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 - According to NBC 6 South Florida, there were three cases of people trying to help gopher tortoise hatchlings get to the ocean last month. 

 - Stephanie Moore, 20, now faces up to five years in prison after posting a video of herself riding a sea turtle on a beach in Melbourne Florida. 

 - The young woman with the name tag 'Kimberley' opens the 14-second clip that has been reported by the Palm Beach Post by saying 'So here's a little note to self. If anyone runs into a turtle, save it.' 'Don't just leave it on the road. They're so cute,' she continues while holding the animal. Kimberly, whose name tag says she is from New York, then launches the tortoise into the pond while saying, 'Turtle-saving is a hobby'.

majko mila :)


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1 hour ago, overkind said:

А која је фора за апаратом за гашење? Се Самсунг спонтано пали?

Samsung je objavio da povlači "neviđeno veliku" (neki kažu i - sve) Note 7 koje su pustili u prodaju jer je nekoliko već eksplodiralo.


I onda je krenula čitava serija :)

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