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AAAA ja sve chitam SOKER umesto Šoker :DDD (me tard) matori trebao si neku stanglu iz kola da izvuchesh i da ih ispresavijash kao pravi domacin,pa mu ne bi pomogao ni shoker,ni sv.petar...



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Matori koliko god se sklanjao desice ti se npr ovakva situacija da te napadne neko ni krivog ni duznog,sta da radis? Ili da probas pricom da iskulirash,ili da se branish (chime god mozes) u suprotnom ili dobijash batine ili ces da se izvucesh (nekako) :D sve zavisi,i meni se desavalo x puta da me neko napadne zbog gluposti ili onako random, i ja sam se sklanjao trpeo ovo,trpeo ono... dzabe... instalirao sam kljuch 32 u kola, pa dodji... :D

edit: Naravno kad god mozes da iskuliras situaciju i da se sklonish treba to uraditi,ali kad ne mozes ,jbg... naravno da necesh da stojish mirno dok te neko nabada rukom,stanglom,ciglom...

Edited by uNkindTJM



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jbte na kakav ja fakultet idem. Kaze profesor na predavanju bice kolokvijum u petak u 9 najverovatnije, ali cu okaciti obavestenje negde na faksu, i juce vidimo to obavestenje i pise u 5, 6 i 7 popodne i reko taman mogu da se naspavama ko covek. I sad se budim, 300 propustenih poziva i poruka "kolokvijum je bio jutros", bilo fazon 10 ljudi koji nisu videli to obavestenje...

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jbte na kakav ja fakultet idem. Kaze profesor na predavanju bice kolokvijum u petak u 9 najverovatnije, ali cu okaciti obavestenje negde na faksu, i juce vidimo to obavestenje i pise u 5, 6 i 7 popodne i reko taman mogu da se naspavama ko covek. I sad se budim, 300 propustenih poziva i poruka "kolokvijum je bio jutros", bilo fazon 10 ljudi koji nisu videli to obavestenje...

haha, to ti je kad gasis zvono dok spavas! :tf:


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ti subetovi gsp vernici su iz one ekipe koja uveče kad izađe u grad samo čeka povod da nekog smara il da se bije. zajebano je to u malim sredinama, u beogradu se samo kloniš mesta i ekipa gde takvi obitavaju, a u šidu to kapiram nije moguće

my thoughts exactly. Sa vedrije strane - bar ne živimo u San Francisku, meki hipsteraja

ja sam mislio da je NY meka hipsteraja, a da su u san francisku baš ono pravi pederi :D

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shoocky, lol jesi na masincu? :tf2:

Meni su to uradili jednom isto i to za kritican ispit koji mi je bio uslov sa 2ge na 3cu i septembarski rok jos uz to.

Zakazali ispit u petak 14 sati, u utorak ja na faksu, potvrdim to, odem gajbi da sledeca 48 sata pisem F=ma i Ek1-Eko = Ep1-Epo i da racunam koeficijent krutosti opruge i Lagranza i hamiltona, i onako herp derp u pokisloj vijetnamci dodjem kad ono trololo ispit je bio u 9 jutros, zasto se niste raspitali ololo.

Ali jos veci hejt ka grupi studenata iz unutrasnjosti koji su medjusobno izjavljali jedni drugima a nijednom beogradjaninu.

Samo da se setim svog cemera :)

Nije to bilo F=ma, vec



You may have gone to Cambridge, but I'm an honorary graduate of Starfleet Academy

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Evo za Togfua:

Judge gives 'Juror No. 799' indefinite jury duty after she makes racist remarks on questionnaire

An incensed federal judge sentenced a racist Brooklyn woman to indefinite jury duty on Tuesday after she trashed the NYPD and minorities.

"This is an outrage, and so are you!" Federal Judge Nicholas Garaufis told the woman, holding up her bile-filled juror questionnaire.

Juror No. 799, an Asian woman in her 20s who said she works in the garment industry, was up for jury duty in the death penalty trial of Bonanno crime boss Vincent (Vinny Gorgeous) Basciano.

It didn't take long for her to start looking worse than the defendant.

Asked to name three people she least admired, she wrote on her questionnaire: "African-Americans, Hispanics and Haitians."

When the judge asked why she answered the question that way, she replied, "You always hear about them in the news doing something."

She also declared that cops are all lazy, claiming that they sound their sirens to bypass traffic jams.

Garaufis flipped forward several pages in her questionnaire.

He landed on the page where she had said she had a relative who was a member of the Chinese Ghost Shadows gang in the 1980s, convicted of murder and still in prison.

"Why didn't you put 'Asians' down also?" the judge asked sarcastically, referring to her list of least-liked people.

"Maybe I should have," she said.

Assistant U.S. Attorney Taryn Merkl requested that the woman be disqualified from the Vinny Gorgeous case because of her "inappropriate" comments. The motion was granted.

It is not unheard of for people to try to get out of jury service by making ridiculous statements concerning their views.

It was unclear Tuesday whether that was this woman's motive.

And if it was, it didn't work.

Indeed, the woman was going to be seeing a lot of Brooklyn Federal Court.

"She's coming back [today], Thursday and Friday - and until the future, when I am ready to dismiss her," Garaufis said.

One thousand prospective jurors have filled out questionnaires for the Basciano case, approaching the Eastern District of New York record of 1,089 summoned for the late Gambino boss John Gotti's trial 20 years ago.

Nearly half of the jurors are struck before they even get to court for questioning due to language barriers, fear of the Mafia or their extreme views for and against the death penalty.

The panel members that do get selected for the trial will be anonymous and transported to the courthouse by U.S. marshals to thwart any possibility of jury tampering.

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ti subetovi gsp vernici su iz one ekipe koja uveče kad izađe u grad samo čeka povod da nekog smara il da se bije. zajebano je to u malim sredinama, u beogradu se samo kloniš mesta i ekipa gde takvi obitavaju, a u šidu to kapiram nije moguće

upravo to i radim, ali ovo se desilo u novom sadu, i na kraj pameti mi nije bilo da se tako nesto moze desiti jer mi se celo vece cinilo sve normalno :( mada opet sva sreca sto se sve dobro zavrsilo. Sad mi kaze drugar da je cale od tog lika sto me napao neka mafijoza .

inace lep dan, fejlovo kolokvijum iz analize :(, ali nadam se da cu sabiti el. tehniku ;)

There are no miracles, there is no such thing as fate. Nothing is meant to be.

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