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6.52 Changelog


* Rewrote all item code and systems. It now supports things like properly tracking item ownerships, fusing recipes with a full inventory as well as fixing a lot of older miscellaneous bugs and usability issues, and setting groundwork for other things in the future

* Fixed all CustomKey problems. All hotkeys in the game can now be properly remapped to any other hotkey

* Map strings are now properly allocated to allow players with different language versions to play with each other without having to download multiple maps themselves. This means, for example, that you can play or watch games with your English version of the map with someone using a Chinese, Korean or Russian translated version of the map without any problems. The maps for the other languages will be posted on getdota.com alongside the English version for each release

* Lowered side angles on Bristleback

* Agility Morph and Strength Morph can now be clicked on directly for one-time use

* Morph interval is smoother when it levels (same overall rate though)

* Improved Elder Form attack animation

* Improved cooldown progression on Soul Rip

* Rewrote Timewalk to keep constant speed (so its not slow motion when you click nearby)

* Dark Rift can now be cast by targeting minimap

* Increased AutoQuills release requirement on Bristleback from 200 to 300

* Improved cooldown progression on Primal Split

* Improved initial AI on Dopplewalk image to make it less obvious when it's created

* Sonic Wave cooldown no longer improves per level in non-scepter form

* Reduced Reverse Polarity AOE a little

* Reduced Dragon Knight's Breathe Fire manacost

* Undid a portion of the cooldown buff done on Elder Dragon Form last version

* Increased Huskar's attack range from 350 to 400

* Lowered Puck's attack range from 600 to 550

* Increased level 2 and 3 Purge's damage to summoned unit

* Lowered Faceless Void's strength gain

* Improved Faceless Void's cast animation time

* Increased level 3 Insatiable Hunger cooldown

* Lowered Sand King's base armor

* Improved cooldown progression on Spirit Bear

* Lowered movement speed on Beastmaster's Hawk

* Increased Abaddon's movement speed slightly

* Scream of Pain manacost is now constant on all levels

* Increased Primal Roar cooldown by 10 seconds

* Lowered Living Dead bounty and increased their magic resistance

* Decreased Timelapse cooldown

* Increased Immolation damage on level 3 Primal Split's Fire panda

* Lowered Sven's agility gain

* Improved Huskar's attack animation time slightly

* Scaled the movement bonus on Chemical Rage (lower at level 1, level 3 remains the same)

* Lowered Scepter upgraded Doom's cooldown

* Increased cast range on Drunken Haze

* Changed Fatal Bonds from damage to HP loss (numbers adjusted to keep it at the same effectiveness)

* Lowered Medusa's attack animation time

* Lowered Will O' manacost

* Undid manacost change on Level 1 Reaper's Scythe

* Slightly reduced Rikimaru's cast animation time

* Scattershot gives vision on the area it is cast on

* Flesh Heap now works with denies

* Lowered cast range on Neutral Dark Troll's Ensnare

* Increased cooldown on Neutral Dark Troll's Raise Dead

* Items now have muted form when carried by non-owner (aside from a few exceptions like regeneration and leaver items). -pm can be used if you want to allow pooling in your games

* Improved basic item's descriptions layout and presentation (133979)

* Flying Courier cannot carry Observer Wards from enemy base

* Lowered transmute bounty on previously untransmutable creeps (lvl 6)

* Change Sange and Yasha recipe costs and bonuses it gives as well as fixing some minor inaccuracies with it

* Flying Courier can no longer carry Aegis

* Added Blades of Attack to the Goblin Shop

* Increased the Fountain's bottle autofilling range

* Increased Diffusal Blade's agility bonus by 5 (carries through to Manta Style)

* Lowered Black King Bar duration slightly

* Increased HP loss rate when Armlet is activated

* Improved Lina's projectile and visuals (170933)

* Added allied only overhead cast effect for Assassinate (203083)

* Listed maximum targets for Wrath of Nature in the tooltip (212395)

* Added special effect when Berserker's Blood is stacked at a high level (176376)

