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Nisam mogao da izdrzim, potrazio sam na netu :D

Zajeban baja skroz, ali primetio sam da ima dosta nesuglasica, jer je neko citirao dizajnere FR-a gde kazu da je Larloch 46. level, sto je veci level od onog koji je imao lik chije ime se ovde trazi :) Takodje navode i neke druge koji su dosta stariji od trazenog lika.

Sve to mi je dalo jednu ideju. Napraviti izometrijsku turn base arenu, ubaciti bazu poznatih podataka o svim najjacim likovima iz forgotten realmsa, pokrenuti server na kojem ce se odrzavati 1 vs 1 (i/ili 3 vs 3) online turniri gde svako odabere svog omiljenog "heroja". Nakon nekog vremena pokazace se koji je lik imba, i na taj nacin cemo empirijski doci do dokaza ko je glavni baja u FR [:D]

p.s. zasto me forum izloguje cim odem na neki drugi sajt?

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dulio taj tvoj baja je nesto kao bog magije kada je sprcao mystryl ... jebem li ga kako se zove nesto na k ili na c ili na r :D

pa ono, ne znam za to, ko sto rece covek, ima dosta nesuglasica, pa tako i oko toga: tipa, da li je on stripped od svog godnessa kad se mystryl zrtvovo da ga skenja, sa jedne strane, ako je gija privremena (sto ne znamo) onda prso, sa druge strane, ne mozes boga da 'odbozis':)


jel? eto, onda stvar resena lol. al dobro, onda ga ne bih racunao u takmicenju iz prostog razloga sto je debilno uporedjivati boga sa smrtnikom. ali bih ga racunao do trenutka kada je postao bog.

gorath, virtual reality:

e, pa to jeste trip. recimo, larloch ne bi trebalo da bude uopste toliki level po onome sto ja znam:) sve je to istripovano, a i sa apdejtovanjima i novim edicijama wotc menjaju statsove i nivoe likova. takodje, kad neko od njihovih pisaca napise kako je, lupam, mika izjebo peru, onda oni trce da naprave miku jacim od pere...taj stariji je verovatno ovaj drugi sto sam ga pomenuo, zaboravio sam kako se zove...

u sustini, mislim da je ipak ovaj baja elvis medju njima zbog njegove zavrzlamice ako nista:) mislim, pogledao sam i ja sad po netu i rasprava ima kolko oces lol, nisam znao da se o toj tematici tolko zustro raspravlja:) recimo, isto kazu dizajneri u jednom citatu da je symbul najzajebaniji spellcaster ili tako nesto, e sad, sta to znaci, neam pojma. sa druge strane, i larloch i symbul su zivi kolko ja znam, tako da, ako gledamo trenutni poredak, onda ovaj moj sigurno ispada. a upadaju larloch, ovaj drugi (sto je sad undead mozak), symbul, elminster (zbog chosen of mystra perka ponajvise, inace on nije toliko zajeban level - ali ima zajeban CR, recimo 45), pa onda halaster, irenicus...

mada mislim da bi ovaj moj pobedio u kategoriji 'ikad' u nekoj globalnoj anketi. takodje, mislim da je on jedini ikad bacio giju dvanaestog levela...

u svakom slucaju, karsus se zove, magija je karsus' avatar. nek postavlja dalje ko oce:)

sto se tice celebrity death matcha, sranje kod toga je, pored ovih nabrojanih stvari, sto ne znamo propozicije (tipa sta sme, a sta ne sme, gde se fajta itd) i ne znamo kako bi se ko fajtao, u smislu na koji nacin. primera radi, elminster ima veliki wisdom, verovatno veci od karsusa, dal to znaci da bi se pametnije sibao? sa druge strane, mislim da je halaster jos wisdomniji od elminstera al je lud ko struja, kako to da racunamo:) pa onda, dal da im damo iteme koje imaju ili ne? itd td itd

takodje, neko nekom moze da odgovara ili ne odgovara kao protivnik u zavisnosti od statsa, skilova, magija itd.

evo, iskopo sam karsusa:

Karsus of Netheril CR 41

Male Netherese sorcerer 5/ wizard 6/ ultimate magus 20/ archmage 5/ Netherese arcanist 5

