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The X
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Everything posted by Doca

  1. jebes rejv ako ne ide ekipa sa tribine zajedno!
  2. Friday, February, 15, 2008. Club xLagoom - Belgrade :: BECKERS :: Nervine :: Sprout :: Polaroid :: Vapourise :: OpenUp :: Baroque (DJ Set) :: More Info Soon! a dovesce i d-nox uskoro,sto posto.
  3. Bekers dolazi u januaru. A inace je i on i dnox tu svake godine bar jednom :)
  4. Ne znam da li je za ovde ili Nauka forum. enivejZ http://www.genpets.com/ Are Genpets Real animals? How? Genpets are living, breathing mammals. Bio-Genica is a Bioengineering Company that has combined, and modified existing DNA to create the Genpets lineup. Genpets have blood, bones, and muscle; they will bleed if you cut them, and die if mistreated just like any other animal. The electronic components are only in the packages and are for basic life support, outside of the packages the Genpets are wholly organic. How do Genpets stay alive in the packages? While the Genpets™ hang on retail shelves they are in a chemically induced type of hibernation controlled by a protein in the packages’ nutrient supply tubes. This was a natural trait found in many seasonal animals that would normally hibernate in colder northern climates that has been added to the Genpet line. This also ensures comfort for the Genpets™ while they are on store shelves. Do Genpets open their eyes? Yes, upon removing a Genpet from the package the pet will slowly wake up over the course of approximately 20minutes. Do Genpets recognize their owner? Yes. Upon waking up a Genpet will bond to its owner and recognize that person for the remainder of their lifecycle. :S
  5. "slsk downloads" omg,kruko ne podrzava elektronsku scenu!~
  6. Ne zna se sta je gore,trenser sektas ili urbani dramer.
  7. modovi,brisite. napisao sam nesto slicno kao sinister :)
  8. Vidi Kalija sto je postao urbani klaber,ne propusta zurke.:)
  9. Cini mi se da je moja sestra bila na nekoj iznajmljenoj gajbi u Svetogorskoj. Raspitacu se sutra,pa pisem ovde.
  10. sto prosipas te price dzabe,kad svi znamo da neces raditi to :)
  11. Mozda jos nije zvanicno a i da jeste,kakve veze ima sto ide tamo?
  12. da li je nekom pali na pamet da kupi to?
  13. Da si bar jedan broj znacke video imao bi neki dokaz,ovako tesko da bilo sta mozes da uradis. :/ I medijski da izguras pricu nece ti nista znaciti,osim sto ces se mozda bolje osecati.
  14. Evo skinuo sam ja i najiskrenije mi se ne svidja stvar i generalno ceo taj juro trens. Jako pederska muzika.
  15. jebite se svi koji idete veceras,mrzim vas. :)
  16. Meni je profesor informatike rezao neke njegove drogeraske mikseve,dok je radio u mojoj skoli!
  17. Moracu da probam taj Holsten,kad ga nahvaliste toliko. na Bg standu bir festa, radila sestra od ortakinje. Davala nam 2 piva po ceni jednog,tako da smo ga najvise pili. split topix btw :D
  18. Jel bolja emka ili kalas?
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