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  1. Uglavnom iz oblasti biznisa i managementa. Mozda nekom zatreba nikad se ne zna. Ovo je Taurussova ideja i topik, moj post je prvi jer sam ga pomerio iz diskusije o fantazi knjigama. 1. 3,001 Business &amp Sales Letters 2. 78 Important Questions Every Leader Should Ask and Answer 3. Accounting for Managers - McGraw Hill 4. Addison Wesley - How To Run Successful Projects III-The Silver Bullet 5. Alpha - 10 Minute Guide To Project Management.pdf 6. Amacom - Agile Project Management - How To Succeed In The Face Of Changing Project Requirements - 20.chm 7. Amacom - Blueprint For Project Recovery. A Project Management Guide - 2003.pdf 8. Amacom - Building Project Management Centers of Excellence.pdf 9. Amacom - Modern Project Management 10. Amacom - The AMA Handbook of Project Management - P.C.Dinsmore 11. Amacom - The Project Management Question and Answer Book - 2004 12. Amacom - Your Successful Project Management Career 13. Artech House - Critical Chain Project Management 14. Artech House - Project Management Process Improvement 15. Artech House - The Project Management Communications Toolkit 16. ASTD - Project Management Training - 2004 17. Auerbach - New Directions in Project Management 18. Auerbach - The Complete Project Management Office Handbook 19. Bargaining and Markets 20. Boston Consulting Group - Wetfeet 21. Business 22. Business Intelligence Roadmap 23. Business.Books 24. Butterworth Heinemann - International Project Management 25. Butterworth-Heinemann,.Planning.Under.Pressure.(2005) 26. Cash Rules 27. Chaos.Organization.and.Disaster.Management.eBook-EEn 28. Coaching Mentoring And Managing Breakthrough Strategies 29. Credit Repair 6th Ed. by Nolo Press 30. Critical Thinking Tools 31. Customer Relationship Management 32. dedication 33. Digital Economy - Impacts, Influences And Challenges - 2005 34. Doing Business With China 35. Economic - Principles of Macroeconomics 36. Edward.Elgar.Publishing.Handbook.on.the.Knowledge.Economy.Nov.2005.eBook-LinG 37. Fearless Interviewing-How To Win The Job By Marky Stein 38. Federal Resume Guidebook 3rd - JIST 39. Guerrilla Marketing for Consultants Breakthrough Tactics for Winning Profitable Clients 40. Harbor Light - Project Manager s Spotlight On Change Management 41. Harvard Business Review - 2006 - 02 February 42. Harvard Business Review - August 2003 (Complete Issue) 43. Harvard Business Review - Barriers and Gateways To Communication 44. Harvard Business Review - Commercializing Technology - What the Best Do 45. Harvard Business Review - Corporate Strategy - A Manager's Guide 46. Harvard Business Review - Does IT Matter - An HBR Debate 47. Harvard Business Review - Exploiting The Virtual Value Chain 48. Harvard Business Review - February 2004 (Complete Issue) 49. Harvard Business Review - Game Theory - Using Game Theory to Shape Strategy 50. Harvard Business Review - Harnessing the Science of Persuasion 51. Harvard Business Review - How Information Gives You Competitve Advantage 52. Harvard Business Review - How To Acquire Customers On The Web 53. Harvard Business Review - How to pitch a brilliant idea 54. Harvard Business Review - How to Write a Great Business Plan 55. Harvard Business Review - January 2004 (Complete Issue) 56. Harvard Business Review - January 2004 (Complete Issue) 57. Harvard Business Review - July 2003 (Complete Issue) 58. Harvard Business Review - Knowing A Winning Business Idea When You See One 59. Harvard Business Review - Letter to CEOs 60. Harvard Business Review - Managing In The Marketspace 61. Harvard Business Review - Optimal Marketing 62. Harvard business Review - Primal Leadership - The hidden driver of great performance 63. Harvard Business Review - Serving The World's Poor, Profitability 64. Harvard Business Review - Simple Truths About Innovations 65. Harvard Business Review - Social Cost of Fraud and Bankruptcy 66. Harvard Business Review - Strategy and the internet 67. Harvard Business Review - Swarm Intelligence 68. Harvard Business Review - The Balanced Scorecard - Measures That Drive Performance 69. Harvard Business Review - The number one you need to grow 70. Harvard Business Review - The world bank's innovation market 71. Harvard Business Review - Turn Your Industrial Distributors into Partners 72. Harvard Business Review - Understanding What Customers Value 73. Harvard Business Review - Versioning - The Smart Way to Sell Information 74. Harvard Business Review - What Is Strategy 75. Harvard Business Review - What is the Right Supply Chain 76. Harvard Business Review - What Makes a Leader 77. Harvard Business Review - What's your project real price tag 78. Harvard Business Review - Why Good Companies Go Bad 79. Harvard Business Review - Your Next IT Strategy 80. Harvard Business School - Aligning Projects with Objectives in Unpredictable Times 81. Harvard Business School - Beyond The Core - Expand your Market without Abandoning your Roots.chm 82. Harvard Business School - Geeks &amp Geezers How Era, Values, and Defining Moments Shape Leaders.pdf 83. Harvard Business School - Hiring and Keeping the Best.pdf 84. Harvard Business School - Leading Quietly.pdf 85. Harvard Business School - Managing Change and Transition.pdf 86. Harvard Business School - Marketing Essentials.pdf 87. Harvard Business School - Project Management Manual 88. Harvard Business School - Project Management Manual.pdf 89. Harvard Business School - The First 90 Days Critical Success.Strategies for New Leaders at All Levels.chm 90. Harvard Business School - The Innovators' Solution - Creating and Sustaining Successful Growth.chm 91. Harvard Business School - Value Sweep.pdf 92. Harvard Business School - Why Business models matter.pdf 93. Harvard Business School - Working Identity - Unconventional Strategies for Reinventing Your Career.pdf 94. Harvard Business School - Working Identity Unconventional Strategies For Reinventing Your Career.chm 95. Hiring Independent Contractors 96. How To Make Money From Your Hobbies and Ideas 97. How to Think Like the Worlds Greatest High-tech Titans (McGraw Hill-2001) 98. Human Resource Management - 9ed 99. J Ross Publishing - Leading High Performance Projects 100. J. Ross - Quantitative Methods in Project Management 101. J. Ross Publishing - Advanced Project Portfolio Management and the PMO - Multiplying ROI at Warp Spe 102. John Wiley Sons - Effective Project Management - Traditional Adaptive Extreme 103. John Wiley Sons - Modelling Complex Projects - fly 104. John Wiley Sons - Practical Project Management 105. John Wiley Sons - Project Management - A Systems Approach to Planning Scheduling and Controlling 106. John Wiley Sons - Project Management Methodologies 107. John Wiley Sons - Strategic Planning for Project Management using Maturity Model - 2001 108. John Wiley Sons - The Fast Forward MBA in Project Management 2Ed - 2005 109. John Wiley Sons - The Portable MBA in Project Management 110. John Wiley Sons - Visualizing Project Management - Models and Frameworks for Mastering Complex Sys 111. John Wiley &amp Sons - 2004 - The Professional Services Firm Bible 112. John Wiley &amp Sons - 2005 - The Management Bible 113. John Wiley &amp Sons - The 7 Irrefutable Rules of Small Business Growth - 2005 114. John.Wiley.Sons.Stock.Trader.Almanac.2005.38Th.Ed 115. Jossey Bass - Managing Projects in Organizations - 3rd Edition - 2003 116. Jossey Bass - Project Sponsorship.Achieving Management Commitment for Project Success 117. Kluwer - Project Management for Telecommunication Managers 118. Kluwer, Philosophy's Higher Education (2005) 119. Kogan Page - Advanced Project Management. A Complete Guide to the Key Processes Models and Technique 120. Kogan Page - Managing Projects in Human Resources - Training and Developement 121. Kogan Page - The Project Management Life Cycle - 2006 122. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates - 2005 - Strategic Planning for Public Relations 123. logistics-ebooks 124. Management Concepts - Project Leadership - 2003 125. Managing Risk in Large Projects and Complex Procurements 126. Marketing Your Consulting Services - Jossey Bass.pdf 127. Maximum.Performance.A.Practical.Guide.to.Leading.and.Managing.People.At.Work.Edward.Elgar.Publishing.eBook-YYePG 128. McGraw Hill - Just Enough Project Management.The Indispensable Four-Step Process for Managing Any Pr 129. McGraw Hill - The Project Manager s Desk Reference 2nd Edition 130. McGraw-Hill - The Bible On Leadership.pdf 131. Medieval Combat -- 15th