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Nema cak ni tutoriala ili nekog helpa, sve mora da se provaljuje.Toliko puta sam umr'o zato sto sam jeo otrovne pecurke, da to nema smisla. :P

Odlicna igra.Ortak mi giftovao pre par dana.Kombo minecrafta i terarie sa mracnijom atmosferom.

Hardcore je, kada se zagine - zagine se.Nema respawna.Ima par altara koji respawnuju (samo jednom) da se nadju po mapi.Ali, to se nekad retko nadje. :P

Hunger, sanity i hp - mozete da crknete od gladi, kada vam pada sanity, halucinirate i kasnije, kada padne na 0, halucinacije napadaju.Sanity pada kada je noc i kada se rade neke "evil" stvari, a obnavlja tako sto se rade "dobre" stvari (beres cvece, jedes isto, napravi se neka kapica od cveca i to se nosi preko dana da regenerise), kuva se, prave nove stvari itd...

Ako niste blizu izvora svetlosti kada je mrkli mrak - insta death.

Ima cak i winter sezone, za koju treba da napravite zimsku odecu da biste preziveli inace crknete od hladnoce.


Uzasno teska igra i topla preporuka svima - kada se uzme na steamu, dobiju se 4 kljuca - 2 za steam i 2 za google chrome.

Edited by k0baya
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Не знам да ли је већ неко постављао.



Има везе са мало старијим насловом:



Личи на КБ. Потезни хексови. Играо неко ову другу?

Edited by overkind
...Од рођења спремна стоји, мене чека моја рака,
Да однесе све што имам у дубину у дубоку.


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najbolja fora mi je, imao sam negde snapshot tog njegovog tweeta al ne mogu sad više da ga pronađem, uglavnom on lik tweetuje kad je bio ceo onaj hajp oko okulus rifta kao u fazonu "ma kao ok je to ali taj 3d to je samo gimik ništa više", na šta mu neki randomaš odgovara u fazonu "to kaže čovek koji je napravio igru u kojoj je glavna mehanika 3d gimik" i onda mu ovaj odgovara nešto u fazonu "hahaha al tvoj kurac je mali sigurno nisi u životu jebao" il tako nešto xD

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As the economical crisis advances, the discontent of an entire population cannot help but outburst in Riots, where the sounds of many voices get heard at once. The Director Leonard Menchiari has been experiencing this form of protest in person, and the game "Riot" was born as a way to express it and to tell the stories of these fights. What is that triggers such a strife? What does a cop feel during the conflict? In "Riot", the player will experience both sides of a fight in which there is no such thing as "victory" or "defeat".


The funding for the game will enable the developers to travel, document and experience live riots going on in Italy, Greece, Egypt and possibly many other places around the world (Maybe New York and South Korea?).


Only comments and reports from the people joining the conflicts will be taken into consideration, attempting to depict both sides of the fight without bias, only objectivity and facts.

Stop listening to the lies of the media, shut down the television and get yourself in the line, to fight for your freedom of speech.


Edited by shw.

Lyesmith kept his orange-blond hair pretty much shaved. You could see the lines of his skull. "Tell you what, though. This country started going to bell when they stopped hanging folks. No gallows dirt. No gallows deals."

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