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About MiSHiCa

  • Birthday November 13


  • Member Title
    srs mouse is srs

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  1. 'Oću ključ, nećete da me prevarite. edit: nisu me prevarili!
  2. ja placam kod sezampro-a 1700din za 4 mb/s, a nisam vise pod ugovornom obavezom tako da ovo zvuci o/. Je l' koristi neko Veratov adsl?
  3. (još uvek) ne. a nije vudi ljakse, sigurna sam da postoji sasvim logično objašnjenje, npr. dobio knjige na poklon a već je posedovao komplet!
  4. Ponadala sam se da su knjige na engleskom :/
  5. bilo mi u recommended nakon 'improvizacije black' ;D
  6. http://www.denofgeek.com/tv/blakes-7/25155/blakes-7-reboot-goes-to-full-series-order Blake's 7 reboot goes to full series order "The year is 2136, Blake wakes up on one side of the bed. He reaches for the other side. There’s nobody there. As reality sets in, this handsome ex-soldier sits up, and looks at a photo of his wife Rachel. Beautiful. Deceased. A revolutionary reinvention of the long-running BBC series made in the late 1970s, Blake’s 7 tells the story of seven criminals - 6 guilty and 1 innocent - on their way to life on a prison colony in space, who together wrestle freedom from imprisonment. They acquire an alien ship which gives them a second chance at life and become the most unlikely heroes of their time." Nisam gledala original, al' ovo moze da bude zanimljivo.
  7. http://www.comicbookmovie.com/fansites/PlanetStarkiller21/news/?a=66415 Game of Thrones Robert's Rebellion Lik je dao par ideja za Game of Thrones prequel o Robertovoj buni, sa full castingom. Ima dobro podeljenih uloga, ali i promasaja. Cak mislim da je sasvim realno, imajuci u vidu uspeh Igre prestola, da se nakon zavrsetka serijala producenti odluce i za snimanje prequela. Mada su se takvi pokusaji obicno zavrsavali failom. Padaju mi na pamet BSG: Blood & Chrome i Caprica, Star Wars Ep I II III itd :P
  8. puppy 6 TV 7 skylight 2 library 4 gourmet food 9 medical care 2 ;D
  9. Da li je jos uvek SC2 na akciji u games-u? Ili ako neko prodaje key (eventualno bnet acc) neka pusti pm. edit: nvm nasla sam za 2000 din u ovom shop-u (http://www.gamesguru...2-wings-liberty), probacu da narucim sutra.
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