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nemačko auto je najbolje auto


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:) kada je do toga japanac ili nemac, ja se samo najezim od razlike izmedju zvuka rada motora jednog i drugog... uvek sam za onu necujniju hoverkraft varijantu japanaca :D

eko bih da vozim a da se chuje ona bih vozio mustanga iz 67


nema veze sa temom i bolje sto nema, vidite sta je dobar zvuk :D





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:) kada je do toga japanac ili nemac, ja se samo najezim od razlike izmedju zvuka rada motora jednog i drugog... uvek sam za onu necujniju hoverkraft varijantu japanaca :D

eko bih da vozim a da se chuje ona bih vozio mustanga iz 67


nema veze sa temom i bolje sto nema, vidite sta je dobar zvuk :D

lol cuje se kao lokomotiva


neki ljudi ne razumu neke stvari!1!

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' date='04 February 2010 - 11:25' timestamp='1265279102' post='1518719']

Ima moj drugar ...

Jeli bre jel imas ti nekog drugara da vozi autobus ili velosiped?

Ja sam radio jedno istraživanje marki automobila na faksu (iz oblasti marketinga i ostalog sranja :D).

Ne plaćaš ti samo karakteristike, već i sam imidž automobila.


You may have gone to Cambridge, but I'm an honorary graduate of Starfleet Academy

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Najjedonstavniji test koji bih mogao da vam ovako interpretiram je da zamislite čoveka koji vozi BMW-a i Pežo-a. :)

Ko je bolji frajer? :D

wrong on so many levels

You may have gone to Cambridge, but I'm an honorary graduate of Starfleet Academy

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Ja sam radio jedno istraživanje marki automobila na faksu (iz oblasti marketinga i ostalog sranja :D).

Ne plaćaš ti samo karakteristike, već i sam imidž automobila. Ne znam da li znate, ali BMW ima npr. stručnjake za akustiku vozila. Tipa kad zatvoriš vrata da se to lepo čuje vozaču. Takođe sređuju i miris automobila. Da kad uđeš u nov auto, da ti miriše "prijatno".

Tako da plaćaš i neke finese koje generalno na prvi pogled nisu bitne, ali sve to oni rade da bi bili makar korak ispred konkurencije.

Najjedonstavniji test koji bih mogao da vam ovako interpretiram je da zamislite čoveka koji vozi BMW-a i Pežo-a. :)

Ko je bolji frajer? :D

imas to u pismenoj formi? radim swot i pest analizu iz marketing i izabrao sam bmw group pa bi mi svaki tekst dobro dosao :)

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Eh, nemam. :)

U pismenoj formi imam samo MT:S :)

Ali ako ti treba neka pomoć oko SWOT i PEST analize pusti pm.


Ma jeste to očigledno samo ljudi nekad zaborave na to jer toliko pričaju o karakteristikama (barem na ovom topicu sam to primetio).

Samo sam hteo da skrenem pažnju i na to. Inače ne bih da ti sad nešto pametujem, možda to tebi zvuči glupavo, ali ogromne pare se troše na istraživanja kako bi napravili emotivnu sponu između potrošača i proizvoda.

Tako da BMW, Pežo, Mercedes, Honda, VW i ostali liče na ljude tj. ljude iz određenog sloja. :)

Tako je BMW opisivan, kao lik koji je sportista, ali i elegantan. Kada izađe dame ga primete itd, da ne serem više u got the point. :)

"This deck of cards is a little frayed around the edges, but then again so am I and I've got fewer suits..."

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Accorda nisam vozio nikad ali je jako atraktivnog izgleda i voleo bih da ga provozam, shto se tiche njegovog takmichenja sa bmw-om nisam upoznat prochitao sam par chlanaka sa neta o njima pa evo u spojleru sa 2 izvora neka. Ochekivao sam da ovde kao shto kazu upravljanje malo bolje na akordu jer je bmw uvek dozvoljavao odredjenu toleranciju upravljanja zbog da kazem "igranja" sa autom jer kad uzmete takav auto koji ima snage glupo bi bilo ogranichiti ga previshe elem ima onih koji to ne vole...

1. Maintenance costs

Honda is better you cost as you pay much more less around 200-400 for minor service and i think would be up to 500-600 for major (i might be exagerating)

2. Resale value

Honda is better also, jap cars depreciation is much more better than Greman cars, And honda is in top of the list with Toyota.

For BMW,

1. Maintenance costs

Higher cost, some people do service outside the agency (not recommended except if you are car/mechanical expert) BUT you do maintenancy every 10,000 vs 5,000 for the Honda.

Cost i think might be in the range of 2000+ each time.

2. Resale value

Depreciation is as all german cars, in the range of 15% for the first year and 10% annually flat after that, and when a new model comes it would be 15% percent for the first year also.