LN Medium humanoid

Init +6; Senses permanent arcane sight, darkvision, detect scrying, read magic, see invisibility, Listen +11, Spot +12

Languages Alzhedo, Aragrakh, Draconic, Lorass, Netherese, Thorass (can understand and speak any language)


AC 32, touch 12, flat-footed 28 (50% miss chance)

(+18 armor, +2 force shield, +2 Dexterity)

Hp 246 (41 HD); regenerate 1 hp/hr

Immune aging, acid, cold, electricity, fire, sonic, touch of fatigue, magic missle, blindness/deafness, vampiric touch, enervation, waves of fatigue, disintegrate, finger of death, trap the soul, soul bind; SR 18

Fort +28, Ref +26, Will +39; +2 vs. Illusions


Speed 30 ft. (6 squares)

Melee +24/+19

Ranged +22/+17

Base Atk +20; Grp +24

Atk Options Arcane fire (600ft.), arcane reach (30ft.), mastery of elements, mastery of shaping

Special Actions alacritous cogitation, arcane manipulation, augmented casting 13/day, disguise self at will, evasion, mastery of counterspelling, greater teleport 3/day, spell turning 3/day, spellshift (manipulate only).

Sorcerer Spells Known (CL 29th, 31st to overcome SR, choose spells as CL 22nd):

9th (14/day) -- dominate monster, mage's disjunction, timestop, wish

8th (16/day) -- demand, mass charm monster, polymorph any object, telekinetic sphere

7th (16/day) -- greater teleport, insanity, mass hold person, spell turning

6th (16/day) -- chain lightning, greater dispel magic, mass suggestion, shadow walk

5th (16/day) -- break enchantment, dominate person, feeblemind, mind fog, shadow evocation

4th (18/day) -- confusion, enervation, greater invisibility, resilient sphere, shadow conjuration

3rd (18/day) -- dispel magic, fireball, haste, hold person, suggestion

2nd (18/day) -- arcane lock, detect thoughts, false life, flaming sphere, knock, mirror image

1st (18/day) -- charm person, hold portal, magic arura, magic missle, mage armor, true strike

0 (12/day) -- arcane mark, detect magic, detect poison, light, mending, message, open/close, prestidigitation, touch of fatigue

DC 23+spell level, 26+spell level for mentalism spells

Wizard Spells Per Day (CL 41st, 43rd to overcome SR, choose spells as CL 30th):


DC 29+ spell level, 32+ spell level for mentalism spells

Epic Spells Per Day: 6 (Karsus's contingent duplication takes up 1 epic slot per day until activated), DC 139

Epic Spells Known: Karsus's contingent duplication, Karsus's heavy magic, Proctiv's move mountain, Ioulaum's imbue mythallar, sash of spells, soul scry


Abilities Str 18, Dex 15, Con 19, Int 35(47), Wis 22, Cha 28(34)

SQ Age bonuses, archmage high arcana (arcane fire, arcane reach, mastery of counterspelling, mastery of elements, mastery of shaping), arcane spell power +4, augmented casting 8/day, automatic still spell, backlash resistance, epic spell artisan, expanded spell knowledge, field specialization, enhanced abilities, immunities, permanent spells, Nether Scrolls bonuses.

Feats Alacritous Cogitation, Alertness , Arcane Manipulation, Craft Epic Wondrous Item , Craft Wondrous Item, Epic Skill Focus (spellcraft), Epic Spellcasting , Epic Spell Focus (mentalism), Forge Epic Ring , Forge Ring , Greater Spell Focus (mentalism), Improved Metamagic, Improved Initiative , Improved Spell Capacity (10th), Improved Spell Capacity (11th), Improved Spell Capacity (12th), Improved Spell Capacity (13th), Improved Spell Capacity (14th), Magical Aptitude , Practiced Spellcaster (wizard), Quicken Spell, Scribe Scroll , Silent Spell, Skill Focus (spellcraft), Spell Focus (mentalism), Spell Mastery (charm person, hypnotism, mirror image, knock, dispel magic, suggestion, remove curse, phantasmal killer, feeblemind, mind fog, globe of invulnerability, disintegrate, greater teleport, greater shadow conjuration, moment of prescience, telekinetic sphere, mage's disjunction, wish), Spellcasting Prodigy (wizard), Spellwise, Twin Spell.

