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EXIT 2009

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Prosle godine je bila drasticna razlika izmedju Exita i Szigeta. Ove ne tako i ne toliko, a nekako mi se cini da ce Exit prevail.

Edit: Legao bi mi Offspring doduse :)

Edited by nickwood



P.S> nickwoode, zasto se ne "log_out"-ujes kad si na forumu sa mog kompa? DovlaGSI



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Potvrđeno još 11 zvezda Dance Arene!


Deseti Exit eksluzivnim zajedničkim nastupima obeležiće i Eric Prydz & Adam Beyer, Steve Angello & Sebastian Ingrosso, Paul Woolford & Yousef, te Steve Lawler & Lee Burridge. Atraktivne „live“ nastupe po prvi put na Dance Areni imaće i popularni producenti Etienne de Crecy, Gui Boratto i Reboot.

Proslavljeni francuski producent Etienne de Crecy nastupiće uživo na Dance Areni jubilarnog Exit festivala u subotu 11. jula u okviru turneje „Beats & Cubes“. De Crecy će nastupiti sa čuvenom trodimenzionalnom kockom koja simultano prati živo izvođenje njegove muzike.

„The Cube“ je dizajn francuske grupe arhitekata „EXYZT“ koja je napravila veliku kubičnu konstrukciju i poseban softver za povezivanje zvuka i svetla čiju apsolutnu kontrolu ima Etienne De Crecy. Nakon što su „EXYZT“ odbili da urade sličan rad za nastup grupe The Killers, producenti MTV nagrada su odlučili da iskopiraju ovo inovativno rešenje izazvaši tako kontraverzu koja će svoj epilog verovatno doživeti na sudu. Ipak, De Crecy konkretno ne krivi članove benda sa kojima je i nastupao na upravo završenom Coachella festivalu.

Etienne važi za jednu od ključnih figura „french touch“ scene na kojoj su se između ostalih izdvojili Cassius i Daft Punk. Dva albuma njegovog projekta Super Discount i album „Tempovision“ doneli su kultne numere „Prix Choc“ i „Am I Wrong“, a ove godine je aktuelan novi singl „Hanukkah“ objavljen za etiketu „Kitsune“.

Švedska elektronska scena već godinama sa izvesnom lakoćom održava svoj zvezdani prefiks i to zahvaljujući svega nekolicini producenata. Najduži staž i ugled svakako ima tehno zvezda Adam Beyer koji je prvi proslavio tamošnju scenu sa etiketama „Drumcode“ i „Truesole“, a izuzetnu popularnost opravdava uvek svežim i naprednim setovima.

Ipak, uspeh kakav nije viđen još od vremena grupe ABBA, prvi donosi Eric Prydz čiji singl „Call On Me“ provodi neverovatnih pet nedelja na 1. mestu britanske top liste, dok prošle godine stiže na 2. mesto iste liste sa hit singlom „Pjanoo“. Dosad nezabeležen „back to back“ set Prydz i Beyer uradiće upravo na Dance Areni u subotu 11. jula!

Apsolutno zapamćen bio je zajednički set druge dve švedske zvezde na Dance Areni 2006. godine. Steve Angello i Sebastian Ingrosso, najmlađi članovi popularne grupe „Swedish House Mafia“ vraćaju se na deseti Exit takođe u subotu 11. jula radi najveće rođendanske žurke na globalnoj elektronskoj sceni!

Pored britanskog superstar dueta Sasha & Digweed, povratak u Arenu 9. jula imaće i vedete engleske DJ scene Steve Lawler i Lee Burrigde. Kultni status „Lights Out“ kompilacija, Lawler je prošle godine oživеo kroz dupli miks album „Viva Toronto“ na etiketi „Renaissance“, dok je novi singl „Distrait“ objavio u martu ove godine.

Sve zapaženiji nemački producent Reboot nastupiće uživo, takođe u četvrtak 9. jula. Frank Heinrich kako mu je pravo ime, obeležio je scenu sa klupskim hitom „Charlotte“ iz 2007. godine. Izdaje za visoko kotirane etikete „Cadenza“ i „Below“, a trenutno se vrti njegov aprilski singl „Ronson“ objavljen za „Cocoon“, čuvenu etiketu iz Frankfurta odakle dolazi i Heinrich.

Još jedan uzbudljiv nastup uživo izvešće brazilski producent Gui Boratto u petak 10. jula, isto veče kada se na Areni očekuju i „b2b“ dueti Richie Hawtin & Dubfire, te Heidi & Justin Martin. Arhitekta koji od detinjstva svira klavir i gitaru, 35-godišnji Boratto je za prestižnu etiketu „Kompakt“ u martu ove godine objavio i svoj drugi studijski album „Take My Breath Away“ nakon odlično primljenog debija „Chromophobia“ iz 2007. godine. Istovremeno je objavljen i njegov remiks za aktuelni singl Pet Shop Boysa „Love Etc“.

