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Aj kad smo vec zapoceli sa trojkama, evo jos jedne.



One aspect that has changed in the game since we last talked is the resources. After long consideration, we decided to make logistics and convoys work more intuitively by splitting up oil into crude oil and fuel. Crude oil is now produced in provinces and converted from energy while fuel is consumed by units. Fuel is created out of crude oil in amounts that depend on your total IC and your refinery technologies.

So, now that those details are out of the way, let's talk in detail about politics.

Although Hearts of Iron 3 is a war game and our main focus is on the war aspect, we felt we could not neglect the home front - in particular, politics. We felt that the Hearts of Iron 2 event-heavy system didn't do quite what we wanted due to its static nature, which made it harder to react to changing situations. So we aimed to set up a system that was more dynamic in nature, but also wasn't so detailed you had to spend more time on your internal politics than you did fighting wars.

To start, we now have political parties. We added in flavour names for the major political parties in the world. Thus, instead of the U.S. having the Social Liberals in power in 1936, it will have the Democrat Party (although the country's ideology will still be Social Liberal). We have also defined different government types which determine when a country has an election and who is elected. Thus, in the U.S., it is the Head of State who is elected, while it is Head of Government who stands for election in the U.K. We felt these nice little changes would add a bit of flavor to the countries.

However, the first big change is a concept we call party organization. This is a dynamic variable that can be altered via events and decisions and via espionage in either your home country or others. Party organization determines how well a particular ideology is organized, covering a broad brush stroke of concepts including party membership, newspaper editorial stance, the views of opinion formers in the country, and actual campaigners going out trying to convince people to support them, just give you an idea. For an ideology group that is out of power, it also reflects the chances of a coup d'état. For example, if a democracy has well organised fascist parties, then the risks of a right wing coup d'état are much greater than in a country where the fascists have no organization.

We also added the popular view, which shows how much support each party has. Think of it as a sort of opinion poll question: if there was an election today, how would you vote? However, the party organization caps a particular party's chance of victory. Thus, even if your country's popular view is ready to elect Left Wing Radicals, if they aren't very well organized, they won't actually win. The Left Wing Radicals simply can't get the vote out or people think it is a wasted vote. There are a number of factors that influence how popular view shifts. One factor is the party organization; the parties themselves can swing the popular view their way through their campaigning ability. If you have strong revanchism (i.e. cores on other countries), then this will up support for right wing nationalist parties. Dissent moves the popular view away from the current governing ideology. The countries' current diplomatic alignment will also influence the support of parties. For example, a country aligned with the Comintern will see support rise for parties on the left.

In summary, we aimed to do away with a lot of the events. Instead, we have developed a system that reacts more to the situation, but can also be influenced by the player. You don't have to just conquer other countries - a bit of espionage can help a friendlier government come to power in your neighbors.

Johan Andersson is the Lead Designer of Hearts of Iron 3.

Znaci za sad, noviteti oko nafte i sto je najzanimljivije - politicke stranke.

Nazalost, izlazi najverovatnije tek za godinu dana :(

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има да направим дете жени па ја да одем на породиљско а да она ради.




Style over subsistence

Crown of Light. Keeper of The Yoda Chamber. I&I, Righteous Army of One.

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in other news, jel zna neko gde mozhe da se uzme ovakva marama? O:)

uzmi i meni jednu bratori!

količina vremena koju sam spalio na dvojku jednaka je samo mom odsustvu skila za igru:)

3 meseca sam pokušavao da nukujem london, i nista -_-

ah, nista sladje nego kad napravis 6 nuka pa lepo ICBM na London, Birmingem, Liverpul, Njujork, Cikago i Vasington:)


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sa japancima je najteze igrati. ja sam pre neki dan osvojio celu aziju, australiju, dosao do jerusalima, iskrcao se u juznu afriku da bih anektirao J.A.R da bi englezi ostali bez trecine kopnenih divizija , potopio skoro celu pacificku plotu amerikancima, ali sam odustao od daljeg igranje posle 49te jer sa 130 IC nemam sanse na duze sanse protiv rusa, da ne govorimo o amerima, ili koliko je zajebano igrati sa japancima kada se gleda rukovodjenje resursima. Sa amerima nema potrebe da se brinesh toliko jer sa 500 IC koliko imaju do 45 mozesh da pravish 10 nosacha istovremeno i da stancujesh marince itd...

i da, josh nisam doziveo da nemci na normal ili nekom jachem nivou predju staljingrad ili osvoje Britaniju

It's nice to be good, but it's nothing compared to being bad

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sa japancima je najteze igrati. ja sam pre neki dan osvojio celu aziju, australiju, dosao do jerusalima, iskrcao se u juznu afriku da bih anektirao J.A.R da bi englezi ostali bez trecine kopnenih divizija , potopio skoro celu pacificku plotu amerikancima, ali sam odustao od daljeg igranje posle 49te jer sa 130 IC nemam sanse na duze sanse protiv rusa, da ne govorimo o amerima, ili koliko je zajebano igrati sa japancima kada se gleda rukovodjenje resursima. Sa amerima nema potrebe da se brinesh toliko jer sa 500 IC koliko imaju do 45 mozesh da pravish 10 nosacha istovremeno i da stancujesh marince itd...

i da, josh nisam doziveo da nemci na normal ili nekom jachem nivou predju staljingrad ili osvoje Britaniju

Probaj Etiopiju [:D]

Kralj Hajle Selasije je proterao italijanske varvare i u bici kod el alamejna unishtio nemachku armiju i time spasao nejake britance koji su bezhali preko Sueca [:D]

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ahaha, kali budalo, sledeci put igraj sa svajcarskom:)...btw igi, upravo to, ja sam otprilike isto kao ti igrao, samo sto sam se umesto u afriku iskrcao amerima u kaliforniju...ali glupi nemci mi nisu ponudili alliance (ja njima ne mogu), pa su ih sabili rusi i ameri...i sad kad krenu da vracaju sve divizije na mene, bice veselo, a tek je '46...ali sam zato jebao matere amerima na moru, potopio sam im preko 20 nosaca aviona, a oni meni samo jedan...barem niko nikad nece moci da mi se iskrca na home islands:)


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elem, vratih stari avatar:)...nego jel ima sanse da ovo izadje u septembru kao sto je najavljeno...ini alfa skrinovi ne deluju loshe...btw, jel igrao neko onaj CORE mod za dvojku...ja ga skinuh, nesto sam malo poceo, al me mrzelo da zavrsavam...ubaceno je dosta eventova i promenjene su tehnologije i ikonice...


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da, ali meni se i on baguje...a ovaj demo je sranje, ugasio sam ga posle 15 min...jes da mi komp nije bas jak, al jebeno presporo mi radi igra...koliko sam pohvatao za ovo kratko vreme manje vise je ostalo isto, vise regija, detaljnija mapa, drugaciji tech tree naravno, malo zbunjujuca organizacija vojnih jedinica, to je to otprilike za sad...naravno u demou je samo jedan scenario, '39 blitzkrieg, ako budem imao zivaca pogledacu sutra malo detaljnije...


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Koliko znam, Paradox igre nemaju nikakvu aktivnu zaštitu, tako da ti ne treba nikakav crack.

Jedino što bez registrovanog serijskog broja ne možeš da igraš multi na netu i nemaš pristup delovima njihovog foruma i patch-evima ako bi želeo da ih skineš regularnim putem.

Dandy [RUR]

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