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King's Bounty: The legend


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Duhovi su laz ! Cistim mapu sa 45cursed ghost,75ghost i 113 priest.

Glupost,ghostovi rade life steal i tenkuju 2-3 grupe od 150+...predju leadership limit izgubim kontrolu nad njima,al zato je tu priest da ih vrati na normalu.Prebio sam Krakena sa ovom komb+100zombija koji su samo cuvali prista.


Edited by Katsu

Is there a flower shop in the tahraji desert?

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zar ne uticu undeadovi na moral ? ja sam imao slicnu mesanu vojsku i vecina je bila neraspolozena, pogotovo humani.

shamani odvaljuju koliko su dobra jedinica, onda sam nasao neki ring koji sam apgrejdovao 2x , daje +15 mane, za warra odlicna stvar :P

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[23:47] <manager-> jao dete jao dete :D


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zar ne uticu undeadovi na moral ? ja sam imao slicnu mesanu vojsku i vecina je bila neraspolozena, pogotovo humani.

Priest i Inq. su "imuni" na undedove u grupi.Zato i vodim 2ghost + priest...nemam vishe gde da kupim inkvizitore :P

Is there a flower shop in the tahraji desert?

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Matori, bitno da si sam izvalio kombinaciju koja je legla tvom nacinu igranja, ako te to ne cini srecnim onda stvarno ne znam sta bi!?! ;) hehehe

Jeste Rejz totalno si me provalio :) Kad sam ubo kombo radovao sam se ko idiot. Sad kad pogledam da mi je neko dao konkretnu kombinaciju jedinica bilo bi ok, ali ne bi se toliko obradovao :)

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Imas onaj spisak sta koja zena daje i deca takodje :) to se zove advanced wife :D

Inace, ti si mogao da uzmes taj skill bio palamudin ili ne, sva stabla su svim klasama na raspolaganju, naravno ukoliko ovde pricamo o samom skillu, jer se ne secam bar polovine skillova :)

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Ma bole brate ja retko koju igru igram 2 puta, sem FO1,2; BG1,2+exps; planescape; i jos par... U mmo-ovima nemam alt-ove samo main-ove, to dovoljno govori o tome koliko volim repetitivnost :D

KB sabija i svakako vredi odigrati i sa drugim klasama, ali to prepustam vama, ja idem dalje :P

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Expansion details

* New storyline, new gameworld.

* Princess Amelie will be the protagonist.

* Some sort of Medal/Achievement system.

* Ragebox is replaced with a pet dragon. He gains experience and can learn up to nine unique skills.

* New race of creatures.

* You can fly around in a pegasus.

* You can hire followers-squires.

* Bounty hunting system from original KB is back.

* Enhanced role-playing system. Level cap is now 50.

* Adventuring spells like in Heroes series.

* New bosses: Borer, Gremlion, Archdemon Baal and others.

* New item types.

Release date: Q1 2009.

A evo i prevoda ruskog announcement-a: http://translate.google.com/translate?u=ht...=auto&tl=en

Evo jos malo detalja:

Thinking about the little that we know so far, I have a couple of questions...

1. Will Princess Amelie be the only character you can choose? If this is so (as it appears to be) will there be any replayability in the game at all? Currently we have 3 different classes.

Sure, there are still 3 classes.

2. Will the tech tree be altered? (Might, Mind, Magic). Does this mean there will only be one tech tree, or what?

Skill trees will be changed significantly, with new skills added. Also, the whole Medal thing will act sorta like the 4th tree.

3. The pet dragon sounds okay, but only 9 skills compared to 16 in the main game is a bit of a reduction. Will there be any diversity in the way you play the game?

No details yet.

4. Will Princess Amelie marry husbands and have children etc. Personally I wouldn't mind, but I doubt the developers will do it like this. Will there be another system in place instead?

Apparently, the family system is replaced with hirable henchmen.

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Titan Tear? Na ostrvcetu desno od grifina. Ima kao neki prirodni kameni luk, ne mozes da omasis.

Tip za warriore, kad nadjete Kandar's head na ostrvima nemojte je prodavati onom liku koji nudi 25k, odnesite je u barbarian tent i ima lepa stvar tamo ;)

I da, sad igram samo sa undeadovima, dark commander ne sabija kao sto sam ocekivao ali nije ni lose, ubio sam impossible :)

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