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Astronomija i sve o Svemiru


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With dozens of lunar missions planned worldwide over the next decade, the European Space Agency (ESA) has proposed establishing a new time zone on the moon to ease communication in a landscape that will be increasingly filled with spacecraft. 

Currently, each lunar mission uses the time zone of the nation that manages it, which are all linked to the Earth-based coordinated universal time (UTC). But this method is imprecise, and it means that spacecraft operated from different places are not in sync with one another.

The ESA announced efforts to standardize moon time on Monday night, though officials first raised the idea during a meeting of space leaders late last year, writes Marcia Dunn for the Associated Press (AP).


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pa kako sad ovo, a sankcije?



Prvi crnogorski satelit "Luča" trebalo bi da bude lansiran u svemir u aprilu 2024. godine, najvjerovatnije sa kosmodroma "Vostočni", koji se nalazi na istoku Rusije, najavili su mladi crnogorski inovatori, u petak, na prezentaciji tog projekta, prenosi Glas Amerike.

"Planiramo da satelit lansiramo naredne godine u aprilu, ali to ne zavisi od nas već od provajdera. Za sada je u opticaju kosmodrom 'Vostočni' zato što je cijela misija Sojuzova na tom kosmodromu. Postoji i alternativni kosmodrom 'Bajkonur' u Kazahstanu, ali kako sada stvari stoje satelit će se lansirati sa kosmodroma 'Vostočni'. Nauka, naročito svemirska industrija, jedna je od rijetkih sfera koja ne trpi posljedice geopolitičkih dešavanja", kazao je za Glas Amerike Filip Jovićević, jedan od troje mladih inovatora organizacije Montenegro Space Research, koji su pokrenuli projekat lansiranja prvog crnogorskog satelita.



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U petak bi i Rusi trebalo da krenu put meseca https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/russia-evacuate-village-first-lunar-lander-mission-half-century-2023-08-07/


Russia will launch its first lunar landing spacecraft in 47 years on Friday in a race with India to the south pole of the moon, a potential source of water to support a future human presence there.

The launch from the Vostochny cosmodrome, 3,450 miles (5,550 km) east of Moscow, will take place four weeks after India sent up its Chandrayaan-3 lunar lander, due to touch down at the pole on Aug. 23.

Rough terrain makes a landing there difficult, but the south pole is a prized destination because scientists believe it may hold significant quantities of ice that could be used to extract fuel and oxygen, as well as for drinking water.

Russian space agency Roscosmos said in reply to questions from Reuters that its Luna-25 spacecraft would take five days to fly to the moon and then spend five to seven days in lunar orbit before descending on one of three possible landing sites near the pole - a timetable that implies it could match or narrowly beat its Indian rival to the moon's surface.


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„Луна-25“ је први руски лунарни пројекат у последњих пола века. Њен претходник, „Луна 24“, испоручио је 170 грама лунарног тла на Земљу 1976. године.

Ракета-носач „Сојуз-2.1б“, лансирана са космодрома Восточни, понела је у орбиту прву међупланетарну аутоматску станицу „Луна-25“. Лансирање је обављено у 02.10 по московском времену.

„Ракета је радила нормално, горњи степен се одвојио од трећег степена и сада поставља аутоматску станицу на путању лета ка Месецу“, саопштио је Роскосмос.

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Luna-25 pretrpela kvar. Čeka se Roskosmos da objavi detalje, i da li je misija neuspešna.

BTW zanimljiv detalj iz trke ka Mesecu: konačni bilans uspešnih misija je bio oko 35% za SSSR i 50% za SAD. Da bi budžili statistiku, Sovjeti su imenovali samo misije koje su stigle u orbitu Meseca. 

Jedini izuzetak je upravo Luna-25, koja je javno imenovana pre lansiranja i pre nego što se uspešno ovih dana smestila u orbitu.

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Прва руска лунарна мисија у последњих 47 година срушила се на Месец, преноси агенција Тас. „Роскосмос“ је јуче пријавио проблем на „Луни-25“ при уласку у путању за спуштање на Месец.

„Према резултатима прелиминарне анализе, летелица 'Луна-25' ушла је у непланирану орбиту и престала да функционише због судара са површином Месеца“, навели су из руске агенције за истраживање свемира „Росмоскос“.

šteta, jbg.

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Ovi Indijci se ne zezaju



India has launched its first observation mission to the Sun, just days after the country made history by becoming the first to land near the Moon's south pole.

Aditya-L1 lifted off from the launch pad at Sriharikota on Saturday at 11:50 India time (06:20 GMT).

It will travel 1.5 million km (932,000 miles) from the Earth - 1% of the Earth-Sun distance.

India's space agency says it will take four months to travel that far.

India's first space-based mission to study the solar system's biggest object is named after Surya - the Hindu god of Sun who is also known as Aditya.

And L1 stands for Lagrange point 1 - the exact place between Sun and Earth where the Indian spacecraft is heading.

According to the European Space Agency, a Lagrange point is a spot where the gravitational forces of two large objects - such as the Sun and the Earth - cancel each other out, allowing a spacecraft to "hover".

Once Aditya-L1 reaches this "parking spot", it would be able to orbit the Sun at the same rate as the Earth. This also means the satellite will require very little fuel to operate.


Kad krenu uskoro bolivudski sf filmovi 🙂


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