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Šta mislite, kako bi funkcionisale...

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Negde pri početku filma Slay-a odmrznu da bi uhvatio Snajpsa, i kada ga odvedu do pandurske stanice Staloneu se prikenja. Ode do klonje, vrati se sa konstatacijom da su tamo tri školjke. Šta mislite, kako bi one funkcionisale?

postoje samo dve istine na ovom svetu:

1). djape je najbolji frajer

2). zemlja je plocha

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sorry shto spojlujem topic:

OK, this may be bordering on the grotesque, but the way it was explained to me by the writer is you hold two seashells like chopsticks, pull gently and scrape what’s left with the third. You asked for it…. Be careful what you ask for, sorry.


• crno nam se piše

• belo nam se šmrče

• mind over matter

• jebo sam vam mater

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