Skills Appraise +20, Concentration +34, Craft (alchemy) +38, Craft (gemcutting) +28, Craft (metalworking) +28, Decipher Script +28, Diplomacy +13, Gather Information +22, Intimidate +22, Knowledge (arcana) +65, Knowledge (architecture and engineering) +24, Knowledge (geography) +24, Knowledge (history) +29, Knowledge (High Netheril, local) +24, Knowledge (nature) +24, Knowledge (nobility and royalty) +20, Knowledge (religion, Mystryl) +20, Knowledge (the planes) +39, Knowledge (the Weave) +63, Listen +9 (+11), Spellcraft +139, Spot +10 (+12), Use Magic Device +24.

Traits and Flaws: Absent Minded (+1 to all Knowledge, -1 to Spot and Listen), Forlorn (Magical Aptitude).

Possessions amulet of the archwizard, major Netherese archyre, Netherese flying disc, crimson robes of the archwizard, bracers of epic armor +13, Karsus's mantle, Killdrum wand of greater dispelling (right arm), general mattick's scepter of rapidity (9 charges), ring of evasion (slotless), ring of force shield (slotless), ring of spell turning (slotless), ring of spell battle, ring of universal energy resistance, ioun stones: dark blue rhomboid (alertness), dark blue spindle (improved initiative), pale white cube (spell mastery), pearly white spindle (regenerate 1 hp per hour). Karsus also possesses numerous artifacts. The ones on his person include a prismatic sphere ioun stone (as ring of wizardry for all spell levels),

Spellbook As one of the greatest spellcasters to ever exist, Karsus has access to litterally thousands of tomes detailing virtually every spell in existence (or an equally effective variant).


Hook "I was the most powerful of all the archwizards, the Arcanist Supreme. They called me Karsus the Great."

Appearance: Karsus wears robes of rich crimson trimmed with black. Golden rings gleam on his fingers, their hue matched by the blazing gold of his eyes. He has tousled brown hair and the untidy beginnings of a beard, and his voice fairly leaps with eager confidence whenever he speaks.


Age Bonuses: Because of his age, Karsus receives the bonuses of being venerable (+3 Int, Wis, Cha).

Automatic Still Spell (Ex): Due to the particular way the Netherese study and practice magic, Karsus requires no somatic components for any spell he casts, just as if he had the Automatic Still Spell feat for all spell levels.

Arcane Fire (Su): Karsus can change arcane spell energy into arcane fire, manifesting it as a bolt of raw magical energy. The bolt is a ranged touch attack with long range (600ft.) that deals 5d6 points of damage plus 1d6 points of damage per level of the spell used to create the effect.

Arcane Reach (Su): Karsus can use spells with a range of touch on a target up to 30 feet away.

Arcane Spell Power (Ex): Karsus has a +7 bonus to his caster level for both wizard and sorcerer spells.

Augmented Casting (Su): Karsus can choose to sacrifice a spell or spell slot from one of his classes to apply the effect of a metamagic feat that he knows to a spell cast using another arcane class.

Mastery of Elements: Karsus can alter an arcane spell when cast so that it utilizes a different element from the one it normally uses. This ability can only alter a spell with the acid, cold, fire, electricity, or sonic descriptor. The spell’s casting time is unaffected. Karsus decides whether to alter the spell’s energy type and chooses the new energy type when he begins casting.

Expanded Spell Knowledge (Ex): Karsus has added an additional spell for each spell level of 1st through 9th to his sorcerer spell list.

Mastery of Counterspelling: When Karsus counterspells a spell, it is turned back upon the caster as if it were fully affected by a spell turning spell. If the spell cannot be affected by spell turning, then it is merely counterspelled.

Mastery of Shaping: Karsus can alter area and effect spells that use one of the following shapes: burst, cone, cylinder, emanation, or spread. The alteration consists of creating spaces within the spell’s area or effect that are not subject to the spell. The minimum dimension for these spaces is a 5-foot cube. Furthermore, any shapeable spells have a minimum dimension of 5 feet instead of 10 feet.

Field Specialization: Karsus's major field of specialization is mentalism (epic spell seeds: banish, compel, conceal, contact, delude, foresee, reveal, shadow) and his minor field is variations (epic spell seeds: animate, animate dead, dispel, fortify, mythal, reflect, transform, transport, ward). He cannot cast spells based on seeds from the field of invention. The base Spellcraft DC for developing spells in the mentalism field of specialization is reduced by 5.

