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4chan pobedio :)

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In a stunning result, the winner of the third annual TIME 100 poll and new owner of the title World's Most Influential Person is moot. The 21-year-old college student and founder of the online community 4chan.org, whose real name is Christopher Poole, received 16,794,368 votes and an average influence rating of 90 (out of a possible 100) to handily beat the likes of Barack Obama, Vladimir Putin and Oprah Winfrey

i lol'd :)

also, this:




So why do they do it? Why do they write code, build complex applications, publish graphs - why do they organize a team that is more effective than most startup companies? Says Zombocom: “For the lulz”.
Edited by trooper
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sad sam procitao ovaj clanak u vezi ovog glasanja

koja je to glupost jebo mater

umesto da skupe neke ''experte'' ili sta vec, i da na osnovu nemam pojma, znacaja posla koji obavljaju, ili sta vec odrede to, oni nasli da im pacenici glasaju u vezi takvih stvari

razocaro sam se u tajms bas bas



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time newbz

haha koji retardi. najbolji komentar

"Anonymous is a group of people who think calling a religion a cult or hacking someone's myspace is going to change the world.Your so called Legion is nothing and will never be something.Take the masks off, grow up and get a life,you religious bigots."

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sad sam procitao ovaj clanak u vezi ovog glasanja

koja je to glupost jebo mater

umesto da skupe neke ''experte'' ili sta vec, i da na osnovu nemam pojma, znacaja posla koji obavljaju, ili sta vec odrede to, oni nasli da im pacenici glasaju u vezi takvih stvari

razocaro sam se u tajms bas bas


koga boli kurac za tajms

Bring It

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wtf is 4chan???

Porno Ikona 90-tih:)

dve najmocnije grupacije na svetu: Deijevi rodjaci, Mohijevi Ortaci

(Ivan_ @ May 27 2009, 10:33)

da se kojim čudom nađem na čelu plejboja, promenio bih fazon totalno.

jebao bih vrlo mnogo, drogirao se jos vise i vodio kojota kao maskotu na zlatnom lancu okolo, a on bi vikao HARRRRSACU DAT E JBEEM NAMATSIO SAM KARU KOAKINOM

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