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LOL https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13268069/Antony-Blinkens-Boeing-737-plane-suffers-mechanical-failure-forcing-U-S-Secretary-State-road-Paris-Brussels-Nato-meeting.html


Blinken's delegation was forced to make the 190 mile journey by bus 

He previously suffered a mechanical issue in Davos 

Blinken typically uses a government modified Boeing 737 aircraft 



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  On 4/3/2024 at 9:56 PM, manson said:

hahah ja sam čitao neku vest da je išao kolima a ne autobusom.

ok, nije seo u lokalni gradski nego verovatno neki malo specifičniji ali svakako je bolje nego da je uzeo Uber 🙂

a za boing više nema potrebe komentarisati 🙂

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  On 4/5/2024 at 5:22 PM, manson said:

Chindenburg? 🙂


ali šta će im ovo? :)) ja sam ovo oduvek video kao prevaziđenu priču. 

kao za neki turizam, šta, ali opet imaš ovoliki balon da ide nad gradom, deluje mi krajnje neefikasno 🙂

opet nije za dalje destinacije, nije dovoljno brzo, preveliko je... šta ga znam.

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  On 4/6/2024 at 8:26 AM, Lucky said:

ali šta će im ovo? :)) ja sam ovo oduvek video kao prevaziđenu priču. 

kao za neki turizam, šta, ali opet imaš ovoliki balon da ide nad gradom, deluje mi krajnje neefikasno 🙂

opet nije za dalje destinacije, nije dovoljno brzo, preveliko je... šta ga znam.


kako pa sta ce im:

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Авион "Боинг 737-800" компаније "Саутвест ерлајнс" који је летео у Хјустон безбедно се вратио на Међународни аеродром у Денверу након што је поклопац мотора отпао и ударио у крило, саопштила је америчка Федерална управа за ваздухопловство.

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Federal authorities say they’re investigating Boeing after a whistleblower repeatedly raised concerns with two widebody jet models, and claimed the company retaliated against him.

Whistleblower Sam Salehpour, a Boeing engineer, alleges that Boeing took shortcuts when manufacturing its 777 and 787 Dreamliner jets, and that the risks could become catastrophic as the airplanes age.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ovaj Boing...



Joshua Dean, a former quality auditor at Boeing supplier Spirit AeroSystems and one of the first to allege wilful ignorance of manufacturing defects on the notorious 737 MAX, died after a "short and sudden illness", the Seattle Times reports.

The 45-year-old was reportedly "known for a healthy lifestyle" but fell ill and was admitted to hospital a little over two weeks ago due to breathing difficulties. He was subsequently diagnosed with pneumonia and a severe bacterial infection known as MRSA.



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  On 5/8/2024 at 11:20 AM, manson said:

osim što klip izaziva epilepsiju svaka čast pilotima, uradili su školski svoj deo posla.

ne ko onaj lik što je hold my beer probao da poleti airserbiom sa sto metara piste :))

spiking of, šta se uopšte tu dogodilo na kraju? pojeo vuk magarca?

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  On 5/8/2024 at 2:56 PM, cali said:

Istrage udesa civilne avijacije umeju da traju, ali za udes na Tesli se zna da je pilot zajebao elementarnu stvar, ostalo su otežavajuće i olakšavajuće okolnosti.


ma jasno, to smo skapirali odmah drugog-trećeg dana, nego prosto da vidimo razrešenje, a i znam da su svi putnici kolektivno tužili AirSerbia valjda tako da ima i taj proces. 

Pa onda iako su raskinuli sa tom avio kompanijom koja je kazna za pilota, etc etc.

Čisto me sa te strane zanima koja je priča.

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  On 5/9/2024 at 10:56 AM, cali said:

Preliminarni izveštaj je objavljen:



The crew then received instructions from ATC to taxi to position D6 for runway 30L via taxiways F, G, and A, which the crew correctly read back.
At 16:35 UTC, the crew informed the ATC unit that they were approaching intersection D6: "Air Serbia 86C, approaching D6, ready." The controller responded by instructing the flight to hold short, followed by a clearance to line up and wait via D6.
At 16:36 UTC, ATC urgently contacted the crew, inquiring if they were aware they were at intersection D5 instead of D6. The crew quickly responded, thanking for the information. ATC immediately contacted the crew again, informing them that the available takeoff length from the given intersection was 1,273 meters, suggesting it was insufficient for a safe takeoff.
The crew requested a minute to perform checks. According to the crew's statement, they then performed flight parameter calculations using the copilot's tablet. During this time, ATC instructed the crew to perform necessary calculations and to contact them, with the option to backtrack to D6 if needed.
Thirty seconds later, the crew contacted the ATC, confirming they were ready for takeoff. ATC acknowledged, asking if they could take off from position/intersection D5, which the crew immediately confirmed. ATC then cleared the flight to take off from runway 30L from position D5, informing them of no wind.
At 16:38 UTC, the aircraft began its takeoff roll.

zakljucak je da su piloti usrali motku, ali ispada po ovom izvestaju da su oni svesno istripovali da mogu da polete (a ne da se nisu razumeli sa ATC-om oko toga gde se nalaze)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Treba vezati pojas uvek.



One person has died and more than 30 others were injured on a Singapore Airlines flight from London that was hit by severe turbulence.



Ili mu ovo dodje kao još jedna od onih climate change tekstova, da ne letimo 🙂


Research has shown that climate change will make severe turbulence more likely in the future.



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  On 5/21/2024 at 12:59 PM, manson said:

Treba vezati pojas uvek.



pa znaš šta, nema razloga da ne, jer možeš da ga olabaviš pa da se ni ne oseti da je tu. tako da nema onog argumenta "seče me pojas ne mogu da vozim sa njim" 🙂

posebno ako hoćeš da kuntaš ili prosto da te ne smaraju stjuardese kad god je znak za vezivanje pojasa ili šta god na snazi.


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