Note that BMW will cost more than Honda and so Dep. is higher in value. and also percentage as jap is less than 10%

Beemer, it much better car than honda in Luxury, look, style, elegance, and go test drive both... German car is A German Car and this is a Beemer.

A compact executive car manufactured in five various generations with more than five different body styles, the BMW 3Series has to date been the best-selling car for the German car maker BMW. The 3 Series has been the best-selling car in its class ever since it was released in 1973, at some point even outselling cheaper models and winning numerous automotive honors along the way. In the same car class from Japanese manufacturer Honda Motor Company is the Honda Accord, a family car produced in sequence since the mid seventies.

Feature comparison of latest models

The 2009 BMW 3 series is available in four models namely sedan, coupe, convertible and sports wagon models whereas the 2009 Accord doesn’t offer the convertible and coupe models. Performance wise, the BMW is miles ahead of the Accord with all its models powered by a 2.8 liter, 230 horsepower, six cylinder engine with either six-speed manual or six-speed intelligent auto-manual transmission. For the base model of the 2009 Accord it will have a 2.4 liter engine that will on average do 35 miles per gallon of gas but that is a little less than the 3 series, which has a significantly larger engine.

When it comes to handling both the accord and the 3 Series share tire characteristics but the accord has more agility on the road given its tighter turning circle. For any car owners that do a lot of city mileage this is something to ponder but the 3 Series will give you better value for your money on the highway.

The 3 Series has got a roomy interior owing to its ampler interior dimensions which gives passengers extra comfort compared to the Accord although you will get more headroom in the front cabin of the Accord but in terms of usefulness, the Honda Accord is more advantageous especially for parents who often need child and cargo space.

In terms of cost, the more generous basic warranty that comes with a purchase of the 3 Series also make it far more expensive than the Accord, both the destination charge to the dealer’s place and the MSRP.


1. The Accord is obviously made by a Japanese car maker Honda while the 3 Series is from German.

2. The 3 Series offers a sedan, coupe, convertible and sports wagon whereas the Accord doesn’t have the convertible and couple.

3. The 3 Series has a bigger, more powerful engine than the Accord.

4. The Accord has a tighter turning circle than the 3 Series and also is more agile on the road than the 3 Series.

5. Overall, the 3 series costs way higher than the Accord and comes with better warranty.

French Foreign Legion, Legio Patria Nostra! FFL ONE LOVE!

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Ma jeste to očigledno samo ljudi nekad zaborave na to jer toliko pričaju o karakteristikama (barem na ovom topicu sam to primetio).

Samo sam hteo da skrenem pažnju i na to. Inače ne bih da ti sad nešto pametujem, možda to tebi zvuči glupavo, ali ogromne pare se troše na istraživanja kako bi napravili emotivnu sponu između potrošača i proizvoda.

Jeste, ali sada sam u fazi da mrzim korporacije, pa je moj odgovor bolje da te pare potrose na mene ili gladnu decu

You may have gone to Cambridge, but I'm an honorary graduate of Starfleet Academy

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Realno mi smo idioti, nama je doshao lik sa imenom traktorista da prosipa pamet o novom bmw-u. Moj drugar je u isto vreme kupio novi x5 3.0sd (275hp) i merc e 350 (3.0 motor 280hp) benzinac.

Ima moj drugar pezoa 407 u fullu koza, automatik, panorama sve, sve, sve.


Ajde bezi mamlaze mali ...

Edited by mohican



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taj mi nesto mnogo krklja...

ovako nesto je ipak primerenije. :)


brale moja sta je to, fen za kosu sta? zvuchi kao neki motor zujalica, fuj


e to je kao da imash panzer pantera ispod haube :D

dve tone do stotke za 6 sec :D

najbolji je golf 2, nemac je to pravio, duvajte ga svi

brate to se sklapalo ubosni :]





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Jaoj, pa goga oce da se nadmece sa mohijem :)

Gogo ako si haker, imas jedan poen da se vratis u match sa mohijem :)

Mica mala kako je bio cakan kao mali osnovac, ko bi rekao da ce izrasti u ovakvo cebasto cudoviste :P

You may have gone to Cambridge, but I'm an honorary graduate of Starfleet Academy

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Nemam ja problem da se nadmecem nisakim, njegove rechi mogu samo da govore o njemu a ne o meni. ;) Ako je on sa svojih 2x godina doshao dotle da se ovako raspravlja na forumu to govori vishe od svega.

@neo: niti imam hamera, niti vozim auto ja ovde nisam ponemuo nishta od toga shta posedujem ;) a ukoliko u vama malo skuplji auto proizvodi ovako burne reakcije ja bih se zabrinuo da sam na vashem mestu. ;)

edit: inache na mom fb profilu verovatno ima materijala da me prozivate za ceo zivot ali ukoliko se to desi necu se uzbudjivati previshe jer nishta pametnije ni ne ochekujem od vas. :)

Edited by Goga[TT]
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