Greater Spell Focus (Epic): The saving throw DC for each of Karsus's epic spells increases by +2, but the Spellcraft DC does not increase.

Backlash Resistance (Su): Karsus ignores the first 5 points of backlash damage of any epic spell he casts.

Epic Spell Artisan: To develop epic spells, Karsus pays only 7,000 gp instead of 9,000 gp.

Enhanced Abilities: Karsus has used wish spells and various other rituals to increase his abilities by +5.

Permanent Spells: Trails of golden energy traverse over Karsus's body. These manifestations are the result of rituals using wish and permanency spells to give himself the following effects: arcane sight, comprehend languages, darkvision, detect scrying, read magic, see invisibility, spellshift (manipulate effect only), and tongues. These effects also cause Karsus's eyes to have a golden radiance.

Immunities (Ex): Due to longevity magic, Karsus does not age and cannot be magically aged. Karsus is immune to all forms of energy damage. He is also immune to the following spells; touch of fatigue, magic missle, blindness/deafness, vampiric touch, enervation, waves of fatigue, disintegrate, finger of death, trap the soul, and soul bind. Not only is Karsus immune to these spells but they are also fully reflected back upon the caster. Karsus is also under the effects of a continuous mind blank spell.

Nether Scrolls: Karsus has read and gained the benefits of the Arcanus Fundare and the Magicus Creare Scrolls and has a +30 inherent bonus to Spellcraft, +1 to save DC's for all arcane spells, three bonus Item Creation feats (Craft Epic Wondrous Item, Forge Epic Ring, Forge Ring), and only pays 75% the cost to create magic items.


Sources PHB 3.5, PHB II, DMG 3.5, DMG II, Book of Vile Darkness (3E), FC1: Hordes of the Abyss (3.5E), Complete Scoundrel (3.5E), Player’s Guide to Faerun (3.5E), Power of Faerun (3.5E), Faiths and Pantheons (3E) and Spell Compendium (3.5E).

Karsus’ Equipement

Netherese Flying Disc: These discs, made from at least 40 pounds of pure mithril, were popular among the arcanists of Netheril. A Netherese flying disc typically appears as a circular disc 3 feet in diameter and is 1 inch thick with runes in the Loross language engraved along its edge. Anyone standing on a Netherese flying disc can direct it to fly with good maneuverability by simply willing it to do so. The maximum speed of a Netherese flying disc is 60 ft (or 40 feet if the rider wears medium or heavy armor or carries a medium or heavy load).

Faint transmutation; CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, fly, 40 lb. mithril disc; Price 140,000 gp; Cost 60,000 gp, 4,800 XP

Netherese ring of Spell Storing: These transparent crystal rings function as the minor ring of spell storing, except it holds up to twenty levels of spells.

Strong evocation; CL 34th; Forge Ring, Forge Epic Ring, imbue with spell ability; Price 800,000 gp.

Crystal Chain of Binding: First developed by the Netherese, these manacles are always crafted from star sapphire and were used to control rogue spellcasters and to prevent them from unleashing dangerous energies during their incarceration. As a move action, the owner of a crystal chain of binding can make the manacles fly up to 15 feet away and entwine itself around the limbs of a creature. Once the manacles are secured around their victim, that creature becomes intangled and is unable to cast spells, use spell-like abilities, supernatural abilities, or magic items. Likewise, spell effects and magic items on the creature cease functioning for the time they are chained by the manacles.

Strong abjuration; CL 13; Craft Wondrous Item, Craft Epic Wondrous Item; anti-magic aura, mage hand; masterwork manacles made of star sapphire; Price 728,750gp; 2 lb.; Cost 369,425gp, 14,575 XP.

Amulet of the Archwizard: These light, gold medallions on silver chains are usually worn under the clothes of an archwizard. Each was stamped with the sigil of a particular enclave, doubling as a simple identification piece. The amulet provides a constant mind blank effect and allows the wearer to cast greater teleport three times per day with the utterance of a command word.