* Added special overhead allied-only text to show duration while channeling Unstable Concoction (196859)

* Added a sound effect when Culling Blade kills a hero

* Added new Power Treads icons for the agility and intelligence versions (207886)

* Added an allied-vision only visual effect for Weave (139374)

* Lowered volume on creep horn sound

* Improved Dragon's Tail's visual effect (192582)

* Added a new visual effect for Soul Assumption

* Improved King Leoric's visual effects (180737)

* Changed Mana Void visual effects (211058)

* Removed status buff icon for Hunter in the Night when it isn't affecting him

* Puck and Clinkz now have a chance to get an alternate "fun name" like Ursa

* Fixed a fatal error problem when upgrading Flying Courier after reloading from saved game

* Fixed some overhead text effects that would show through fog of war

* Fixed a bug when either of Rot, Sand Storm or Storm Seeker are in the same area

* Rewrote Juxtapose and Dopplewalk image creation to fix a rare minor bug

* Fixed a minor bug with moving Lothar's Edge while not in cooldown

* Fixed an exploit with Lanaya

* Fixed Phantom Edge to properly stack with Magic Resistance like the others

* Fixed a bug with Primal Roar that could occur when used on blinkers

* Fixed a control loss issue in recent versions with Sand King when Burrowstriking

* Rewrote Reverse Polarity to fix some rare issues with it stunning but not pulling

* Fixed some minor bugs with Assassinate

* Fixed World Tree and Frozen Throne towers not sharing bounty with allies

* Fixed Sand Storm not affecting sleeping neutrals properly

* Fixed the interruption requirement to leveling up Storm Seeker

* Fixed a minor bug with the damage of Invoker's Tornado not syncing accurately with the cyclone effect

* Fixed a minor bug with Dagger and Aegis creating blank dummy items in base

* Fixed Centaur's Return from triggering off on ally attack order

* Fixed a rare issue with not properly creating Haunt images (DonTomaso)

* XL Mode changed to have 4 hero removals per side instead of 3

* Minimap now does a special ping to allied players when a unit uses Scroll of Teleportation or Boots of Travel

* Improved Scroll of Teleportation code to armor enhance the building you are teleporting to when you click in the area instead of only when directly clicking on the target

* Various other map performance optimizations

* Added lots of music modes. You must have music enabled to use these. Use '-music xxx' where xxx is one of the following added options: off, random, nightelf1, nightelf2, nightelf3, human1, human2, human3, orc1, orc2, orc3, undead1, undead2, undead3, other1, other2, other3, other4, other5

* Added a new mode -poolingmode(-pm) to allow pooling

* -lvlup now allows a number after it to level up faster in test games

* Reduced delay on End Game scoreboard for Sentinel victory

* -roll without specified number now does it out of 100

* Added command -list for use in -sd to show the pick options again

* Changed follow allied unit range to move closer to the target

* Restored and fixed previous issues with -unstuck

* Added a time delayed warning message when the game is in -test mode (some people have been abusing private chat to activate it before using -ah to clear the screen in order to use test commands to cheat without anyone knowing)

* Added commands -rollon and -rolloff incase people spam with roll. Default is on

* Added single player commands -killall/-killsent/-killscourge (169041)

* Added a new mode -observerinfo(-oi) to display extra information for game broadcasters/observers when you hover over player heroes

* Initial creep waves in -ap now spawn 30 seconds later

* Added single player test command -time xx to set the time of day

* Improved the text display on courier death

* Added a new single player or -test mode subcommand (-noherolimit) that lets you get multiple heroes, primarily for video editors that have been requesting it

* New Invoker story from the contest (Ike_Ike)

nista drasticno, ali ok nerf/buffovi herojima

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glupo je za sk i bm,mada moram da prizanam i za bb bar po meni

milslim da treba da se fokusiraju na to da srede owe nove heroje,magije itd.a ne da ujebawaju stare/ipak moje mishljenje

isto mi se ne swidja za koku ,bash wolim kada krademo obz :P

lol -xl ban 4 Heroes !

