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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/16/2014 in all areas
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dodao sam najzad i Fire Flower Games i GameKeys4All u listu sajtova, prepravio malo tekst za Humble Bundle i dodao Steam Sales Tracker sa SteamDb-a u Korisne linkove.1 point
1 point
Pogledao ponovo The Fisher King. - http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0101889/?ref_=nv_sr_2 Meni licno je omiljeni film Robina Vilijamsa, genijalan film. Rezirao Gilijem, pored njegove standardne tematike - umni bolesnici i lutalice - radnja se vrti oko potrage za Svetim Gralom, srecom, identitetom, smislom zivota... Glavne uloge Bridzis i Vilijams - odlicni, Mercedes Ruel pokidala (mislim da je dobila oskara za ovu ulogu), a kameo uloga Toma Vejtsa nezaboravna! :D Ako niste gledali - svaka preporuka, a ako jeste - gledajte ponovo.1 point
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Ubedljivo najveci MMORPG na GamesCom-u 2014 je *fanfare* Final Fantasy 14. Imaju PvP turnir i stand sa nekih 40 racunara. (WoW se ne racuna)1 point
1 point
CHANGELOG: Stable - 0.48.124737 As always, we will be watching server data, and the feedback tracker for any potential severe issues and will address them accordingly with a hot fix. For any bugs/issues you run into, please let us know by filing it on the feedback tracker: http://feedback.dayzgame.com KNOWN ISSUES: Player is unable to attack with any weapon under certain circumstances Character freezes for a few seconds after throwing an item under certain angle Players experience desync when engaged in melee combat while their network bubbles overlap Random throwing of items Ladders can't be used after hit by a grenade explosion Player is stuck in building after reconnect Player cannot respawn properly after drowning When restrained while unconscious player stays restrained until he reconnects Character goes prone after using drink all action on canteen Random police car spawning doesn't work properly. Cars are not visible, loot is there though. NEW: Animations: Igniting fireplace Animations: Restrained sprint (run) Animations: Fishing (pull out, check, start) Animations: Searching for berries, digging Animations: Cow animation sets Crafting: You can craft leather sack Crafting: You can craft mosin wrap from burlap sack Crafting: You can add grass to burlap wrap Crafting: You can sharpen wooden sticks Crafting: You can combine sharpened sticks and feather to create a primitive arrow Crafting: Preparing chicken will now also give you some chicken feathers Crafting: You can saw mosin-nagant 9130 off Crafting: You can paint sawn-off mosin-nagant 9130 Crafting: You can tear bandana mask into rags Crafting: You can attach and detach Smersh Backpack to Smersh Vest Gear: Crafted leather sack Gear: Smersh Vest Gear: Smersh Backpack Gear: Sharpened Stick Gear: Chicken Feathers Gear: Primitive Arrow Gear: Added lifetime and persistence parameters Gear: Bow can now use primitive arrows Gear: Tank helmet Loot: Randomized police cars spawns (works but cars are not always visible - see known issues) Loot: Some guns spawn with ammo now Weapons: Sawed-off variant of mosin-nagant 9130 World: Sinistok village is added. World: Vavilovo village is added. World: New WW2 monument has been added to Severograd town. World: Oak tree was replaced by new model. FIXED: Animations: Slow and fast move with raised Bow in crouch Animations: Silence gesture crouch and prone polished Actions: Tearing bandana into rags produce only one rag now Actions: Highly increased chance of finding an apple Actions: Slightly increased chance of finding a berry Character: Moved position of collision shapes for standing and crouching poses with two-handed weapon Cooking: Highly reduced chance of getting food poisoning from burnt meat Crafting: Tracksuit pants can be mended with sewing kit Graphics: Textures for epinephrine and fire extinguisher improved Engine: First iteration of wall clipping fix Gear: Gorka pants takes four slots Loot: Heli-crashsites fixed Loot: Loot tables changed Loot: Rotten fruit and vegetables removed from loot spawns Weapons: Crossbow dispersion tweaked Weapons: CR 527 magazine cannot be repainted Weapons: Range for all melee weapons and fists tweaked Weapons: All melee weapons are set to use cursor for hit now Weapons: CR 527 magazine description edited Weapons: MP5 30Rnd magazine takes up two vertical slots Weapons: Shotguns damage Weapons: Improvised bow dispersion tweaked1 point
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3 meseca =/= "tu je jos malo" Cinematic je govno, kao i svaki koji su uradili za bilo koju igru josh od onoga za WotLK.-1 points
nole ispao i u sinsinatiju, od robreda...to je to, ako sad ne uzme us open posle kad se porodi jelena gotovo :D-1 points
-1 points
Votekick i forfeit pod hitno, mada forfeit su rekli da nikad nece ubaciti-1 points
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gubim 5 partija zaredom: 1.kazem da idem carry safe, oni pickuju pre mene bez reci, ja biram supporta, partija se zavrsava tako sto wk ima blade mail i treads, a slark treads i point booster 2.lik bira 4. heroja lunu preko izabranog kerija, mida i off-a, cudi se posle sto smo izgubili 3.lik kaze keri, ovaj bez reci bira voida, treads / mom / deadalus, ne koristi chrono 4.igramo, dobijamo ih, nas meepo dobro igra, pogine 2 puta u random teamfightovima, niko mu nista ne kaze ili slicno, krece da im salje kurira i slicno 5.kazem safe farm, lik randomuje spectre-a koga sam hteo da biram, pitam ga da mi da, on cuti, fejluje posle kaze da je 'drunk as fuck', wd failuje lane i dolazi kod mene mid kaze da nece da ide odatle-1 points
Sve ostalo je otislo, ostalo je samo jos 55 000. Ili zamena za istu kolicinu golda na Kazzak [H]. Cena 2500 za sve. Kontakt na PM.-1 points
Moze i zamena za GC od 60 dana. Apropo minusa na prethodni post. I dalje ne moze za 2000 :D-1 points
-1 points
Po meni je ssd bacanje para, tj luksuz. I da posedujem ssd samsung 840evo 250gb... moraju da im spuste cene da moze da uzmes 250gb za 50e pa i da kazes da ima smisla kupiti. Ovako kada uzimas nov komp moras da odvojis i za ssd i za hard sto je previse.-3 points
http://postimg.org/image/pl9i4fkxb/ Da li ima potrebe menjati nesto dok ne izadje dd4, mozda da dokupim jos 8gb ram-a?-4 points
Jos jedna epic slika mog komshe :) Ako nekog interesuje nekakav crtez ili bilo sta vezano za crtanje moze da me pm :)-4 points
-5 points
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