Strong varied; CL 15th, Craft Wondrous Item; greater teleport, mind blank; Price 283,800gp

Netherese archyre: Netherese archyres, or crowns, were a common status symbol for the archwizards of High Netheril. Each one likening him or herself as an absolute ruler. Archyres are always of heavy, gaudy construction, typically with numerous gems and other precious stones embedded into them. Each arcanist personalized their archyre, but all bore similar powers. There were three types of archyres common in Netheril; minor, medium, and major archyres. A Netherese archyre confers the following bonuses upon anyone who wears it.

*The wearer gains a +8 (minor), +10 (medium), or +12 (major) enhancement bonus to their Intelligence.

*The wearer gains a +10 (minor), +20 (medium), or +30 (major) circumstance bonus to Spellcraft checks.

*A Netherese archyre functions as a spellbook that can hold up to either 50 (minor), 100 (medium), or 200 (major) pages of spells. A wizard can "write" a spell into an archyre without paying the usual material cost of 100 gp per page, although he still must take the normal time to do so. A Netherese archyre is fully erasable, so its owner can remove spells and replace them with news ones as he sees fit.

Strong transmutation; CL 20th; Craft Wondrous Item, Craft Epic Wondrous Item; commune or legend lore, limited wish, secret page; Price 655,938gp (minor), 1,061,875gp (medium), 1,578,750gp (major).

Crimson Robes of the Archwizard: This garment is of rich crimson silk lined with black draconic runes in the Lorass language of High Netheril. These robes once belonged to the archwizard Karsus and provide a +5 armor bonus to the wearers AC, provides Spell Resistance 18, and a +4 resistance bonus to all saves. Furthermore, Karsus often went amongst the people of his enclave in order to confirm reports or to perform tasks he deemed too important to entrust to underlings. As such, these robes allow the wearer to use disguise self at will.

Strong varied; CL 14th, Craft Wondrous Item; mage armor or shield of faith, disguise self, resistance; Price 128,250gp.

Karsus's mantle: Karsus is a man consumed with knowledge, and his mantle gives him the strength to go through long periods of research without the need to pause for food, drink, and rest as a ring of sustenance. It also provides continuous displacement and grants a +4 luck bonus on all saving throws.

Medium varied; CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item; create food and water, displacement, resistance; Price 171,750gp

licno mislim da je on prostom logikom veci CR od 41 (iako je lvl41) - mislim, pogledajte mu samo immunitije lol


glup sam elminster je gej, ima wis 18 :)

brate sto ti ne smuvas miu? realno 5 min da provede sa tobom bila bi ready za guraj-vadi. :)

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mystra je reinkarnacija mystryla. karsus je drainovo mystryla i dobio njegove moci, onda se mystryl zrtvovo i izblokirao celu magiju, sjebo karsusa i reinkarnirao se kao mystra i brze bolje pozurio da iskljuci gije preko devetke:)

e sad, sta je bilo sa mystrom, to ne znam, to je nesto posle.

aha, evo ga:

Mystra as she existed between the Time of Troubles and the Spellplague was a different entity than the goddess who bore the name previously and was, in fact, the third such incarnation. All shared the same role and responsibilities, but they were different in alignment and temperament, as well as in origin.

brate sto ti ne smuvas miu? realno 5 min da provede sa tobom bila bi ready za guraj-vadi. :)

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izgleda da je prva mystra reinkarnirani mystryl (ili se i mystryl racuna kao jedna od mystri:) ), a druga (treca) ova o kojoj se radi kod tebe, sto je bila mortal i zvala se midnight.

brate sto ti ne smuvas miu? realno 5 min da provede sa tobom bila bi ready za guraj-vadi. :)

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sto se tice celebrity death matcha, sranje kod toga je, pored ovih nabrojanih stvari, sto ne znamo propozicije (tipa sta sme, a sta ne sme, gde se fajta itd) i ne znamo kako bi se ko fajtao, u smislu na koji nacin. primera radi, elminster ima veliki wisdom, verovatno veci od karsusa, dal to znaci da bi se pametnije sibao? sa druge strane, mislim da je halaster jos wisdomniji od elminstera al je lud ko struja, kako to da racunamo:) pa onda, dal da im damo iteme koje imaju ili ne? itd td itd

takodje, neko nekom moze da odgovara ili ne odgovara kao protivnik u zavisnosti od statsa, skilova, magija itd.