Century Manual of Swordfighting 132. Microsoft Press - Agile Project Management with Scrum 133. National Academy - Progress in Improving Project Management at the Department of Energy 134. Natural Capitalism - Paul Hawken.pdf 135. Nonprofit.Essentials.Recruiting.and.Training.Fundraising.Volunteers.AFP.Fund.Development.Series.eBook-YYePG 136. O Reilly - The Art of Project Management 137. Palgrave Macmillan - Enterprise Programme Management. Delivering Value 138. Palgrave.Macmillan.Effective.Knowledge.Transfer.in.Multinational.Corporations.Mar.2005.eBook-TLFeBOOK.pdf 139. Palgrave.Macmillan.Engaged.Knowledge.Management.Engagement.With.New.Realities.Aug.2005.eBook-TLFeBOOK.pdf 140. PayPal Hacks.chm 141. PC.World.Magazine.April.2006.PDF.eBook-YYePG.pdf 142. Pearson Education - Agile Project Management.Creating Innovative Products - 2004 143. People Focused Knowledge Management.pdf 144. Pick Stocks Like Warren Buffett by J.K. Lasser.pdf 145. Practice Made Perfect. The Discipline of Business Management for Financial Advisors.pdf 146. Prentice Hall - Integrated Project Management - 2002 147. Prentice Hall - Radical Project Management 148. Prentice Hall - Vocabulary Basics For Business.chm 149. Projectmanagement 150. Que - Absolute Beginners Guide to Project Management 151. Self-Employment From Dream To Reality 2Nd - JIST.pdf 152. Springer - Resource Allocation in Project Management - 2005 153. Springer.Extending.the.Horizons.of.Knowledge-based.Management.Jul.2005.eBook-TLFeBOOK.pdf 154. Sybex - Project Management JumpStart 155. The 10 Immutable Laws of Power Selling - McGraw Hill.chm 156. The 2005 - 2010 World Outlook for Beverage Manufacturing.pdf 157. The 2005 - 2010 World Outlook for Coal Mining.pdf 158. The 2005 United States Economic and Product Market Databook.pdf 159. The Hotel Business.chm 160. The Leadership Challenge Workbook.pdf 161. The McKinsey Mind.pdf 162. The Mckinsey Valuation Measuring and Managing the Value of Companies.pdf 163. The McKinsey Way.pdf 164. The Mckinsey-Strategy In Uncertainty.pdf 165. The Warren Buffett Way.pdf 166. The Winner's Circle.pdf 167. The.Brave.New.World.of.eHR.pdf 168. The.Economic.Observer.Newspaper.Vol.253.Mar.06.2006.CEO.Vol.03.Chinese.eBook-TLFeBOOK.pdf 169. Trading to Win. The Psychology of Mastering the Markets.pdf 170. Ultimate Selling Power.pdf 171. UNSW - Programming and Scheduling Techniques Project Management 2003 172. Wiley, Enterprise-Wide Change Superior Results (2005).pdf 173. Wiley, Essentials Of Research Design And Methodology (2005) Ling Lotb.pdf 174. Wiley,.Inside.The.FDA.The.Business.and.Politics.(2005).pdf 175. Wiley,.Payroll.A.Guide.to.Running.an.Efficient.Department.(2005).pdf 176. Winning The Interview Game.pdf 177. Working Identity Unconventional Strategies for Reinventing Your Career.chm 178. You Can Pass the CPA Exam.pdf
  2. Kada mogu mesiju da pomere ovih dana, znam da je Armagedon blizu.
  3. Samo mi tacno reci kako da konvertujem listu u html i to je to.
  4. bolkonski

    Fallout 3

    Laze, laze, to su bile chizme!
  5. wow. da li cu ja to znati da uradim. videcemo...
  6. Razumeo si. Radnja je sranje, ali je odlicno snimljen.
  7. Taman kada sam mislio da je svemu dosao kraj. Otisao sam da ubijem Metzgera i kada sam to uradio, puca igra kad hocu da izadjem iz grada. Poludeo sam. Ako ne proradi, dolazim u Shabac!1 edit: Its ALIVE!!! Hvala G!!!, ne moram u Shabac, jeeej.
  8. Nemoj Srbo da ides u lov, znas i sam sta to znaci. A zene su /\
  9. bolkonski

    Samo za Stiju

    To da je zvezda jeste, bio je jedan skech sa njim u jednom Saturday Night Live-u ove sezone i video sam kako guta. U dva poteza, odnosno na pola pregrize i u dva zalogaja zguta hotdog. Ono sto mene brine je boja njegovog lica. Jednostavno, ne znam, ne verujem da mu je jetra u najboljem stanju, a ni srce kad smo kod toga, ne znam ni da li bi mu pomoglo da se posle toga odmah ispovraca. Medjutim, koliku razliku napravi u odnosu na ostale takmicare, govori o tome da zaista ima nesto sto bih ja nazvao "genetski", sto mu omogucava da to radi (naravno uz vezbu i ostala odricanja).
  10. To je dobra ideja, medjutim, ne znam kako da napravim listu, ne mogu sada bas da prekucavam sve naslove, jel zna neko neki program koji moze da napravi listu iz imena fajlova?
