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Prsle su mi boje na monitoru - help


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Aj da ne otvaram novi topic, prsle su mi boje na monitoru, crvena je sjebana skroz. 


Probao sam da reinstall drivere, cak i kad su uninstalirani boje su sjebane, cak i na onom pocetnom windows ekranu.


Odradio sam factory settings na monitoru ali sve isto.


Evo kako to izgleda, jel moze se reshi ovo nekako?




Nekako se popravilo, nemam pojma kako

Edited by Zr.ninja
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Pa zar ne bi trebalo screenshot svakako da izgleda normalno nama koji gledamo na monitorima koji rade kako bi trebalo? ja sam razumeo da je njemu problem do prikaza slike na njegovom monitoru :)

edit: doduše sad vidim da kaže da se popravilo.

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Kablove sam malo prodrmao i proradio je :D


Gospodin je ovde sve lepo objasnio, sklonio sam  zvuchnike mozda je i to problem. I gasim ga puno u zadnje vreme, CPU mi umire, pregreva se stalno.

Usually this happens because a cable might slip off just on the edge of one of the connections. Try pushing in all the connections on your computer and on the monitor. 

This problem could also be caused by the video card that is inside of the computer. Over time, especially if you turn your computer on and off often, can sometimes cause something to stop working inside of your computer. What happens is that the constant heating up and cooling off of the computer components causes the metals to expand and contract and they wiggle themselves out of the slots just enough to make something not work properly. In this case, you would have to take the side of your computer box off, and gently press in all of the components that are fitted on the motherboard until everything is firm. Always ground your body before touching anything inside of your computer. 

It is also possible that your video cable has got a short in it, try replacing it with another one if you can. Also try wiggling it to see what happens. 

It could also be that the video card inside of your computer has gone bad. You would then have to replace it with another one. 

Or, it could be that the monitor has gone bad. Contact your monitor's manufacturer to see if you have a warranty on it. If it is new enough, they may fix it for free, or for a reduced cost. But don't delay on that since time can be a factor. 

Always try to replace it with your friend's monitor to see where the problem lies. Or you know, take your monitor over to someone else's computer and see if it works or not. That will help eliminate the problem. 

One last thing, if you can get into the settings on the monitor itself, there is usually a 'degauss' function. Initiate your monitor to deguass, and that will erase all the static electricity that builds up inside. But this would be for a CRT monitor, the bulky television type. 

Make sure that there are no speakers near your monitor, or anything magnetic. This can cause your monitor to not function properly. 

Good luck.
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