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DOTA 2 - slobodna diskusija


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Dobijem 4 rusa u ekipi, rek'o afk farmujem i cutim.Farmujem 30-ak minuta ko nenormalan, pritom ne progovaram ni rec (sto je za mene ultra tesko kad imam ruse u ekipi), za 15-20 min pushujem 2 bottom kule + skinem base bottom kulu do 30% hp-a.Fantasticna cetvorka iz moje ekipe me reportuje (ofc), Naix iz protivnicke me reportuje zbog toga sto sam kao carry farmovao (????).Smorim se, prodam ceo inventar, kupim 2x divine-a, dam protivnickoj ekipi, rusi iz moje ekipe poceli da rejdzuju ultra jako i kao "Nismo te reportovali, samo smo se salili" xD.Debili od protivnika izgube oba.


Edited by k0baya
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Ja i jesam u very high skill bracket, ali svaki rusin je retardirani rusin, end of story.

A inace postoje samo 3 bracketa? Taj very high ima 5 stepena makar, upadaju ti ljudu tvog ranga, to sto ti mislis da su oni retardi za tebe, isto tako i neki bolji od tebe koji zapadnu sa tobom misle da si ti retard, a i ko da ti se nikada nije desilo da prefidujes ili fejlujes partiju, a i mozda te to zacudi ali neki ljudi igraju for fun igricu i hoce da se sprdaju a ne da po svaku cenu pobede, ti ako ti je tako stalo igraj inhouse lige, a i da zanemarimo sve to gde ce ljudi da nauce ako ne u pabu?

kGR: nemam pare

DU[OVER&astronOUT]: btw

DU[OVER&astronOUT]: sanjao sam urosha

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A inace postoje samo 3 bracketa? Taj very high ima 5 stepena makar, upadaju ti ljudu tvog ranga, to sto ti mislis da su oni retardi za tebe, isto tako i neki bolji od tebe koji zapadnu sa tobom misle da si ti retard, a i ko da ti se nikada nije desilo da prefidujes ili fejlujes partiju, a i mozda te to zacudi ali neki ljudi igraju for fun igricu i hoce da se sprdaju a ne da po svaku cenu pobede, ti ako ti je tako stalo igraj inhouse lige, a i da zanemarimo sve to gde ce ljudi da nauce ako ne u pabu?

Sada mnogo toga možeš da naučiš i u pabu. Npr. u doti1 ja ne znam kada se u pabu kupovalo wardovi, kuriri, kada se stakovali kampovi itd. Više se lige i ne igraju zbog skila, već zbog para, jer sada svaka iole ozbiljna liga ima svog sponzora koji obezbeđuje neke nagrade.

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cenim da ga više smaraju za genijalna mu opravdanja :D

nego, evo prave poslastice za ovo veče - poljski rivju dote 2

cenim da većina ljudi ovde ne priča poljski, tako da je jedan lik sa reddita preveo glavne izjave

  • "Time of League of Legends clones continues"
  • "Basic difference between this two titles is that League of Legends started from zero - Riot was poor, yet ambitious studio, willing to gain appreciation and fame. Dota was developed by Valve specialists - same people who created Half-Life and Steam.
  • "You are able to control allied heroes - but only when player leaves the game"
  • (about denying) "(...) heroes can kill allied soldiers - for example, when they see that enemy will earn gold for killing them"
  • "Freshmen will be discouraged by the fact, that when hero kills his enemy, he takes some of his money - what can be really frustrating"
  • "All in all game may look to hard for a lot of players"
  • "All heroes are playable from the beginning (...). It simplifies ability to use all in-game mechanics, but takes joy of buying your long awaited hero"
  • "Another deficiency is fact, that some heroes are over-powered - best examples are Sniper, Windrunner, Earthshaker and Zeus. On the other hand, Meepo and Shadow Fiend in most cases appear to be totally useless."
  • "Difference between success and defeat depends on picking most powerful heroes - which blocks them for enemy same time."
  • "The game offers only one map, in addition, not very interesting."

a drugi lik ceo rivju

Valve tried their hand at creating a MOBA game. The result? Dota 2 is the LoL for true professionals.

The trend for making League of Legends clones is still going strong. For a long time now better and worse copies of the game have been appearing on the market, trying to get at least a crumb from the giant's cake. Among them - next to relatively popular Guardians of Middle-Earth and Heroes of Newerth - rises a powerful enemy. Dota 2 is the heir of the famous Defense of the Ancients - a Warcraft III mod which started it all. That was how a new genre of games was created - generally called MOBA - and it has enjoyed spectacular success in the world of e-sports. All of this draws us to only one conclusion - Dota 2 is League of Legends' natural competitor.

The basic difference between these two games is the fact that League of Legends started from complete zero - Riot Games used to be a poor, yet ambitious studio, which had to work for its' trademark and recognition. Meanwhile, Dota 2 has been developed by Valve's specialists from the very start - the same who created Half-Life and the Steam platform. The title's start was undeniably a lot easier (especially in the financial sense). It made the players' expectations even higher and they wanted to see pears on a willow, but got... well, what exactly?