nista za degger.ONO GOWNO WREDI KO BOS (500g top of the world)

dosta ce proci wremena pre nego sto pocnu owakwe verzije da se igraju na cw/opet moje mishljenje :P

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sta za dagger? ovakav kakav je je ok. ono zeka-peka govno od ranije je FUJJJJJ

brate ZEKA-PEKA je extra

ja wishe ne igram pubowe zbog dagger-a :P -kao da sam ih igrao xD

ne isreno ,ja ne mogu da se naviknem na dagger.ako ostane owakaw kakaw je(tj sjeban)nek mu spuste cenu ,brate ono wredi 1k g!swe preko toga je O_O

ali mnogo sam gotivio kada gledam neki cw i svi krenu da se blinkuju

dagger je ofanziwna i defazivna stwar.a sada je samo ofanziwna,u owim nowim verzijama!!sto se meni ne swidja

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Dager je trebao da se nerfuje jer jednostavno je bio imba glup i jeste imba glup jer bukvalno je must have u svakoj partiji.

Slazem se da treba cena sada da se spusti.

Is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the Hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control, even over his own will

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Oslabljeni void,qop,sk tt. Najtuznije od svega je sto ce se ova verzija igrati na EEDC ( !LOL! ) znaci haos.sa sve ovim ret novim herojima i degerom retardiranim i nekim chudnim itemima.propada dota

realno nikad nije bila stabilna neka x.xx nego x.xxb tako da ce da opet tweakuje loma i to je to

ovako iz prakse:

-void je bas preterano nerfovan... nisam nikad voleo heroja tbh al sad ima bas bas malo strengtha , al sto ga opet tera da ne uzimam mom i bude omg omg ako dobro krene

-novi princip kupovine mi se djasvi.. nema vise smaranja da izbacujem stvari i vracam posle...

- medjutim no pooling bi trebalo da je off po defaultu jer bas smara sto ne mogu recimo linken da dam nekom da se nahiluje ili tako nesto.. ili da kupim item na tudjoj koki i donesem sebi (pogotovo drugo)

-blink treba da ostane ovakav kakav je .. igrao sam ovu dotu davno pre nego sto su smanjili cd i ljudi poceli da ga masovno koriste i realno suvise me smaralo zadnjih par verzija sto 3/5 heroja koristi blink stalno.. nema vise laning i sl nego samo gank gank gank gank .. sve sto su heroji koji imaju blink dobili je 2150 for free mada s casting animacijom :S

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koristiti 2 blinka je tesko...been there,done that ;)

mislim da je bio sarkazam ... ali dobro kada sam rekao svi mislio sam 90% heroja. Item koji je dobar za 90% heroja je retardiran onda bolje dati svim herojima jos jedan skill blink na startu i to je to.

Is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the Hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control, even over his own will

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Prwo iskripuj dagger u pristojno wreme

Drugo nauci da ga koristish

eto to je razlika u tome da swakome daju blink magiju na pocetku

sa daggerom ,jbg swi misle da je lako igrati,i jeste kada naucish da igrash!

a zalite se za dagger KAO IMBA JE treba da se promeni(sjebe).Pa sta was sprecawa da lepo naucite da igrate(ne samo sa daggerom nego, generalno) pa na sledecem cw imate 6-0 score,ili neki extra score?narawno dagger ce wam tu mnogo pomoci,

nije wam palo na pamet da iskoristitie to sto je imba u swoju korist!

neki to wec rade,bolji igraci,sto se ne ugledate malo na njih,pokushate par partija sada daggerom nego odma

5v5 pegla -ne focusirate narocito 1 po 1 lika ,nego swi pocnu da pacaju magije ultijeve ko ludi,rashtrkano i narawno majstor sa low HP I daggerom wam se izblinkuje i prwi komentar glasi na to:BRATE OWAJ DAGGER JE TOLIKO NEIZBALANSIRAN,TREBA DA GA IZBACE IZ DOTE,itd itd,slicnim owim komentarima koje ste wi ubacili owde!

