Da, do hangara mu je trebao ceo rezervoar, na testu je imao potrosnju od 4 milje po galonu. "It's billed as the first American supercar, but that's stretching things a bit. I mean, the gearbox is from Ricardo. The body was worked on by Mayflower. The steering rack comes from an Aston Martin Vanquish. Lotus helped out with the chassis. The wheels are from BBS. The brakes are from Brembo. Doesn't sound very American to me. .." Osim motora, koji je taj famozni 5,4 V8.
Medjutim, ima li jos neki osim GT-a? Korveta? :)
Svi se verujem slazemo da, kad bi imali toliko para, ne bi bas gledali da kupimo americki supersportski automobil..
Uuu, kako je samo novaaa... :) Postace prava penzionerska meca.
E, inace: "The car [the Alfa Romeo 8C] will have a Maserati derived engine and chassis, with a 4.2 liters V8 engine with more than 400 hp and rear wheel drive. The production run will be limited to 500 units, 250 coup