Pa ne znam. Ja sam mislio da svakom od likova damo bukvalno sve osobine, magije, iteme za koje se zna da poseduju. Onda bi se ljudi logovali na server i birali nekog od tih likova i shibali se medjusobno. Npr. elminster bi se shibao onoliko pametno koliko je pametan covek koji ga vodi. Wisdom bi imao uticaja onoliko koliko ima uticaja po dnd pravilima na mage-ove. Nista manje, nista vishe. Naravno, ovde je mana to sto od skila coveka koji vodi lika dosta zavisi, ali ako bi se dosta ljudi ukljucilo u sve to, posle izvesnog vremena bi skontali koji lik je prejak, tj. nije bas balansiran u odnosu na ostale. Otprilike procedura kao kad razvojni timovi balansiraju igru, pa kad vide da je neki lik/rasa prejak oni ga malo saseku kako bi ostvarili balans.

Samo sto mi nista ne bi nrfovali, nego je jedini cilj da se sazna chiji je tata najjaci :)

Chini mi se da bi to bilo moguce izvesti bas zbog dnd pravila i poteznog sistema. Mislim da je prilicno jednostavno verno predstaviti dnd kombat kao turn based simulaciju.

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zamislio sam to i skontao da bi zaista trebalo biti bas pametan ili ako nista ektremno verziran u dndu da bi iskoristio potencijal bilo koga od tih likova:) mislim, kad pustis goblina na goblina u fazonu si da ih pomeras levo desno i da napadas nekim nozicem i to je to. ovde ima toliko taktika da me vec boli glava od kombinacija i pristupa, ocu li mu ici na HP ili cu sebe da bafujem ili cu njega da nrfujem ili da raspicim odma po 9th spelovima ili mozda prvo malo da oprzim sa 3-4lvl evokacijama...lol

al kontam da bi bilo prilicno zanimljivo:)

tako da to je kul, ali ostaje jedan problem, a to je prenosenje "real life" forgotten realmsa u dnd rpg sistem. u smislu da sistem moze da emulira neku fundamentalnu tehnicku stranu, ali ona je jako mali deo celog lika. recimo, mozda bi ovi neterilski retardi dosli sa nekim custom zajebanim magijama i pojebali ove nove iz prostog razloga sto su 'knowledgeabilniji' ili tako nesto...ili bi elminster dok ga neko bije reko 'mistra tebra' i dobio neku nestandardnu divine intervention van pravila:)

ali da, head to head dice rolling je sasvim adekvatan za gledanje ko je zajebaniji kao cist rpg character.

brate sto ti ne smuvas miu? realno 5 min da provede sa tobom bila bi ready za guraj-vadi. :)

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Onda sada da nastavimo sa pitalicama, a ja cu pocetkom septembra kad skinem sebi trenutne obaveze sa vrata krenuti da programiram jedan ovakav simulator. Endzin ce verovatno biti ogre3d, sa fiksiranom izometrijskom kamerom. Dobro ce mi doci pomoc oko pravljenja 3d modela likova (jer mi je vrhunac art skila da nacrtam chicha glishu), kao i u implementaciji dnd sistema (sve one sitnice koje je tako lako prevideti, a koje mnogi ovde znaju sigurno bolje od mene...game masteri u vas gledam [:D] ).

U svakom sluchaju bice to jedno zanimljivo iskustvo. A i za promenu malo da programiram nesto sto me STVARNO zanima :)

Ajde nek prvi koji naidje postavi next question plx :)

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Evo jedno lako.

Iz Fallout-a je izbacena jedna rasa, frakcija, jer se, prema tvorcima, nije uklapala u celi postapokalipticni stimung igre.

O kome se radi?

...Од рођења спремна стоји, мене чека моја рака,
Да однесе све што имам у дубину у дубоку.


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-100hp uopste nije toliko malo. na sedamnaestom nivou, fajter npr, sa svojim hd10 ce imati oko stotke, a on ima dobar hd, jelte, jedino barbarian ima bolji hd. sto se tice zivuljki, opet je dobra jer ubrzava poso i dalje ranjavanje partya, posto moze stopostotno da rokne lika ako

Nikako da skapiram o kojoj ediciji govorite? Nije valjda 3ipo jer sam tu sa na 12om nivou imao 280hpa.

