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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/02/2013 in all areas

  1. Kobrice, dosadan si.
    5 points
  2. Duletov se račun slika panorama modom!
    5 points
  3. meni je ovo do jaja al aj da okacim ovde
    4 points
  4. па то ти причам! а Стариџ је добар, само да се научи да не буде себичан :) ИДЕМО!
    3 points
  5. ALMA Sheds Light on Planet-Forming Gas Streams Tantalising signs of flows feeding gas-guzzling giant planets 2 January 2013 Astronomers using the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) telescope have seen a key stage in the birth of giant planets for the first time. Vast streams of gas are flowing across a gap in the disc of material around a young star. These are the first direct observations of such streams, which are expected to be created by giant planets guzzling gas as they grow. The result is published on 2 January 2013 in the journal Nature. http://www.eso.org/public/news/eso1301/ The international team of astronomers studied the young star HD 142527, over 450 light-years from Earth, which is surrounded by a disc of gas and cosmic dust — the remains of the cloud from which the star formed. The dusty disc is divided into an inner and an outer part by a gap, which is thought to have been carved by newly forming gas giant planets clearing out their orbits as they circle the star. The inner disc reaches from the star out to the equivalent of the orbit of Saturn in the Solar System, while the outer disc begins about 14 times further out. The outer disc does not surround the star uniformly; instead, it has a horseshoe shape, probably caused by the gravitational effect of the orbiting giant planets. According to theory, the giant planets grow by capturing gas from the outer disc, in streams that form bridges across the gap in the disc. “Astronomers have been predicting that these streams must exist, but this is the first time we’ve been able to see them directly,” says Simon Casassus (Universidad de Chile, Chile), who led the new study. “Thanks to the new ALMA telescope, we’ve been able to get direct observations to illuminate current theories of how planets are formed!” Casassus and his team used ALMA to look at the gas and cosmic dust around the star, seeing finer details, and closer to the star, than could be seen with previous such telescopes. ALMA’s observations, at submillimetre wavelengths, are also impervious to the glare from the star that affects infrared or visible-light telescopes. The gap in the dusty disc was already known, but they also discovered diffuse gas remaining in the gap, and two denser streams of gas flowing from the outer disc, across the gap, to the inner disc. “We think that there is a giant planet hidden within, and causing, each of these streams. The planets grow by capturing some of the gas from the outer disc, but they are really messy eaters: the rest of it overshoots and feeds into the inner disc around the star” says Sebastián Pérez, a member of the team, who is also at Universidad de Chile.
    1 point
  6. за другаре који планирају диграју нешто на Њуку вечерас http://www.guardian.co.uk/football/2013/jan/02/chelsea-demba-ba-newcastle-clause
    1 point
  7. You have reached your quota of positive votes for the day
    1 point
  8. evo par slika sestrinog dzukca, ali kao da je moj!
    1 point
  9. a koja tri poznata igraca? :D
    1 point
  10. Realno. Šta fali dlakama napred, jel si muško il si Boško?
    1 point
  11. nemoj uzimati ove telefone koje brendira Telenor, to su obično kinezi koji deluju dobro na prvi pogled ali se realno raspadaju. uzmi ovaj desire pa mu stavi neki kršten ROM i to je to. edit: ili preneseš broj u MTS, potpišeš ugovor tako da te paket izađe oko 550 dinara (a duplo je veći od ovog telenorovog koji ti hoćeš) a ostatak para uštekaš i uzmeš polovan nexus ili neki sličan dobar telefon.
    1 point
  12. ja grafikon nemam,ali radi se o cifri od 15k za sest meseci,plus lajv,koji je oko izmedju 3 i 4k.Kada smo krenuli da igramo na zabarima postavili smo cilj da stignemo na 5k za sest meseci,tako da jasno vam je koliko smo premasili ocekivanja.Presrecan sam u kom pravcu sve ide,thinking process mi je postao mnogo slozeniji,igra mi je neverovatno napredovala,uplatio sam i clanarinu na deucescracked,pocecu da radim hand review sa pitsburgom i jos nekim ljudima,i u principu,jebem sebi majku sto nisam igrao online u doba kad nije svaka susa naucila da igra poker...ove godine idemo jos jace,sa nadom da ce biti jos bericetnije.
