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Torenti mi rade sporo (5-6kbps) a portovi su otvoreni


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u patchu mi pise da

"current maximum concurrent half open conections : 10"

pita me da li ocu da promenim na 50

pritisnem y

res kompa

nema promene


u ovom programu nema ta opcija za update trackera


da bio si upravu

kada sam stavio 9 upload limit

izgubio se dl limited i onda posebno stavio 1kbps upload svakom dlu

i povecao mi se dl

ali evo i za koliko


inache konekciju imam 1024/128 adsl

samo mi nije jasna jedna stvar

ako skidam film ovaj npr koji ima 25 seedera

i min upload koji moze da se stavi

kako onda ne skidam 25kbps

kili, dok ne povecas broj halfopen portova (na 100 otprilike) nece ti se povecati dl

pokreni patch, kad ga zameni i kad krene da odobrava windows ce zahtevati da vrati originalnu verziju, klikni cancel i keep the new file

The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.

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desni klik na torent>update.

Nema potrebe da toliko ogranichavate upload...

Ogranichite ih toliko da u zbiru budu 40% vashe upload brzine...

jebiga ja uvek kazem da stave 1 jer ne mogu da objasnjavam poentu:)al opet,nije ni 40%.ako drzis recimo jedan ili dva mozes da stavis i 80-90%,dok ako drzis vise(sto ja maltene nikad ne radim),treba staviti oko 60%.dakle ako imas 512/64 i ul ti je maks oko 7,ti stavis maks 5 aktivnih torenata sa po 1ul.mada,po mom iskustvu,treba da na svakom od tih 5 imas availability preko 10 da bi sve islo kako valja.

tek sad procitah ovo sa sp2,ja imam sp1.bas su govnari.a inace bih preporucio da se u stiki ubaci i neki tutorijal o samom bittorent protokolu,kapiram da bi bilo jednostavnije da ljudi shvate zasto im ne ide zomg max brzinom nego da se svakom ponaosob objasnjava.

salt wat fish fresh wat fish?

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  • 3 months later...
  • 2 months later...

1 pitanje oko m torrenta

Ovih par dana ocajno idu torrenti koji su zapravo poprilicno "zdravi" i ranije su isli maximalnom brzinom medjutim dan pre update-a i posle updatea m torrenta sve se sj*balo... maximalna brzina torenta mi je oko 20kbps...

nista nije menjano u specifikacijama torrenta , medjutim i dalje ma koliko se trudio nece da pregura vise od 20 kbps... what 2 du ppl?

(sezam pro 1.5mb/192 , usb modem)

Have you ever noticed that it's only 'perfect' people who are murdered or killed in horrific accidents?

"He was the perfect son" or "She was the perfect daughter."

"Such a tragic accident they were the perfect family."

"They died together, the perfect couple till the end."

Makes me glad I abuse my kids and beat up my wife.

Kind of makes me immortal.

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Ok i posle koriscenja evID41.... torenti se ne menjaju , najverovatnije je nova verzija m torrenta sjebala sve ... posto se konekcija NE MENJA ... i dalje mi je 1/6 od maximalne (cak i demonoid ide na 25kbps max) ali i dalje mogu da povezem 6 komada da dl-uju brzinom od 25kbps...

Dajte neku pomoc ffs ... neam pojma kako da resim ovo...

Have you ever noticed that it's only 'perfect' people who are murdered or killed in horrific accidents?

"He was the perfect son" or "She was the perfect daughter."

"Such a tragic accident they were the perfect family."

"They died together, the perfect couple till the end."

Makes me glad I abuse my kids and beat up my wife.

Kind of makes me immortal.

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I nemoj da ogranichavash upload na manje od 5-6kbps...

To je resenje , bem ti anti leecher bit torrent :((((

I naravno puno ti hvala za pomoc :D

Edited by santamaycry

Have you ever noticed that it's only 'perfect' people who are murdered or killed in horrific accidents?

"He was the perfect son" or "She was the perfect daughter."

"Such a tragic accident they were the perfect family."

"They died together, the perfect couple till the end."

Makes me glad I abuse my kids and beat up my wife.

Kind of makes me immortal.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

I tako ... povecanjem brzine neimnovno se izbagovao uTorrent pa opet trazim pomoc...

Skinuo sam 1.8.1 i ocekivao da kao i prosli put kada se startuje da ce da ide bez problema (nije vise problem upload kao ranije)

ali torenti se brutalno vuku , ne mogu da pristupim svom modemu na regularni 192... ip iz explorera ili firefoxa te stoga ne mogu da otvorim portove koji su se nekim divnim cudom zatvorili u medjuvremenu ...

what da fuck to do ppl???

nemojte da mi linkujete port forward sajt posto ne mogu ni da nadjem moj raspali modem tamo vec ukoliko postoji sansa da mi objasnite kako / sta da radim

Have you ever noticed that it's only 'perfect' people who are murdered or killed in horrific accidents?

"He was the perfect son" or "She was the perfect daughter."

"Such a tragic accident they were the perfect family."

"They died together, the perfect couple till the end."

Makes me glad I abuse my kids and beat up my wife.

Kind of makes me immortal.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Svi provajderi su poceli masovno da zavrcu slavine sto se tice P2P saobracaja iz nepoznatih razloga ...

Jedina opcija ostaje cable ali staticni ip ima svoje mane :S

Have you ever noticed that it's only 'perfect' people who are murdered or killed in horrific accidents?

"He was the perfect son" or "She was the perfect daughter."

"Such a tragic accident they were the perfect family."

"They died together, the perfect couple till the end."

Makes me glad I abuse my kids and beat up my wife.

Kind of makes me immortal.

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1000seedera i 100 leechera je po meni idealan torent

I umesto da pichi 200kbps kao sto treba , ide maximalno 70kbps i to je to

na drugim forumima je ova rasprava se vec uveliko zahuktava i ispostavlja se da sezam (posto svi koje znam imaju problema sa njim kao i ja sam) je ozbiljno smanjio protok p2p saobracaja

Have you ever noticed that it's only 'perfect' people who are murdered or killed in horrific accidents?

"He was the perfect son" or "She was the perfect daughter."

"Such a tragic accident they were the perfect family."

"They died together, the perfect couple till the end."

Makes me glad I abuse my kids and beat up my wife.

Kind of makes me immortal.

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