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They say you can't understand people until you've walked a mile in their shoes. I just walked across Belgrade in a brand-new pair of Nikes. Now I understand something: The citizens of this city are the vanguard of a new phase of capitalism. They're busily subverting conventional multi-national commerce and creating a dark parallel process - call it black globalization.

My new shoes look authentic, but they're a scam of ominous sophistication. The insole logo is silk-screened on; my socks erased the Nike swoosh in a single afternoon. The stitching is coarse and sloppy - the pull tab at the heel ripped loose the first time I tried to use it. The sporty soles are slippy, not grippy. The tag proclaims MADE IN KOREA, although the product is almost certainly a fake churned out by a Chinese factory. Adding insult to Nike's injury, the phony barcode denotes a pair of Reeboks.

These shoes cost me only $10 in dinars, but they weren't a bargain. They're like a phishing scam, an international email message that looks official and goes through all the proper, high tech, image-making motions - with the intent to rob. Will anyone ever catch the perpetrators? Hell no. These shoes probably scampered across a dozen national borders on their way to Belgrade, and the hucksters involved must number in the thousands, each one pitching in his bit, in P2P fashion.

During the 1990s, Serbia and Montenegro (the latest official title for this part of the former Yugoslavia) suffered under United Nations sanctions that deprived the pop

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"Here, the golden arches of McDonald's are viewed as voodoo protection against cruise missiles"

nek se taj Bruce Sterling nosi u tri lepe...

( [;)] )...

<font size="1"><font color="white">... I tako isho ja sam pustinjom sa bozarom u ruci...</font id="white"></font id="size1">

<font color="orange"><font size="1">..Give me a kiss to build the dream on

and my imagination will drive upon that

sweet heart i ask no more than this

a kiss to build the dream on....</font id="size1"></font id="orange">

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u bliskoj buducnosti on dobija otkaz... :)

( [;)] )...

<font size="1"><font color="white">... I tako isho ja sam pustinjom sa bozarom u ruci...</font id="white"></font id="size1">

<font color="orange"><font size="1">..Give me a kiss to build the dream on

and my imagination will drive upon that

sweet heart i ask no more than this

a kiss to build the dream on....</font id="size1"></font id="orange">

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A ko mu je kriv kad je kupovao patike kod kineza? Zasto misli da svi kupuju kod njih?

U sustini, ima tu par linija koje su nazalost tacne, ali ostatak ga pretera brate...

"You may go if you wish. But remember this: walk away now and you walk away from your crafts, your skills, your vocations; leaving the next generation with nothing but recycled, digitally-sampled techno-grooves, quasi-synth rhythms, pseudo-songs of violence-laden gangsta-rap, acid pop, and simpering, saccharine, soulless slush."

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pa jes tuzno al istinito da 80% kupuje kod kineza 15% kod nashih a onih 5% kupuju original nike i ostala sranja

ali i dalje je ovo tipichno baljezgarenje o nechemu o chemu nemaju pojma izvadjeno iz konteksta na osnovu jedne posete u bg-u... kad bolje razmislim ovi kao sa b92 da su ...





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pa verovatno mu je neko iz b92 ekipe (direktno ili ideološki) bio domaćin.. što ga nisu odveli na krkanjac i uveče u grad među pičke, da vidim kako bi onda pisao, majku mu jebem agresorsku..

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pa verovatno mu je neko iz b92 ekipe (direktno ili ideološki) bio domaćin.. što ga nisu odveli na krkanjac i uveče u grad među pičke, da vidim kako bi onda pisao, majku mu jebem agresorsku..


ma jebem li ga tike za 10$ moram da idem ljudiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii :)

http://img67.imageshack.us/img67/1829/lol4thlk6.jpg kako pricati sa GM-om

Paladins are gay

Blizzard loves paladins

Therefore, Blizzard is gay

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za 9 dina jeshce on iz konetejnera...

sad samo da stavim njegovo ime u moju "lil big black book"

()... [;)]

<font size="1"><font color="white">... I tako isho ja sam pustinjom sa bozarom u ruci...</font id="white"></font id="size1">

<font color="orange"><font size="1">..Give me a kiss to build the dream on

and my imagination will drive upon that

sweet heart i ask no more than this

a kiss to build the dream on....</font id="size1"></font id="orange">

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ma moze da mi popushi kurac, budaletina jedna nadobudna. dosao ovde na par dana i prica mi kako smo najveci propaliteti na planeti zemlji na osnovu patika od 700 dinara. pa sto nije pitao nekog sta da ocekuje od neceg sto vredi kao vece pakovanje wc papira.

mrsh pederchino, k'o da te je kandicka na sisi odgajila.

It's nice to be good, but it's nothing compared to being bad

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Danas je Goran Svilanovic drzao predavanje na filozofskom fakultetu u NS, i bio sam tamo. I covek mi je pomalo otvorio oci. Znaci kako oni nas gledaju to je smesno, U fazonu mi smo kolonizovali kosovo, rep srpsku, krajinu i sve to, kosovo su bili albanski starosedeoci onda smo mi to kolonizovali i sada Kosovari traze svoju nezavisnost, kao da je rec o jbnom odnosu francuska - obala slonovace ili nemam pojma sta...tt.. isto covek prica kakvi su debili ministarka inostranih poslova holandije ih pozove na intimnu veceru njih 6-7 i dodje i pocne da cita govor sa papira ... o0 mislim smesni su :)

The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.

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Ma bre njima se moze napricati sta god hoces.Nemaju veze sa istorijom ni geografijom ni ekonimskom politikom istocnog bloka,i ako su je oni sami kreirali,

a basi ih i zabole.

Ali sto je lik napisao uglavnom je tako a da ne ulazimo u to zasto je to tako.

A uzgred mi smo za vecinu Amerikanaca i Kanadjana jos uvek komunisti pod pretpostavkom da su culi za Srbiju.


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brate kad im kazes srbija odma misle na bradate muslimane s puskama u pustinji

The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.

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ma moze da mi popushi kurac, budaletina jedna nadobudna. dosao ovde na par dana i prica mi kako smo najveci propaliteti na planeti zemlji na osnovu patika od 700 dinara. pa sto nije pitao nekog sta da ocekuje od neceg sto vredi kao vece pakovanje wc papira.

mrsh pederchino, k'o da te je kandicka na sisi odgajila.


da mu poshaljemo preteci mejl?:)

mene je juce mrzelo...

( [;)] )...

<font size="1"><font color="white">... I tako isho ja sam pustinjom sa bozarom u ruci...</font id="white"></font id="size1">

<font color="orange"><font size="1">..Give me a kiss to build the dream on

and my imagination will drive upon that

sweet heart i ask no more than this

a kiss to build the dream on....</font id="size1"></font id="orange">

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