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Nova NWN2 expanzija


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Game Features:

* Travel the Sword Coast and Samarach using the open ended exploration of the new Overland Map. Use skills like Spot and Survival while on the Overland Map to avoid ambushes and even find hidden locales and lost artifacts.

* Create your own full party of adventurers. Devastate your foes with a squad of fireball-flinging Sorcerers, form a solid wall of steel with a party of Fighters, or strike the perfect balance in your party by spreading out the classes you choose for your characters.

* Improved party gameplay including streamlined party conversations, a new Teamwork Benefit System, and powerful party feats.

* The world's economy reacts to your adventures and choices. And, through trading and quests, you can expand your merchant company into a massive trading empire.

Spanish fan site Neverwinteros got hold of the first details of a brand new expansion pack for Neverwitner Nights. At first, the info was regarded as a rumor, but a bunch of people at Obsidian Entertainment have confirmed it, including Anthony Davis, Rob McGinnis and Marketing/PR producer Matthew Rorie. Neverwinter Nights 2: Storm of Zehir goes back to the days of Baldur's Gate and Icewind Dale (oh yeah!) by featuring "full party customization, dungeon crawling, and free exploration of a non-linear game world via an Overland Map."

Players will be able to explore well-known locations, such as Neverwinter and Crossroad Keep, as well as more exotic areas like the jungle nation of Samarach. They say that the add-on also features new classes, spells, creatures, and playable races.





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Jes da smo otisli u off al aj:

Pa iskreno oni su rekli da hoce da izdaju pre nego sto bs izbaci fallout3. Vidim da im je sajt pretrpeo neke promene, tj i dalje je u toj fazi, radi samo forum. Dobili su kes i sad vise nije obican projekat fanova nego prava pravcata igra od koje ce 100% da bude nesto. Ima jedan odeljak na nma forumu za afterfall, ali slabo obavestavaju ljudi iz intoxicate-a. Sve kao nesto ne mogu ja to da vam kazem, nije jos vreme, bla bla... Bilo je jedno zanimljivo pitanje. Nesto na temu, posto ste sad finansirani od neke druge firme, da li ce to uticati na neke stvari koje ste obecali da ce se naci u igri. Kao da li ce da smanje nelinearnost u korist akcije i nekih tako stvari, da izbace gomilu detalja zbog brzeg izdavanja itd. Naravno rekli su da se nista ne brinemo da oni i dalje ostaju pri svojoj prvobitnoj zamisli, samo da sad imaju vise mogucnosti za rad.

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AT: If we're not mistaken, the level cap in the previous add-on was 30. Will you let players go beyond that?

KS: No - we are not focusing on epic level gameplay with SoZ. With this game, we wanted the emphasis to be on the party, not an individual, and we felt beginning at a low level was an important part of this experience. Instead of a single powerful character, you'll be creating a party of up to four who adventure together and develop a reputation throughout the Realms.

Interest rising...

Also, <3 Sword coast.

Baldur's Gate zaostavshtina. :')

Edited by Wulfgar

Vulfi sam kroji svoju odecu od kozhe ubijenih protivnika.

Pr0 wifebeaters know.

Never give up. Never give in.

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Najzad su se setili da ceo party ucestvuje u dijalozima, mislim ispadne kao da uvek prodjes diplomacy, bluff i ostale chekove, ali to mogu da rese vecim DCom. U sustini normalno je da se iskoriste skillovi svih likova iz party-a. E da, jel' ste procitali negde da kad idete kroz tu world mapu nailazite na grupice mobova i onda se kamera menja da dobijete efekat borbi iz ff serijala?

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Sa gamezone.com:

In Neverwinter Nights 2: Mask of the Betrayer, players could jump between locations from a menu screen. But in Storm of Zehir, you'll have to physically move between locations via a new world map. This map is very similar to the world map in the 3D Final Fantasy games -- it feels big in scope, has a high-up (but not quite top-down) view, and is loaded with monsters that could make your day miserable. The monsters aren't random though. You can see them on the map as they ponder, "Are you my dinner tonight?" If you choose to engage the monster, or if they strike first, the game transports you to a separate battle screen. Sound familiar? This is a little unexpected given the gameplay of the Neverwinter Nights series, which isn't exactly a traditional, Final Fantasy-style RPG.

Sa UGO bloga

Storm of Zehir also brings a brand new Overland Map system to the franchise. As players travel between destinations, their party traverses a map from a distant point of view. Characters make survival checks and engage minor skirmishes automatically while scrolling text informs the player of their party’s varied skill checks.

UGO blog - full e3 preview

GameZone - full e3 preview

Ima jos takvih kratkih najava na gomilu, ali u sustini svi su slicni.

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