A tu nije kriw dagger sto je imba,razmislite malo

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Lyesmith kept his orange-blond hair pretty much shaved. You could see the lines of his skull. "Tell you what, though. This country started going to bell when they stopped hanging folks. No gallows dirt. No gallows deals."

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Meni se ne svidja shta su uradili sa S&Y...

Ionako je bilo vetj frka sklopiti zasebno samu Sangu i Samu Yashu a sad su josh poskupele po 200...dodushe kao ima 3 vishe atribba i 3 vishe %...al je kurac...ionako je preskupa...i onda pojeftinili sam recept za 200...a u to vreme je 200 i onako sitnica...meni je govno :/

poz voz 2011

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@ lockocoockole,

Nije uopshte stvar u tome...

Problem sa ranijim dagger-om je bio shto je mnogo otezavao "come back", chime su partije gubile na zanimljivosti...


Jedna ekipa nadjaca drugu na pocetku, kupi dagger-e i BoT-ove, i "comeback" vise nije moguc sem u jako jako jako retkim situacijama...

(ti njih vishe nemozesh skoro nikako da ubijesh - osim ako se zajebu bash strashno, dok oni tebe mogu i da gankuju i da razvlache bez ikakvog problema...)

Ti cesh sad da kazesh da je i to skill, al ajde onda samo da pickujemo heroje, a nek igra dalje sama odluchi koji je tim pobedio (na osnovu pickova - skill je pickovati bolje)

Takodje, sa starim blinkom, ubiti nekoga 1v1 je bilo skoro nemoguce (chak i 2v1 i 3v1 nije bilo lako bez mnogo stun-ova) chime su mnogi heroji gubili na vaznosti...

(bilo koji heroj koji se oslanjao na brzinu, snagu ili na neki ne imba disable, nije imao shta da trazi u doti...)

Tako da, mnoge od promena ovde vidim kao jako pozitivne, iako se solidan broj ljudi opire tome

(dal se plashe promena ili shta)

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Prwo iskripuj dagger u pristojno wreme

Drugo nauci da ga koristish

eto to je razlika u tome da swakome daju blink magiju na pocetku

sa daggerom ,jbg swi misle da je lako igrati,i jeste kada naucish da igrash!

a zalite se za dagger KAO IMBA JE treba da se promeni(sjebe).Pa sta was sprecawa da lepo naucite da igrate(ne samo sa daggerom nego, generalno) pa na sledecem cw imate 6-0 score,ili neki extra score?narawno dagger ce wam tu mnogo pomoci,

nije wam palo na pamet da iskoristitie to sto je imba u swoju korist!

neki to wec rade,bolji igraci,sto se ne ugledate malo na njih,pokushate par partija sada daggerom nego odma

5v5 pegla -ne focusirate narocito 1 po 1 lika ,nego swi pocnu da pacaju magije ultijeve ko ludi,rashtrkano i narawno majstor sa low HP I daggerom wam se izblinkuje i prwi komentar glasi na to:BRATE OWAJ DAGGER JE TOLIKO NEIZBALANSIRAN,TREBA DA GA IZBACE IZ DOTE,itd itd,slicnim owim komentarima koje ste wi ubacili owde!

A tu nije kriw dagger sto je imba,razmislite malo

Vidi se da si udaren u mozak ... ti kao argument uzimas to sto neko treba da nauci da igra ... mislim wtf kao sada na foru jbg to sto svaki dobar tim ima uvek na svakom heroju u klan mechu po dagger u starim verzijma to nema veze sto nije imba?

Ne nego se lepo nerfuje kao sto je nerfovan i sve bude ok.

Is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the Hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control, even over his own will

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Treba da se nerfuje ali drugacije.

da da... mozes da se blinkujes 3 sec NAKON sto te napadnu [:D]

ne znam sta kukate koj moj.. njegova svrha treba da bude da pomogne da krene napad a ne da int heroji beze na sve strane... i dalje sluzi savrseno toj svrsi kod es/magne/tidea/cent i sl.

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