Mnogi se slažu da će Paul Wollford biti jedno od imena koje će najviše obeležiti 2009. godinu na globalnoj elektronskoj sceni. Četvrta godina rezidenture u famoznom klubu „Space Ibiza“, kao i serija izdanja za „Cocoon“, „SCI+TEK“, „DFA“ i „Ovum“, te nove singlice „Pandemonium“ i „Dystopia“ ili ovogodišnja serija trendi majica njegove etikete „Intimacy“ dodaju vrednost sjajnim setovima Paula Woolforda.

U nedelju 12. jula, zajedno sa „b2b“ duetima koji čine Carl Cox & Green Velvet, Darren Emerson & Sander Kleinenberg, sa Woolfordom će zajedno nastupiti i liverpulski DJ i producent Yousef. Obojica su ostavili sjajne utiske na publiku u Areni, a Yousef se vraća sa premijerom prvog studijskog albuma na kojem gostuje legendarni Derrick Carter.

Većina DJ zvezda je bar nekad nastupala u retkim i eksluzivnim „back to back“ nastupima, ali to dosad nije viđeno u ovako velikim razmerima. Ovogodišnji koncept Dance Arene za obeležavanje desetog Exita jedinstvena je pojava na svetskoj DJ sceni, a setovi koji ostanu zabeleženi od 9. do 12. jula biće prava retkost u savremenoj elektronskoj muzici.

Deseti Exit od 9. do 12. jula

Četvorodnevne ulaznice za deseti Exit festival direktno se prodaju od početka aprila u filijalama Erste banke i u Gigstix prodavnicama po aktuelnoj ceni od 5990 dinara. Finalna cena ovih ulaznica biće 9990 dinara.

Ulaznice mogu da se kupe na sedam različitih lokacija u Beogradu, tri u Novom Sadu i po jednoj u Nišu, Kragujevcu, Zrenjaninu i Subotici. Pored Erste banke, ulaznice mogu da se kupe u dve Gigstix prodavnice koje se nalaze u beogradskoj koncept radnji Supermarket i u novosadskom tržnom centru Pariski magazin.

Ovogodišnji Exit festival na kojem će nastupiti Arctic Monkeys, Manic Street Preachers, KoRn, Kraftwerk, Moby, Patti Smith, Madness, Carl Cox, Richie Hawtin, Darren Emerson, Sasha, Andy C, Marky i brojni izvođači na preko 20 festivalskih bina, održaće se od 9. do 12. jula na Petrovaradinskoj tvrđavi.

eric... boratto.... ETIENNE..... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bring It

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najbolje da zbog raspalog offspringa idem u madjarsku pffff

samo vi idite i samo nemojte dolaziti na exit, i onako je bolje da se vrati vreme i atmosfera sa prva 3-4 exita

nego jbte shto mi ne shalju karte uplatio sam josh u decembru





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najbolje da zbog raspalog offspringa idem u madjarsku pffff

samo vi idite i samo nemojte dolaziti na exit, i onako je bolje da se vrati vreme i atmosfera sa prva 3-4 exita

nego jbte shto mi ne shalju karte uplatio sam josh u decembru

ko ne dobije do 15 aprila rekli su da ih zovu:D

Нема  будућности без истине.

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G! brate,da bi se vratila atmosfera sa prva 3-4 exita morao bi da izvrshish genocid na 10 soma britanaca :))


gruja novi alen

ko bi, po vama, trebalo da bude poznat i javna ličnost, a nije, iz ovog ili onog razloga?

evo, ja ću za početak navesti dvojicu: kojot i gruja.


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Jel mogu jos da se kupe karte :O?

ne evo karata vise nema prodalo se sve za 15 minuta :D


a brate sta me boli kurac dolazi lik i pita a je li ima pojedinacnih karata da se kupi a stranu pre toga napisali da jos nije krenula prodaja :D ja to shvatam kao da on nas zajebava pa samo vracam istom merom :D

Нема  будућности без истине.

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Dance arena performances are getting even richer with back2back sets of Steve Lawler and Lee Burridge, Paul Woolford and Yousef, Steve Angello and Sebastian Ingrosso, Adam Beyer and Eric Prydz, and individual ones of Etienne de Crecy, Reboot i Gui Boratto.

The night of 9th July brings back2back performance of Steve Lawler, Exit’s sweetheart, and Lee Buridge, always a pleasure. Steve, a name that takes you back to previous Exits he rocked on his own, making you dance when you genuinely felt you were at the very end of your strength. Just rises you up, just…. makes you feel ashamed if you should resist. Of course he has also been busy, if with nothing else, then running VIVA Records, his own prominent label, outranging those he played with, touring around the most prestigious clubs.... If you wanna warm up, listen to some of his latest, like Viva Toronto, or timeless classic, Lights Out, 1, 2, 3,…. And a DJ that makes you move simply by seeing how much he enjoys playing, acting like a child, pure joy can only overwhelm you. When his set ended in 05, it simply seemed too short, then he played some unforgettable impro with Sasha… Get ready for some slick, hard, deep house, trancey, breakbeat sound, by listening to 24/7, Global Undergroung Nubreed 005, Tyrant… you choose.

