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he izlistacu kada dodjem kuci veceras :) indijci se i dalje dvoume, ono sto njima treba je nesto sto bi zamenilo zastarele modele migova, prvo su mislili da ce to biti njihov tejas ali se njegov razvoj otegao, politika, pare , pritisci ovo ono tako i francuzi i ruje nude omdah sve povoljnije, svako ono sto moze- mozda je samo obicno cenkanje u pitanju :D rafal je sjajan avion zapravo (osim sto je preskup navodno), samo mi se ucinilo da si naveo da je indija se opredelila za njih jer su im odnosi sa rujama zahladneli pa nece vise pak-fa izmedju ostalog bevih pogled i pogledah upravo da ruje isporucuju sledecu turu motora sa kineze, jer im se razvoj njihovog motora takodje oduzio indija se plasi embarga od strane zapada u nekoj buducnosti i potencijalnom sukobu (pakistan, kina lol), sto su vec osetili par puta, zato im nabavka od francuza malo smrdi pogotovo uzevsi u obzir njihovo neisporucivanje nosaca helikoptera koje su ruje platile
kakav pak-fa u indiji ? pa on nije uveden ni u rusiju ? to je oduvek bilo na dugom stapu nikada definitivno vec kada se ukaze prilika a to je rezultat odnosa rusije i indije indija je pregovarala sa rusima oko suhoja 35 u poslednjih 6 meseci, posebno modernizovanoj verziji za njih, nigde nisam sreo vest da indija zbog cekanja na pak-fa je odustala i uzela rafale , indija rafale nije jos uzela valjda indija je ucestvovala u razvoju pak-fa indija proizvodi po licenci su-30MKI, ima ih oko 200 (sto iz rusije sto iz svojih pogona, veliki broj njih je modernizovala po svojoj potrebi cak i sa francuskom i izraelskom tehnologijom, toliko dobro da su rusi neke od modernizacija ubacili u svoju standardnu izvoznu ponudu) i narucili su jos i to ce im biti kicma vazdusne flote rafal treba da zameni stare migove 21 i 27 u njihovoj floti koji izlaze iz upotrebe 2017 godine, indija se okvirno dolucila sa rafala 2012. godine ali od tad odlaze konacnu odluku
ameri i dronovi ? koliko sam ja citao po netu na mestima koji nisu proamericki PR portali, ameri zapravo kaskaju sa tehnologijom dronova ono u cemu su lideri je konretna upotreba dronova (kao i svakog drugog oruzja i orudja) - pa im se tako desilo i da su im iranci prizemljili Sentinela lol https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iran%E2%80%93U.S._RQ-170_incident oni izmedju ostalog sanjaju da avione zamene dronovima jer ih obuka jednog pilota ne znam koliko kosta globalno gledano pravi bum je nastao sa dronovima zanimljivo naleteo sam i na jugoslovenski projekat drona za izvidjanje koji je razvijan od druge polovine 80ih do 91-2, pokusano da se nastavi 95-6 i na kraju je posle investicije od skoro 30 mil dolara projekat prodat amerima za neku sicu 2002. godine uz obecanje da ce se proizvoditi u srbiji jedan deo pomenutog modela. taj model koji nazalost nije zaziveo u nasim granicama a navodno bio je interesantna kombinacija ruske i domace tehnologije I danas imamo par zanimljivih projekata koji se solidno razvijaju s obzirom da smo tu gde jesmo (fali para naravno)
koliko god bio isti taj audi mnogo bolje izgleda uzivo
Beamdog tizuje na http://www.baldursgate.com/ sa odbrojavanjem i verovatno objavom novog naslova A new Baldur's Gate game will be revealed next week, if a countdown on the game's official website is real and not an optical illusion. It's no surprise: Beamdog said back in January that it would unveil the game in Spring, but it looks like they're rolling it out a bit earlier than expected. Taking place between Baldur's Gate 1 and 2, the yet-to-be-named game is not going to be Baldur's Gate III, but the studio says it is "something bigger than we've ever done before." .
Heee odlican je Slow west :) Sa druge strane Last Knights ili tako nesto, mislim wtf sta je ono zaboga
i ima tu neceg, sto me do sada nije radilo recimo u zadnjih godinu dve, mi je daleko drasticnija razlika u dozivljaju filma u bioskopu ili na kucnom LED-u i bluray rip-u (iako sam oduvek voleo bioskop) skoro svaki film je bio razocarenje u kucnoj varijanti u poslednje vreme
kakvo sranjce od filma boze mili (kao da su americki b producenti snimali film) smesniji je i pateticniji od vecina holivudski filmova, wtf
/ tema premestena u odgovarajuci podforum /
ja sam citao :) opusteno moze da se prelista topik
samo da vas pozdravim i salutiram na masovnom koriscenju spojlera o7
He odgledao sam dobar je bas. Mada Mozda malo smeta sto je zanrovski tolika mesavina trilera akcije komedije i brutalnosti. P.s. zasto mi se cini da u cini svakom j. koreanskom filmu policija mora da bude smesna jadna pateticna puna korumpiranih kretena, u pocetku mi je bilo smesno sad vec smara
kasperski vec 4-5 godina sjajno odradju je posao
valja li ?
