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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/07/2021 in all areas

  1. https://phys.org/news/2020-01-bot-beast-scientists-programmable.html?fbclid=IwAR01R-jygUrddxu1XTOdEAzQc-lqbFB709IJrpJMcsBSWRXrK2421beSWUk Dule, jel smo gotovi? :)) @Dule_smor A remarkable combination of artificial intelligence (AI) and biology has produced the world's first "living robots". This week, a research team of roboticists and scientists published their recipe for making a new lifeform called xenobots from stem cells. The term "xeno" comes from the frog cells (Xenopus laevis) used to make them.
    1 point
  2. ideapad je bukvalno budžetski subbrend thinkpada ne znam što ga ne izdvoje pod drugi brend, kao ono kad bosch drži neki aeg za te namene.
    1 point
  3. Lik ima 21 godinu i verovatno retardirane roditelje koji su stekli pare prečicom i dali su sinu da vozi frizirani Audi S8 bez fabričke blokade. Ako on ne može da shvati zašto u gradu postoji ograničenje na 50 km/h, onda mora da nauči na svojim greškama. Dal je VW prošao na crveno ili ne, nebitno potpuno.
    1 point
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