And what a choice you have!

Paul Woolford & Yousef are two names you have seen individually at Dance Arena, and two names you will see making one sound this year, on Sunday, 12th July. Paul is another hot DJ star, desired for collaboration by many fellow DJs and record labels. His house sound is a base for mixing up electro, break beat, techno, whatever he finds inspiring. More than 80 projects collaborations, and with such names as Darren Emerson, Yousef, Steve Mac, etc, and clubs as Fabric London, Pacha in Buenos Aires Argentina and Ibiza, Smartbar Chicago, Crobar Miami, Berlin Love Parade, Space Ibiza, and of course, Exit 07, make a resume worth paying attention to. And Yousef has been desired for an encore ever since he rocked then newborn Exit 02 Arena, baptizing it together with Eric Morillo, Marshal Jefferson and David Morales. As great as it was, the one in 2007 just left us wanting more. Then up and coming, now fully affirmed, he has had a busy year, full of tours in Japan, Thailand, Austrailia, China, Singapore, Dubai, Miami, and many other places. He completed his artist album in February, added some rougher sound to his house base, and mixed for Jamiroquai, Fatboy Slim, Moloko… He’s got news. Come check it out.

Steve Angello & Sebastian Ingrosso, two old friends and collaborationists in music, are spinning together on Thursday, 9th July next to Lee and Steve. Angello is coming to play from Ministry of Sound and Pacha, where he has been residing in the past year. This DJ star of rising popularity is also a proud founder of what is now one of the most prominent labels, Size Recordings, and the remixer of songs by Justin Timberlake, Moby and Royksop. From sexy house summer sounds inspired by disco to a darker techno beat is where you can expect to be taken. Sebastian Ingorosso comes to us from Sweden, the country famous for the most creative electronic music these days. With Angelo, he has been making music as Buy Now, Fireflies, General Moders, and under other names. He too comes from the best clubs in the continents, and owns a label called Refune, but works for others as well. His house, progressive and electro style go as natural as possible with Angelo’s style.

Swedish electronic scene has been almost effortlessly prestigious for years now, thanks to a couple of producers. The longest career and the most prominence is that of Adam Beyer, which made the scene recognizable by his „Drumcode“ and „Truesole“ labels, and he justifies this extreme popularity with always fresh and foreseeing singles. Still the success unseen since ABBA is brought to this scene by Eric Prydz, whose single “Call on Me” spent the incredible five weeks at No.1 on UK charts, and who reached No.2 with his last year’s single “Pjanoo”.

So far unseen back to back performance is being prepared for Dance arena on Saturday, 11th July!

Famous French producer, Etienne de Crecy, is playing for you live at Dance Arena on Saturday, 11th July, within his “Beats and Cubes” tour. He is going to use the famous 3D cube, which follows his live performances. „The Cube“ is a work of a French group of architects „EXYZT“, who have created a grand cubic construction and a special software for connecting lights and sounds, and which is in absolute control of Etienne De Grecy. After refusing to do the same for The Killers, this group of architects was copied by MTV’s producers, which brought to a controversy expected to end in court. Still, De Creci does not blame The Killers, who he played with at Coachella festival. Etienne is reputed for being a key member of “french touch” scene, which also features Cassius and Daft Punk. Two albums of his project Super Discount, and his album “Tempovision”, brought famous bits „Prix Choc“and „Am I Wrong“, and this year, a new single, “Hanukkah”, released for Kitsune label, is gaining popularity.

A German producer who is speedily gaining prominence, Reboot, will perform live on Thursday 9th July, opening for Lee, Steve Lawler, Steve Angello , Sebastian… Frank Heinrich (which is his real name), painted the scene red with his club hit “Charlotte”in 2007, He releases his work for highly prominent labels, such as as „Cadenza“ and „Below“,and what’s currently popular is his April single “Ronson” released for Cocoon publishing house.

Another exciting performance will be brought to you by Brazillian producer Gui Boratto on Friday, 10th July, the same night when we expect Richie Hawtin and Ali Dubfire, Heidi and Justin Martin. An architect who has been playing the piano and the guitar since his childhood, Boratto released his second album „Take My Breath Away“ for the prestigious house “Compact” in March this year, after excellently accepted debut „Chromophobia“ in 2007. At the same time, his remix for Pet Shop Boys’ “Love Etc.” was published.

Secate se da je neko postovao youtube video o tom liku sto radi u toj kocki, i kako mocno izgleda. Jebo majku moram to da vidim i cujem!

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