edition disku Mortal Kombat Armaggedon)

PS2 emulator inače sada radi ko sat (posle sto godina razvoja) čak i sa daleko zahtevnijim igrama, tako da ove kompilacijske 2D diskove pušta bez problema.

Diskove imate na emuparadise

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