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Sad i ja video https://wargaming.com/en/news/warsaw-belgrade/

opa, Bgd će biti baš bitan izgleda


Wargaming Belgrade will house both international and local talent across development and publishing disciplines. Going forward, the office will also become an important relocation hub for Wargaming staff from multiple locations. The studio will focus on the World of Tanks and World of Warships franchises, providing key services and potential development of new products.


Taman da ubace exYU/SRB granu tenkova i bar neki naš skin za Jamata 🙂


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Opa, u sledećem peču šesto čulo skil će biti standardno na svim komandantima




Sixth Sense will become a special feature for all current and future crew commanders that you recruit, receive, or retrain. It will be available automatically starting from the crew commander’s first battle, regardless of the major qualification level. The mechanics of the Sixth Sense perk will work the same as before.

If any of your commanders already possess the Sixth Sense perk, the XP you spent to train the perk will be fully compensated upon the release of Update 1.18.1, and then automatically re-distributed in the following order of priority:

To reach 100% of your commander’s major qualification (if it was below 100%).

To train the last skill of the commander to 100% (if there was any skill that was not fully trained).

The remaining experience will go to the commander experience pool and can be spent on a new skill/perk of your choice.



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Ok, ovo definitivno jeste nameštanje da bi taj lik sebi farmovao nalog, ali je pitanje da li te to pogađa toliko u igri? Jer on i dva bota su u pobedničkom timu, tri bota je ubacio u suprotan tim, dakle samo je +1 za njegov tim, plus on sam verovatno nije baš neki specijalno dobar igrač čim mu ovo treba. Mislim ne znam kako je ovaj čovek došao do zaključka da je jedan tim imao 95% šanse da izgubi kad su zapravo imali samo jednog igrača manje, to može da se desi i kad meni uleti žena u sobu i istera me sa kompa pred početak partije 😄 Plus mi deluje da konkretno ovaj problem WG relativno lako može da reši tako što će banovati naloge koji imaju vodove i iz partije u partiju postižu nule, s tim da naravno ostaje mogućnost da ovi uvek naprave nove ali je relativno dosta cimanja za malo dobitaka. 

Čitovanja u WoT-u je uvek bilo, ali je problem s tim što uglavnom čitovanje u WoT-u se svede na to da je neki igrač nesposoban pa sa čitovima dolazi u rang najsposobnijeg igrača, ne u neki godlike mod, WoT je mnogo više taktička igra da bi samo pucanje ili čak i ovakvo rigovanje partije imalo toooliko efekta. U CoD kad imaš nekog čitera taj ide okolo i pogađa sve iz prve, to ozbiljno menja igru čak i za najiskusnije igrače. 

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Heghlu'meH QaQ jajvam

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