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Mislim da smo se prosle godine sprdali sa temom instanci u fazonu, ma kad izadjete iz orgrimara imace te portal za svaku instancu :D kad ono...... :D

Eno ja sam pisao da treba da se gear deli za 1c po komadu, bio bi red to da bude u sledećem patchu... ili bar expanziji...

otišao tetki da odnese lek...

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E da se ispovedam.

Ceo dan pokusavam da pobedim AB (Niko nije pravio premade niti mi je palo napamet da se ja za isti cimam da pravim). Naravno vaku partiju sam izgubio. Da bi na kraju smoren stojao kod Blacksmith i gledao alliancu kako paradira okolo. I dotrca jedan paladin do mene. E tu pocinje sledeca prica:

[22:26:32][W:From] [ulixes-Turalyon]: lol i never played a apla

[22:26:42][W:To] [ulixes-Turalyon]: so ?

[22:26:50]The Horde has gathered 1440 resources, and is near victory!

[22:26:53][W:From] [ulixes-Turalyon]: i'm a pala noob

[22:27:09][G] [stiven]: so nice to see [The Argent Resolve]

[22:27:12][G] [stiven]: on lvl 80 pala

[22:27:20][G] [stiven]: [Jayde's Reinforced Handguards]

[22:27:23][G] [snaafy]: WHERE FROM?

[22:27:29][G] [stiven]: in ab

[22:27:34][G] [stiven]: and he wispered me

[22:27:49][G] [stiven]: [22:26:32][W:From] [ulixes-Turalyon]: lol i never played a apla

[22:28:00][G] [stiven]: [22:26:53][W:From] [ulixes-Turalyon]: i'm a pala noo

[22:28:08][G] [stiven]: i want to delete my character


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"All level 71-80 Battleground daily quests will now award 25 Arena points in addition to their current rewards."

upravo sam sa lvl 71 likom uradi daily pvp i nisam dobio 25 arena poena...u cemu je fora? :S

"U dresu Redzi Millera idem do svog dilera, vutre puna kesa al' ost'o sam bez dresa"

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Mora da si veliki car, pa su tebi specijalno dolelili 25 poena.

obrazlozi svoj post ako se meni obracas. Ja sam quotovao info iz 3.3 patch notsa i napisao da NISAM dobio 25 arena poena cisto iz dosade a i mozda ovde neko zna nesto vise pa da proverim a ti kreces sa tim tvojim random adminskim h8-om.

"U dresu Redzi Millera idem do svog dilera, vutre puna kesa al' ost'o sam bez dresa"

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ma opusteno nema frke :) Ja sam skontao da ti pomalo hejtujes ljude jer se pojavljuje sve vise "Marlena like" ljudi koji spamuju gluposti pa sam hteo da se distanciram od njih. To admin sam napisam bezveze, nisam mislio da zloupotrebljavas svoje moderatorske moci

"U dresu Redzi Millera idem do svog dilera, vutre puna kesa al' ost'o sam bez dresa"

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evo ti :)

The Rings from Ashen Verdict (Friendly-Exalted) are insane and should probably be utitlised by everyone, so here's a quick guide on farming the rep.

This guide is for 10man Icecrown Citadel normal mode.


Raid Setup

1 x Tank (Preferably well geared, totc25 normal tank gear.)

2 x Healer (Any healbots are good enough)

7 x Random DPS. (Try to maximise your AoE, my group used 3 Mages 3 Rogues and a Warlock.)


The Damned - Level 80 Elite mobs with 478k health.

These mobs are just like insects, don't do any real damage but are just there in abundance. When they die they explode for 10k health so try to keep everyone topped and melee watch yourself when AoE'ing.

Servent of the Throne - Level 80 Elite mobs with 378k health.

These mobs appear in nearly every pack, do nothing special but cast a Glacial Bolt that hits for a considerable amount of damage.

Ancient Skeletal Soldier - Level 80 Elite mob with 315k health.

Nothing special, tank and spank mobs. Might have a cleave that hits for 12k but I'm not positive.

Nerub'ar Broodkeeper - Level 80 Elite mobs with 315k health.

Again nothing special, just sit there spitting out scarabs that hit for 3.5k each. These cast a spell called 'Dark Mending' which should ideally be interupted.

Deathbound Ward - Level 82 Elite mobs with 1,685k health.

These are the hardest mobs in the trash zone and are optional (if you have a Rogue). There are four traps scattered across the 2 rooms of trash (2 in each room) which can be de-activated by a stealth Rogue or can be activated by anyone to spawn these.


First Pull

5+ x The Damned

There are two 'The Damned' mobs guarding the entrance to the first trash room and a group of three 'The Damned' mobs patroling inside the room. Pull this pack and the patroling pack inside at the same time, and drag them to the guards. The guards and your AoE will kill this pack in around 15 seconds. Don't worry if you pull one of the side packs on the left and right because they reset at the entrance of the room.