iju sto je dobro krljanje i doom i sw2
“The White March: Part 1,” will extend the story and experience of Pillars of Eternity, as well as adding a higher level cap, new abilities, new companions, and more to the game. The expansion, originally offered as a pledge add-on during the game’s incredibly successful crowdfunding campaign, was revealed by Obsidian and Paradox at E3, and will be coming soon for Windows, Max, and Linux PC. “Fans’ response to Pillars of Eternity has been incredible,” said Feargus Urquhart, CEO ofObsidian Entertainment. “We knew, when we started work on the game following our crowdfunding campaign, that we had the potential to create the kind of game we’d wanted to see again for a long time. Evidently, we weren’t alone in that. With The White March, we’re going to ensure that we live up to the praise we’ve received and the faith our fans have placed in us.” “Our partnership with Obsidian couldn’t have started on a higher note than with Pillars of Eternity,” said Fredrik Wester, CEO of Paradox Interactive. “It was clear to us, from the beginning, that Obsidian had a deep connection to their fans, and with the tremendous success of Pillars of Eternity, there’s no doubt in our mind that they understand what players want from an RPG. We’re looking forward to working with their team for a long time to come.” Pillars of Eternity is an RPG inspired by classic titles such as Baldur’s Gate, Icewind Dale, and Planescape: Torment, featuring an original world and game system that evokes and improves upon the traditional computer RPG experience. The first expansion, originally offered to fans as a pledge add-on during a crowdfunding campaign, will continue the game’s rich story and expand upon its detailed, original world. Named “The White March: Part 1,” the expansion will also raise the in-game level cap and let players meet new companions, unlock new abilities, and meet new challenges in their own unique manner. For more information on Pillars of Eternity, visit http://pillarsofeternity.com/.
E3 nam donosi nesto novo o cetvrtom Mass Effect-u https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uG8V9dRqSsw Today we debuted the first cinematic trailer for our next game, Mass Effect™: Andromeda. While we are still many months away from the game’s release date in holiday 2016, we’re excited to show you a bit of where we’re at. First, though, some background on the game itself. When we wrapped up the original Mass Effect trilogy with Mass Effect 3: Citadel in early 2013, planning and design on Mass Effect: Andromeda was already well underway. We knew we wanted to start with a foundation composed of the best parts of any Mass Effect game: exciting new worlds to discover, great characters, and intense action. At the same time, we clearly wanted to expand the definition of what you should expect from a Mass Effect game. While we aren’t ready to go into too many details just yet, as you saw in the trailer and can tell by the name, this game is very much a new adventure, taking place far away from and long after the events of the original trilogy. You will play a human, male or female, though that’s actually not the character you saw in the trailer (more on that later). You’ll be exploring an all-new galaxy, Andromeda, and piloting the new and improved Mako you saw. And through it all, you will have a new team of adventurers to work with, learn from, fight alongside of, and fall in love with. We built this trailer in Frostbite™, our game engine, and it represents our visual target for the final game. We are thrilled by what we’ve already been able to achieve in bringing Mass Effect to Frostbite and by putting our entire focus on PC and current gen consoles. With the time remaining in development, we’re excited about the possibility to push things even more. Thank you again for all of the support you keep showing us, and we’re looking forward to sharing more details with you near the end of the year. Until then, the teams in our Montreal, Edmonton, and Austin studios will be hard at work creating an entirely new adventure for you to lose yourselves in.
bolja je od fo4 :P steta sto nije jos za android izasla anyway govorkanja su da ce prica u fo4 imati nesto od price iz van burena ili odbacen zaplet iz fallout 2 aaa... fenomenalno :(
Bethesda najavljuje svoju online digitalnu distribuciju! ... imaju nekada dobre ideje koje ipak cesto budu lose realizovane ali ovo je... omg The collector's edition of the game will include an actual Pip-Boy wearable sleeve that you can slot your phone into, meaning you'll be able to access all of the features just by glancing down at your IRL arm. "As far as stupid gimmicks go, I chose the best fucking one," said Bethesda's Todd Howard on stage at E3. The Pip-Boy Edition will cost $119.99, €129.99, or £99.99, and Bethesda warns that supply will be very limited, with pre-orders set to open soon. The package also comes with a Pip-Boy manual, a poster, and a metal case. E da gra izlazi 10. novembra jos jedan edit Evo ga ceo showcase sa e3 DOOM deluje OMG
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NL_7mdEIp3s bethesda please stop it :( a evo i 9 minuta gameplaya sa onim iritantnim todom howardom https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bWuwLSFmATI Pip-Boy Gameplay po svemu sudeci izgleda da su izbacili Skill sistem iz igre, lol Weapons Customization, zajebali su i battlefield 4 ! Crafting System Gameplay
Bajkonur je do 2050 u upotrebi
pa dobro mad max je uvek bio inspiracija za fallout :)