Let's start with the fact that Dota 2 only seemingly doesn't stand out from its' genre. Just as in any other MOBA game we control one of the fantasy heroes to, after many battles and encounters, reach the enemy base and destroy it. On the way the heroes get powerful abilities, experience and gold, which they use to buy their magical equipment. On the player's way to victory, he is stood up against not only by the enemy's army of private soldiers, but also by the lofty towers and nasty brawlers - the enemy players.

The way it usually is, the devil is in the details - people familiar with the MOBA genre might find a few small, but insanely important innovations. The first one of them is the donkey - an animal which allows you to transport the artifacts you bought to your hero. The funny steed can be killed, which will make your enemy's time at the game harder. The second novelty is placing a few additional shops at the map's strategic points (some of the vendors offer special items), which makes controlling the area even more important. To add to that, there's also the ability to control other heroes - but only under the condition that the person originally playing them decided to disconnect from the game. If that wasn't enough, the heroes are allowed to kill their own soldiers - when they, for example, notice that the enemy will gain gold from slaying them. The game is also diversified by the dynamic twenty-four hours clock, which affects some heroes' abilities.

The game is very demanding. The "farming" alone (slaying the monsters for money) isn't very easy. While killing the vicious creature gives a lot of gold, finishing it off ("last-hit") is very difficult, because the animation of the hit takes a lot of time. Precision and timing is required from the very start of the game. It means that the title is not for beginners. New players will also be thrown off by the fact that when a hero kills the other, they will take over a part of his money - which can be very frustrating. The delay in activating most of the heroes' skills raises the bar, which is placed high enough without that. All in all, a lot of players might find the learning curve impossible to overcome.

Contrary to competing titles Dota 2 does not offer a specific metagame and changing the heroes' looks is very limited. The heroes' can only be differentiated only during the game itself - through choosing the appropriate items and what order your abilities will be skilled in (up until the heroes' 25 level). Outside of the game it is, of course, possible to purchase different outfits for the heroes (note: he uses literally the expression for "pet" here, which makes no sense even in Polish, so I'll just give you something you can understand) - not only whole sets, but also separate items, like pauldrons or coats. Their prices are, unfortunately, horrendously high - some of the cosmetics cost as much as a lot of individual games would. In fact, after the matches players sometimes receive cosmetics, but usually they are locked in special chests - and the key for a chest like that costs about 2 euros.

The heroes' outfits is the last thing we can customize about our hero, as there are no strengthening runes or alternative trees with abilities (like in Demigod). It basically means that the endgame starts at the very beginning - no player holds an advantage over the others. In some way it is a quality, since it doesn't require strenuous levelling, but in others - it definitely takes away some of the fun. The solution to this is so strange, because the players receive levels - they are not used to improve the heroes' abilities, but help to rank people in the matchmaking system. Which, needless to say, works just horribly. Finding the players sometimes takes up to even 5 minutes and oftentimes it turns out that a group of beginners must face against truly experienced opponents. Maybe that is why this game is flooded with people disconnecting and leaving the computer. Sometimes it's even justified, since there is no surrender in the system - the menu just plain doesn't give you such an option.

Quite mixed feelings (though at the beginning very positive) are also triggered by the heroes themselves. At the time of me writing this, there is about 90 of them, which is a pretty fair amount. They are very diverse and everyone will surely find someone they like among them. What's interesting is that all the heroes are available from the get-go - they don't have to be unlocked or achieved at all. It does make using all of the game's capabilities a lot easier, but it destroys the joy of purchasing a long awaited hero. Another shortcoming of that is that some heroes seem to be imbalanced - best examples of that are Sniper, Windrunner, Earthshaker and Zeus, while Meepo and Shadow Fiend appear to be useless in most situations. Only very experienced players can make use of the advantages and disadvantages that come with such heroes. It seems that whether you lose or win is largely determined by who picks the most powerful hero first - thus blocking them for the opponents.

Dota 2 suffers from typical mistakes of the childhood years. Techincal flaws, bugs and lags are something that can be excused, but some of the ideas behind the game are more worrying. It's especially notable that the game is meant for advanced, persistent and patient players - it is a lot less accesible for newcomers than competing titles. It shows not only through surprisingly complex rules of the game, but also a number of not very well-thought out solutions - such as the unintuitive interface or the idiotic shop window (finding anything in it is a challenge on its' own). Players who are just starting out in the MOBA genre are bound to feel lost - the help system doesn't work very well and there is often so much going on on the map that it's hard to tell who killed who and how. The dark (but still fairy-tale like) visual effects do nothing to save the situation - some of the abilities are accompanied by such elaborate visuals that they might hurt your eyes.

Dota 2 differs strongly from competing products - which is its' biggest chance, but also its' biggest threat. Valve's work will most likely appeal to advanced players who enjoy a real challenge - casual adventurers, however, will be thrown off of it no doubt. With these assumptions it's hard to expect the title to make a huge impact on the competition. The fact that hordes of fans are drawn to titles which are easy to learn, but hard to master is no secret. And Dota 2 does not fullfill this requirement in any way.

lik je inače odigrao 14 mečeva dote, 7-7

Edited by Mr. Nobody


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