  11. Sto bre svi hejtujete Muda kada je covek ocigledno u krizi. Njemu treba podrska. Go Go Mudo!
  12. Zaboravio sam da napomenem kljucnu promenu! Kruko je komnponovao jedan instrumental samo za RUSh! i nadamo da cemo saradnju nastaviti za buduce brojeve. S obzirom da lite i dialup verzija u sebi nemaju muziku, evo linka za download. Posle toga pesmu samo kopirajte u direktorijum "mp3" i sve ce da sljaka ko podmazano. http://www.play-zine.com/download/rush/1.mp3 - 2.7MB Kruko - West of Catanga
  13. Kada bi ljudi ovde poznavali birokratije u razvijenim zemljama prosto ne bi verovali. Dakle, ovde pricamo o drzavnim institucijama. Budite srecni, samo cu to reci, u rimi, bringitdaun.
  14. Statore, moram da ti kazem, obozavam da citam tvoje postove na ovom topiku. Inace, lep dan, ovo-ono, fudbal veceras, pluca bole, i tako.
  15. Covece, pa da, keva je kriva sto se taj voz zapalio i onda je ceo zivot sebi prebacivala zbog kler, omg, zato je luda, omg, omg.
  16. Download: http://www.play-zine.com/download/rush/RUSH22dialup.zip - 6.5MB http://www.play-zine.com/download/rush/RUSH22lite.zip - 27MB Detaljan sadrzaj mozete videti ovde: http://forum.klanrur.rs/index.php?showtopic=42951 Ovaj broj je specifican na osnovu dve stvari: 1. Dosta tekstova obradjuje 2006. godinu, sta se sve desilo i koliko je to bilo dobro. 2. Zapocinjemo sa serijom putopisa. Prvi za sada je iz Amerike, a vec u sledecem broju trebalo bi da bude reci i o Ceskoj/Pragu. Naravno full izdanje izlazi na Digitalovom dvd-u, sutra ako se ne varam, a razlog za ovako kasno izlazenje online izdanja je nespretnost i neodgovornost urednika. Objavljeni su pobednici RURology 06 takmicenja, sa njihovim radovima, a takodje, mozda cete pronaci svoje ime medju dobitnicima nagradne igre cije nagrade, logicno, vam poklanja Compdesk. Uzivajte!
  17. Naravno, zdrav razum mi govori da ne bi trebalo da odgovaram na gornje postove jer je ocigledno ili da nisam dobro objasnio ili da me bar dvoje ljudi nisu razumeli, ali takav je zivot, kao sto neko rece, pun emocija, pa cu ja shodno tome potrositi nekoliko redaka. Ono sta sam napisao oko tri pojma (istorija, patriotizam i nacionalizam) su tumacenja definicija, a ne definicije. Definicije nisu potrebne da se ovde napisu jer za to postoje knjige, pre svih Vujaklija (koja doduse nema definiciju pojma istorija), internet, itd. Da su u pitanju definicije onda ne bi doslo do diskusije, medjutim, kao i uvek, u pitanju su tumacenja. To su bila moja tumacenja u skladu sa mojim mogucnostima. Da se desio takav slucaj da je neko gore dao neku vaznu (po meni) dopunu mojim tumacenjima ja bih to rekao, ipak, to se nije desilo iz meni nepoznatog razloga. Buduci da sam u ovo doba ovako blagoglagoljiv, citiracu jednog velikog coveka posto me ne mrzi: "Kada drustvo u svojim pojedinacnim predstavnicima vec automatski naglasava kolektivne kvalitete, onda time nagradjuje prosecnost, sve ono sto se spremilo da vegetira na jeftin i neodgovoran nacin. Neizbezno je da se tada individualno pritera uza zid. Ovaj proces pocinje u skoli i nastavlja se na univerzitetu i gospodari svuda gde drzava ima svoje prste." Naravno, necu reci cije su ovo reci, za sada (editovacu za koji dan), da bi mogli sa sto manje emocija da ih sagledate, samo to da ovo nije rekao nijedan politicar. Ovaj citat je moj doprinos kampanji "Leptiric 2007", a pre svega se odnosi na "prosvecenje" ili "davanje i primanje znanja" kao moju licnu misiju za ovu godinu (plasim se da me entuzijazam nece drzati jos dugo, pa sam se zato ogranicio na jednu godinu).
  18. Nije bila losa ova epizoda. A i vratio se nas omiljeni lik, mada mi je nedostajao T-bag.
  19. Kakva je ovo serija kada poslednje 3 scene u epizode od kojih svaka traje po 15 sekundi su najbolje scene u serijalu + je Uveta pretpostavio jednog heroja? Ako sledecu useru, poludecu. Salim se, necu.
  20. Ahahahaha, Mohi ubijas me, nemoj vise, ne mogu da izdrzim. Ako se neko posle ovog posta odgovori Mohiju, svaka mu cast, ispasce da stvarno ne ukljucuje mozak.
  21. Dialup verzija - 6,5 MB http://www.play-zine.com/download/rush/RUSH22dialup.zip Detalji i lite verzija do sutra u 13h.
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