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According to Eurogamer, people in affected areas were sent an email letting them know their orders were being refunded, saying, “The publisher of this game is now requiring a secondary account to play portions of this game — and this account cannot be created from your country.” Prior to this, Ghost of Tsushima was delisted from Steam in the over 170 countries without PSN, PCGamer and other outlets have reported. Sony hasn’t said anything publicly about the whole debacle yet. Ghost of Tsushima Director’s Cut is slated to be released for PC on Thursday.

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"Already leaked that there are weekly and monthly cosmetics for this game in the Infinity Hub. There will be micro DLCs in the form of a pseudo "battlepass" that are basically short battles/storylines that tie into the overall story of Infinity that takes place in modern times."

Ubisoft će da ubisoftuje

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Nemamo ništa i bićemo srećni 🙂




Idemo, još Ubija 🙂 ovo postaje sve bolje 🙂



In a blog post on the company’s website published on May 15th, the company declared, “Naoe and Yasuke’s disparate personalities also lead them to have different relationships and rapports with other characters, and they don’t always feel the same way about people, nor do people always feel the same way about them.”

Next, they discussed romance options, “Romantically, they will also attract and be attracted to different types of people. Through the pair, players will get to experience a multitude of relationships.”


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On 5/22/2024 at 10:29 PM, manson said:

Inače, Ubisoft nastavlja, cene za novi AC.


dok ljudi kupuju oni će da dižu cene, prosta matematika.

isto kao kod nas, svi kukamo na više cene i jao jao kačkavalj 3000 din kg, ali se i dalje prodaje, pa što ne bi poskupeli!

11 hours ago, manson said:

Nemamo ništa i bićemo srećni 🙂


digitalni asseti "vape" za tim da budu uređeni, suviše je "divljeg zapada" u tome i za sada se niko time ne bavi.

iskreno mislim da ovo čak nije ni zvanični odgovor steama već prosto se niko nije bavio i nisu ni znali šta da napišu, što ne znači da ga neće ubaciti u zvanično pravilo u perspektivi ali definitivno mora da se napravi neka legislatura tim povodom jer trenutno svako može da radi šta hoće bez posledica.

drugo, verujem da bi neki sudski slučaj osporio da steam biblioteku ne možeš da prebaciš na nekoga kroz testament, pa oni tamo u testament sve živo stavljaju.

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ovaj laki napravio jednu vrstu shutera, sad mu ove druge ne odgovaraju!

inace, uzeo sam da krkam Hi-Fi Rush i mnogo mi je fino legao. lagana, ispeglana i dobra zabava i topla preporuka ako volite "beat-em-ups" i imate osecaj za ritam (mada ima par forica da i operisanima bude zabavno! #inclusive). RIP Tango =c

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2 minutes ago, evgeniy said:

ovaj laki napravio jednu vrstu shutera, sad mu ove druge ne odgovaraju!

inace, uzeo sam da krkam Hi-Fi Rush i mnogo mi je fino legao. lagana, ispeglana i dobra zabava i topla preporuka ako volite "beat-em-ups" i imate osecaj za ritam (mada ima par forica da i operisanima bude zabavno! #inclusive). RIP Tango =c

nije, ja pohvaljujem sve šutere, to je dobra kategorija!

mada su sa horde shooterima malo preterali, tako da drugi naslov moramo da pravimo nešto deseto!

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