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Meni je malo nerealno sto odma napadaju, recimo ona misija sa Kreljem Pacova, 4-5 otvora za kanalizaciju i odma izlaze pacovi plus mrtvaci i zivotinje.

ta je smeshna, kralj pacova ne mozhe solo da srushi naobichniji vanilla guard tower. zmaj je u tom stadijumu bio zajebaniji, tu si morao upovati tower da izdrzhi zmajeve raidove.

neam ovih dana vremena da se igram, zaglavio sam u misiji sa ratom fanatika i rogueova. davno nisam ovoliko uzhivao u strategiji.

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Meni je malo nerealno sto odma napadaju, recimo ona misija sa Kreljem Pacova, 4-5 otvora za kanalizaciju i odma izlaze pacovi plus mrtvaci i zivotinje.

napravis towere pored svakog izlaza i to je to, posle sve ide svojim tokom

a sa onim zmajem samo napravish dva towera iznad dvorca a sve gradjevine najjuznije moguce

generalno pocetak je uvek najtezi posle cim malko ocvrsen sve krece bolje i bolje

e a koji daq skidam ovaj od 557mb ili ovaj od 1.17gb?

Kontam da ovo radi na starim konfama i da tju motji ko chovek da igram na desku?

ja sam skinuo taj od 557 mb i radi opusteno, ali se raspakuje nekih 15ak minuta....

odlicna igra :)

kakvi su vam heroji? :)





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  • 3 weeks later...

najbolji likovi u igrici su rougovi, samo mi je zao sto sam prekasno to skontao, sigurica za sve misije ti je da u pocetku nabudzis dva rouga na max(ja sam kod poslednje misije, jedan mi je 32lvl a drugi 26) i strahovito su jeftini tako da ih na samom pocetku svake misije dignes iz lords guilda i oni u early i mid game-u kidaju, u isto vreme dignes warriors guild ili rangers guild i budzis ih i kasnije palamudine ili beastmastere i tjao

sad se jedino mucim sa poslednjom... zajebano zajebano, ali kontam i tu taktiku, dignes odmah dve najvece mrcine iz lords guilda, budzis obicne fightere i clerice, i brzo brzo onaj temple of life

sve u svemu igra je sjajna, zadrzali su char keca, i igrica je bruka bruka bruka

If there's some higher power that controls my fate, i would like to meet him, shake his hand, then crack open his ribcage and tear out his heart.

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Pa samonovao sam avatara u cosak, ovaj ga je pogledao i onda mi zguzvao zamak :)

sta uopste death priest radi? njega nisam uopste koristio , nekako mi je delovao nekorisno pored resaurecta :)

Edited by JoeKerr

If there's some higher power that controls my fate, i would like to meet him, shake his hand, then crack open his ribcage and tear out his heart.

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Ovaj patch inače ne proverava ništa niti dodaje bilo kakvu zaštitu (koja inače ni ne postoji u Paradox igrama), ali dodaje update opciju za buduće patch-eve kod koje postoji mogućnost da će proveravati serial da bi dozvolio skidanje novih patch-eva.



- A system that checks for game updates has been implemented.

- If the graphic settings exceed the system's capabilities, and the game crashes, then "safe mode" will be automatically activated on next launch.


- Fixed an issue with desynchronization of game time speed and speed of building.

- 140-character posts are now allowed in lobby chat rooms

- Fixed quest mark dissapearance after loading a saved game.

- Fixed incorrect heroes icons appearing after an upgrade to another class.

- Multiplayer: fixed a game crash.

- Fixed rare issues with drawing loading screens.

- Fixed a rare crash during the aftermath screen in the multiplayer.

- Multiplayer. After finishing a multiplayer game, the "Waiting for other players" panel closes automatically.

- Fixed an issue with drawing a screenshot of the first saved game.

- Fixed a rare issue in the GUI, with the party panel not closing after the death of a party member.

- Fixed incorrect display of dead heroes in the GUI.

- Fixed the crash during saving-loading with a full "building queue".

- Fixed an issue with missions being not flagged as "completed" after their completion in some cases.

- Fixed an issue with screen overlightning on some ATI videocards.

- Fixed an issue with bloom special effect.

- Fixed an issue with haze in the "Big Problem" mission.

- Fixed as issue with spells and great artifacts being cast on the selected unit icon.

- The cost of spells is now shown correctly.

- Fixed an issue with camera's trembling while scrolling near map borders

- Fixed an issue with saving-loading time being too long

- Multiplayer. GameSpy rating are now calculated and displayed correctly.

- Multuplayer. GameSpy error messages are now displayed correctly.

- Multiplayer. Fixed an issue with re-connection to the server after first attempt.

- Multiplayer. Server filters have been added. Now it is possible to show in the list only those servers that are available for connection.

- Multiplayer. Fixed an issue with the game being non-syncronized.

- Multiplayer. Fixed an issue with the info panel of enemy heroes or buildings.

- Fixed an issue with lords' ammunition and artifacts having no effect.

- Fixed the crash with saving-loading while the character characteristics panel is open.

- Fixed an issue with upgrading a hero while the hero is joining a party.

- Fixed an issue that allows you to choose suitable trading lands and holy grounds, through the fog of war.

- Quicksave and quickload hotkeys are changed to F5 and F9.

- Fixed an issue with scrolling in the GUI.


- The cost of inventing the "Grab-grass" spell has risen from 500 to 2000 gold.

- The cost of casting the "Grab-grass" spell has decreased from 500 to 250 gold.

- The cost of inventing the "Stone Incantation" spell has risen from 1000 to 2000 gold.

- The invention of "Stone Incantation" spell has moved to the second level of Dwarven Settlement.

Dandy [RUR]

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Igrao sam i prvi deo igrice, tako da mi nije nepoznato kako sve funkcionise, nego nesto me muci :/

stigao sam do one misije sa onim zmajem. izrazito mi je tezak pocetak, jer lik ulece i rusi sve pred sobom, ubija mi ove low lvl heroje ko iz picke, i rusi mi kule i stvarno pravi haos. dajte neki hint kako da ga "savladam" u pocetku, jer mi stvarno pravi sranja...

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hmm jeste to je malo teza misija samo pravi vitalne gradjevine skroz dole ne pored zamka

i lepo rasporedi kule kada dolaze oni kreepovi da ih ubijas

meni licno je najveci problem bio sto mi unistavao kule tako da moras sto pre da unistis one nestove

to je to od mene :D

prodaja game carda , golda na bilo kom server vise informacija na pm

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meni je trik za zmaja bio taj sto sam ga ignorisao i slao heroje da ubijaju one nestove, u sustini nista spec teska misija, ako imas rouga visok lvl dizi ga odmah iz lords keepa i to je to, budzis bilo koje heroje protiv njega i to je to, budzi u sustini najbolje fightere zbog hp-a

If there's some higher power that controls my fate, i would like to meet him, shake his hand, then crack open his ribcage and tear out his heart.

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