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Note 7 is dead


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Kakav mega fejl Samsunga


Samsung has announced it's ending production of the Galaxy Note 7 around the world, pulling the plug on the phone after a months-long controversy over its defective, dangerous batteries. "Taking our customer’s safety as our highest priority, we have decided to halt sales and production of the Galaxy Note 7," said Samsung in a statement. The announcement follows yesterday's news that the company is recalling all Note 7 devices, including the supposedly safe replacement phones.

Reče mi inače drugar koji je leteo avionom za Beč pre tipa 2-3 nedelje, ide ono obaveštenje "telefone stavite na airplane mode, blablabla, a Samsung Galaxy Note 7 mora biti kompletno isključen" :)))

 The company's shares tumbled eight percent today, its biggest one-day decline in nearly a decade, with analysts estimating the recall could end up costing as much as $17 billion.

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meni je neshvatljivo da dopuste da im se desi ovako nešto. Koliko god iPhone 7 bio isti kao i prethodni, Plus će se prodavati samo tako zbog ovoga

03:34 ( MiGsa ) da budem iskren

03:35 ( MiGsa ) nagledao sam se ovde vishe kurcheva nego pichki


22:05 (Ivan_tm) Ozbiljno, tvoj i Cokin sam upamtio odmah


13:43 ( darko ) ja sam puco iz njegove vazdushare


[16:42:19] Miša says: pojavio mi se patrijarh pavle u ppl u may know


[21:00] <vudu> jebacemo svi

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25 minutes ago, Highl1 said:

meni je neshvatljivo da dopuste da im se desi ovako nešto. Koliko god iPhone 7 bio isti kao i prethodni, Plus će se prodavati samo tako zbog ovoga

ako je tačno da su forsirali inženjere da što pre završe posao pre ajfona, verovatno je propisno testiranje izostalo i eto ga - inače imajući sve više i više iskustva sa ogromnim firmama u kojima sam pre mislio "da takve stvari ne mogu da se dese" sada sam ubeđen da će pre da se kod njih dogode nego kod malih :)

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što mi opet nije jasno, najviše iz razloga što nijedan telefon neće ugroziti prodaju novog iPhone-a toliko da bi im oteo deo kolača. Neodlučnih izmedju top Androida i novog iPhonea ima mnogo malo, i mislim da je taj broj minoran u odnosu na ukupan broj telefona koji se proda kod oba proizvodjača. 

03:34 ( MiGsa ) da budem iskren

03:35 ( MiGsa ) nagledao sam se ovde vishe kurcheva nego pichki


22:05 (Ivan_tm) Ozbiljno, tvoj i Cokin sam upamtio odmah


13:43 ( darko ) ja sam puco iz njegove vazdushare


[16:42:19] Miša says: pojavio mi se patrijarh pavle u ppl u may know


[21:00] <vudu> jebacemo svi

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Oni se jako lože da budu Apple, a prosto ne mogu, iz sto i jednog razloga, gde je glavni po meni ta "zapad" vs "istok" logika u poslovanju. I onda kada se to zaboravi, tj kada se zaboravi ko si u osnovi, onda poletiš visoko i ljosneš duboko.

Bik koji sedi minijatura



P.S> nickwoode, zasto se ne "log_out"-ujes kad si na forumu sa mog kompa? DovlaGSI



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Dali su ljudima posebne kutije da ga vrate :)


Samsung wants you to triple box your returning Note 7

Samsung’s saga of dealing with smartphones that self-combust might be winding down now that it has officially killed off the flagship smartphone, but it’s not quite over yet. It still needs to recall all of the Note 7’s out in the wild and to make sure they don’t damage anything on the way home, it’s sending out three boxes and gloves.
Considering some of the injuries and fires that have been caused by overheating and shorting out Note 7s, you can’t blame Samsung from taking this recall seriously. Those returning their Note 7 to Samsung through official channels, will be required to put their phone in a static-proof bag, in a box, in another box, in another box, all while wearing protective gloves.

That last box is said to be fire-proof too, so clearly Samsung isn’t taking any chances that these phones will ignite on the way home, especially if they spend any time in the cargo hold of a commercial vehicle. They are unlikely to end up on a plane however, as the exterior box specifically labels the package as containing a possibly defective lithium-ion battery and is therefore unsuitable for planes.
These boxes are being issued for original Galaxy Note 7s and their initially considered ‘safe,’ replacements. All Note 7s are being recalled and they will no longer be sold or manufactured moving forward. Oculus has also halted support for them on the Gear VR headset.
The fall out from these defective phones has left Samsung more than $1 billion out of pocket and its share price has fallen by more than 10 percent, slashing $20+ billion from its market value.


Heghlu'meH QaQ jajvam

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2 hours ago, Lucky said:


Inače, forsira me Note4 da ga updateujem, kao izbacio Samsung neki update, ima veze sa cloudom i backupima, kapiram da "prikriveno" ima neke veze i sa ovim Note7 fijaskom, tipa nešto čačka bateriju :)

Nema, to je telefon star 3 godine, opusti se :)



P.S> nickwoode, zasto se ne "log_out"-ujes kad si na forumu sa mog kompa? DovlaGSI



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