Bottom Left and Right Packs

4 x The Damned

1 x Servent

These two pulls are simple; have your tank run in and aggro the 'Servent of the Throne' while everyone nukes it. Use stuns, kicks, counter-spells etc to interupt it's Glacial Bolt and it'll die without harm. Then proceed to AoE 'The Damned' pack of four mobs which your tank should have aggro on.

Do not try pulling these to the guards as they will reset.

Middle Pack

1 x Servent

2 x Nerub'ar

2 x Ancient Soldier

Have your tank run in and aggro this pack and use the same strategy as above on the 'Servent of the Throne'. Lock it down and kill it asap. Once this is dead proceed to AoE the other 4 mobs while watching for heals from the 'Nerud'ar Broodkeeper'.

Top Left and Right Packs

1 x Nerub'ar

4 x The Damned

Same strategy as the bottom left and right packs, but this time you want to kill the Nerub'ar first and proceed to AoE 'The Damned' mobs.

Second Room Entrance Pack

2 x Nerub'ar

2 x Servent

Have seperate lockdowns for the Servents and leave the Nerub'ars be. Have your tank tank all of them paying attention to heal casts and glacial bolts. Have a DPS order for the four mobs, rather than AoE'ing this pack.

Second Room Pack

2 x Servent

2 x Nerub'ar

2 x Ancient Soldier

Same as the pack above but this time with 2 Ancient Soldiers with them. Pull this pack with a ranged and have the tank LoS behind the first room wall. Pull them to the first room and deal with them there; because traps can be set off in that room which will spawn Wards and require a reset.

Deathbound Ward

These guys are the trickiest as they are like mini-bosses. There are four of these per reset, and have to be activated by traps. They can be skipped if you do not want to kill them (though they are worth the most rep(75)).

Have your Rogues scout the first room for the traps. When they find the traps they should activate them by standing on them, which will then cause them to be slowed by 90% movement speed (a debuff they should cloak) and then vanish if they pulled a pack. Once the trap(s) have been activated you should wait at the entrance of the room for the Ward to patrol the room, and pull him to the entrance (not outside it) to kill him.

He does a LOT of damage which will require spam heals from both your healers. He does an instant-cleave every 1 or 2 seconds which means no-one at all should be infront of him except the tank. Melee should not move in to hit him until the tank has him stationary and a tank spot set.

He does a 'Disrupting Shout' which interupts any cast you are currently casting so healers and casters should watch out for when that is cast (once every ten seconds or so) and try not to cast anything during it.

This mob is disarmable, very recommended.

Again if you don't want to kill this mob you should have a Rogue de-activate the trap.


The invading mobs at the start 'The Damned' are worth zero reputation so should be ignored when possible; they stop invading after you kill the first pack.

All mobs in this instance are worth between 15 to 75 reputation (with 'The Damned' being worth 15 and 'Deathbone Ward' being worth 75).

Per run you can expect to get between 850 and 900 reputation depending on the circumstances. Your reputation per run is significantly decreased if you skip the 'Deathbone Ward' mobs.

Alternatively, all mobs are kite-able inside there (Except the Deathbone Ward) so you can have a team of Mages work together and farm reputation that way (slowly but surely!).


To reset the instance, after killing all the trash up to the first boss, simply run out and have the leader select 'Reset Instances' from his portrait tooltip. Once that's done you can run back in and start over!

Cobratix !


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~890 rep po run-u

Treba ti 42000 repa za exelted aka ~47 runova .. Mislim da ne moze za 10minuta jedan.Recimo 20min ili 25 to ti dodje ~15-16 sati grinda i imas najjaci prsten trenutno dostupan.

Jebote 15 sati mrtvog grinda..za jedan item.Ja sam misljenja da WoW menja ljudima svest o vremenu jer jedino tako je i moguce da ljudi provode stotine in game dana u ovoj igri.Ja znam ljude koji imaju po 350+ ingame dana na main-u + 2-3 alta lvl80.I to ne u totalu od vanile vec recimo od TBC.To su ogromne kolicine vremena .. Jedino WoW uspeva da ljude toliko okupira.

U cemu je vic?

Edited by HitCrit
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Ja sam pomagao ovima iz gilde da grinduju 10 man ,izdrzao sam tipa 3 sata ili manje,jebo ti to koji ce ti ring koji ces dobiti sve jedno za par nedelja ,a ionako dok ne dodju hard modovi ne treba ti taj dps boost . Runovi su u proseku trajali oko 11 min .

Naravno ko zeli i ima vremena/strpljenja svaka cast,al opet po meni je bas nelogicno grindati nesto sto ti nece trebati bar jos 2 meseca sigurno .

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