    1 point
  13. mnogo dobar tiket sam pao danas, minut pre kraja poluvremena :/ :( ovo mi je bio "sigurica tiket", za koji mislim da dolazi 99% i tenis vishe ne igram jezik pregriz'o, ne verujem da ce seltik da kiksa, izgubili su proshlo kolo. a celzi dobija sigurno
    1 point
  14. jao, zaboravio sam da uručim troll of the year award (za Doolija i ostale koji ne znaju šta je troll -> http://en.wikipedia....roll_(Internet) ) Dakle, nagrada RUR troll godine 2012 ide u ruke našeg proslavljenog boksera bambija!! Nagradu je dobio za sledeći post/postove
    1 point
  15. It took a year, but Grandpa Aaron has completed another game. Here's his review
    1 point
  16. drale, nova godina je pusti tomu, vidi ovog malog tigrica kako se zbunio ;(
    1 point
  17. Dame i gospodo, postovani kanterasi i gejmeri, bitange i klosari, i draga razjarena maso, odazvao sam se ovom pozivu najbrze sto sam mogao. Bavim se ovim problemom vec par dana i mogu da vam kazem jedno, a to su dve stvari: Milanovic i Nemanha, ste mi dobri ovako i sta je s mozgovima? Za gospodina koji ide redom i hakuje: prcaj sirotinju... Salim se budalo, nac'emo te, kad-tad! Tip of the day: Ni kod babe nema dzabe.
    1 point
  18. 1 point
  19. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Cene za GOLD nisu FIX >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> World of Wacraft Battle Chest + Wotlk * Key = 1700 Dinara WoW - Cataclysm * Key = 1500 dinara **** HOT SELL **** GC 60 day : 2000 Dinara **** HOT SELL **** Mop : 2500 Dinara Gw2 : 3500 Dinra Diablo3 : 3000 Dinara Ko je iz beograda nalazimo se kod VUKA da preuzme i da proveri svaki key....
    1 point
  20. Marvel Heroes Action RPG/MMO
    1 point
  21. to sto je sneg, ne znaci da ne treba jebati cigane http://sketchtoy.com/3648625 IDEMO BRE
    1 point
  22. Verovatno sam samo ja u pitanju ali meni su ova dva lika najveci random trollcarevi koji su se pojavili na nasem TV-u u poslednje vreme [roflmao] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xY3e-clQdJw
    1 point
  23. A koji to tacno paket kod mts-a je duplo jeftiniji i duplo bolji od tog njegovog? Koliko ja vidim mix net M je 1140 din (u odnosu na ovaj koji je 1.000), on ima 300 minuta, 600 sms i 600 mb, u odnosu na 150min, 500 sms i 500 mb kod telenora, jeste povoljnije ali nije duplo jeftiniji :) A i glupo je davati mu preporuku za telefon za kes kad oce na paket. Ortak se nalozio u Mtsu ima Htc 8s tipa uz ovaj paket od 1.000 ili 1.500 din kosta oko 13.000 din, ima neko misljenje o tome?
    0 points
  24. Mozda spamujem al moram , iskreno jebem ti turnir sa 3 poznata igraca ... :) to je iznedrio CS:GO da 3 coveka igraju igricu od 12 ekipa :)
    0 points
  25. jedan od danasnjih inace, nemojte da igrate skote sutra u najavi najgori timovi dobijaju ove sa vrha tabele
    0 points
  26. 0 points
  27. bukvalno imam fps 50, ali to me ne sprecava da budem najjaci u drzavi...
    -1 points
  28. Ništa što policija za suzbijanje sajber kriminala, ne može da reši.
    -1 points
  29. Druze nismo mi takav forum
    -1 points
  30. Aha, ok, izvinjavam se, nisam znao da ima ta promocija i dalje, a vala su moglu i da napisu tamo negde gde su i paketi. Ali opet kontam da covek oce telefon za dinar uz paket jer nema kesa...
    -1 points
  31. Dakle prodajem gore navedeni sound card! Kupljen je u Nemackoj tako da nema garanciju ali je u savrsenom stanju i radi besprekorno! http://steelseries.c...a-usb-soundcard Cena : 2500 dinara + postarina ako je kupac van Nisa. pm
    -1 points
  32. Ljudi da li zna neko kakva je graficka AMD 6700 HD ? Ne mogu da nadjem nigde nista o njoj :/
    -1 points
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