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Nikako da skapiram o kojoj ediciji govorite? Nije valjda 3ipo jer sam tu sa na 12om nivou imao 280hpa.

ja konkretno govorim o trecoj, ne znam kolike su promene u 3.5, ali pretpsotavljam da tolike nisu, jer bi to zahtevalo overhaul citavoe mehanike.

u trecoj na tom nivou teorijski ne bi mogao da imas toliko. barabarian ima najvecu kockicu za hp, dvanaesticu. ako si za svih jedanaest levelovanja bacio dvanaest (sto je slabo izvodljivo najblaze receno), imao bi 12x12=144hp + con bonus za svaki level (koji recimo da kod razumnog rolanja za statsove varira od +1 do +3 na pocetku, kasnije moze da se dotera dalje, uzmimo da je bio +4), 12x4=48, dakle 144+48=192. i to je jedan veeeeeoma veeeeeeeeeeoooooooooooma srecan varvarin:)

realno bi bilo ocekivati da covek dobija sedmice u proseku za hp, a da mu con bonus bude +3 for the sake of lakse racunanje, recimo da je tri kroz svako levelovanje.

znaci, imamo 12+3=15 za prvi nivo + 11x7=77 za ostale + 11x3=33 con bonus, sto mu dodje 125hp, dakle jedan krajnje solidan varvarin.

brate sto ti ne smuvas miu? realno 5 min da provede sa tobom bila bi ready za guraj-vadi. :)

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Nikako da skapiram o kojoj ediciji govorite? Nije valjda 3ipo jer sam tu sa na 12om nivou imao 280hpa.

12 x 5.5 + 12 x 4 = 114HP

Ovo je prosečni roll za HP po nivou sa +4 bonusom na 18 konstituciju (tj. Strenght na svahiliju)

What gives?

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dobro, na prvom levelu po oficijelnoj varijanti se dobija max bez rolanja. a ako je imao odmah 18, onda bi verovatno furao con, pa bi dosao i do +5 u medjuvremenu.

al dobro, ko da je to bitno, fazon je da ni meni nije jasno kako da imas 280hp

brate sto ti ne smuvas miu? realno 5 min da provede sa tobom bila bi ready za guraj-vadi. :)

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He he he jesam bio jedan jako jako srecan varvarin :))))) Ovo sto vas sve buni je da sam igrao DDO (ONLINE) koji je 3.5 i nije nikakava devijajcija od Wizzards of Coast price nego ne moras da rolas za pocetne statsove i kad se levelujes nego lepo klikces na plusic gde hoces da dodas pojencice kao i u svakoj kompjuterskoj varijanti... Kako sam imao 280 komada? Srolao sam Warforged varvarina koga sam bildovao na taj nacin da imam oko 40 minuta rejdza (na 12. nivou) a sve enhancemente sam tako birao da mi pod rejdzom skacu STR i CON nenormalno tako da sam u tamnicama prakticno bio nonstop pod rejdzom jer ipak na 40 minuta mozes tako tempirati (ako jako dobro igras) da uvek mozes restovati na shrine da bi ponovo imao mojh 4x10min rejdza ako sam vec ispucao par komada... Naravno klosarski min/max build je bio u pitanju a tako u principu rolam vec godinama koji god mmorpg ili rpg igram... Koju sam opremu imao bolje ni da ne pocnem da pricam jer bi nekome mogle da ispadnu oci, dovoljno je reci da sam imao set legendary falchiona koje nisam ni koristio jer su mi bili nedovoljno gotivni. Abohac je ubio Velu crvenog zmaja kritikalom grejtsworda od 96slajsa+1good dmg. Tom liku o kome pricate ima da se najebem majke i oca kad se izlevelujem na 40+ nivo za jedno par decenija, lol kad Klosars of the Cost daju klir da se igra na tim nivoima. :))))

Da ovo za Fallout nije odgovor Deathclaws?

Edited by abohac
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^^ Naravno, cak u dvojci imas mogucnost jednog da vodis. Mislim da su neki mutirani rakuni, ali ne mogu da se setim imena pa nisam hteo nista da kazem. Eto ako to nije dovoljno neka bude hint za nekog ko im zna tacno ime ;)

BTW ovo za srecnog varvarina ono nisam racunao na ddo tako da ne znam. Ocigledno smo svi mislili na neke pnp varijante.

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