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Premier League 2011/2012


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Dobro onda, zaboravite na taj deo :) poenta je bila da ce real da osvoji ligu shampiona i na to sam mislio kada sam napisao da ce oni da ih zaustave u ligi shampiona, nisam mislio bukvalno

mada ko zna, mozda ih i usere da viljareal uzme bod napoliju

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The Mail on Sunday carries the intriguing story that Blackpool have been reported the PFA over paying midfielder Bojan Djordjic just £90 a week.

The former Sweden Under-21 international, who made one appearance for Manchester United during his six years as an Old Trafford player, is earning the staggeringly low wage as he is at the club on a pay-as-you-play deal. As he not getting near the team currently, he is only being paid pro rata for his time on the training ground.

The 29-year-old has reportedly had to borrow money from former team-mates such as John O'Shea just to survive. The PFA are expected to demand that Blackpool let him leave in January if they have no intention of playing him.

Bring It

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sto mi je drago, hijaoooo !!! volim drogbu, jebo je pred kraj placenike, ove sezone, a isto tako je jebao konje iz junajteda prosle sezone .

koliko ce da ih polomi arsenal sledece nedelje, i to na sred njihove njive!

hvala glupom klisiju, sto je glup.

There are no miracles, there is no such thing as fate. Nothing is meant to be.

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ja sam bio ubedjen da je bio penal na silvi,ali nisam mogao da izvalim da li je kontakt postojao.Sto je najveci fazon sudija je bio bukvalno na dva metra,tako da jebem li ga.Enivej,prilicno losa,odnosno dosadna tekma,tesko da bi celsi postigao gol da leskot nije podigao ruke...


gruja novi alen

ko bi, po vama, trebalo da bude poznat i javna ličnost, a nije, iz ovog ili onog razloga?

evo, ja ću za početak navesti dvojicu: kojot i gruja.


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