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19 hours ago, manson said:

17 Miki i Mini Maus?

haha, moguće da si u pravu, ja se nikad ne bih setio :))

znači imamo:

1 - simpsons

2 - super mario

3 - batman

4 - tintin

5 - dexter

6 - ??? - ovo deluje kao da je opet neko sa nekim psom 🙂

7- family guy

8 - tom and jerry

9 - Toy Story

10 - Flintstones

11 - ???

12 - minions

13 - south park

14 - pinky & the brain

15 - futurama

16 - ???

17 - Miki i Mini Maus

18 - ???

19 - star wars

20 - star trek 🙂






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  • 2 weeks later...
46 minutes ago, cali said:

Silo odobren za 4. sezonu, 3. sezona se snima.

Nikako da se nakanim da gledam 2. sezonu - sviđa mi se, ali su je mnogo razvukli. 


Otkad sam procitao knige nije mi zanimljivo da gledam seriju, sve preporuke za knjige!


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15 hours ago, manson said:


jooooj, i dalje nemam pojma šta očekivati od ovoga 🙂 tizer deluje kao facehugger koji se bori za život, ali ne razumem kako otvara vrata na početku tizera? da stavimo po strani dal' se facehugger "bori za život" tj. ima taj vid svesnosti.

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ja sam kontao da je on samo na necijoj glavi i pokusava da mu gurne svoju stvar u usta, a taj neko trci tamo vamomo u panici

do ovog trejlera nisam znao da ce ovo biti neka animirana varijanta 





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50 minutes ago, G!!! said:

ja sam kontao da je on samo na necijoj glavi i pokusava da mu gurne svoju stvar u usta, a taj neko trci tamo vamomo u panici


ah, možda si u pravu, jedino što ne vidim nikakvu osobu ili nešto na onom kadru kad se vidi spolja prozor, mada ovo što ti kažeš ima smisla, doduše malo je kontra u odnosu na sve do sada sa facehuggerima gde retko ko beži preko pola broda kad ga ovi sa'vataju. možda ima u ovom najnovijem alienu njega još nisam pogledao.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Stiže novi Avatar! Radi originalna ekipa, biće 26 epizoda i prati narednog avatara earthbendera!

It’s been ten long years since Avatar: The Legend of Korra aired its final episode and over 15 years since Avatar: The Last Airbender bowed out. Now, finally, Nickelodeon has greenlit a sequel series and it sounds pretty awesome. Deadline reports that Avatar: Seven Havens will be a 2D animated 26-episode followup that chronicles the rise of the next Avatar after Korra.

Franchise creators Michael DiMartino and Bryan Konietzko are developing the series, so we know it's in good hands. The plot sounds pretty dark. It seems the world has fallen into chaos following a cataclysmic event of some kind. The titular "seven havens" refer to a handful of small civilizations that have managed to weather the storm.

Also, the next Avatar will be a female Earthbender. In this world, however, the Avatar is reviled and seen as a harbinger of doom instead of a hero. That’s an interesting twist.

"This new incarnation of the Avatarverse is full of fantasy, mystery and a whole new cast of amazing characters. Get ready to take another epic and emotional adventure," DiMartino and Konietzko said in a statement.

The premiere date and casting information will be released later in the year. We do know that the 26 episodes will be split into two books, or seasons, which is similar to how the original shows handled things. It remains to be seen if the series will cap out at 26 episodes or if that’s just the first two chapters. Personally, I wonder if any aged Korra characters will show up.

Pošto znamo već da rade na onim odvojenim animiranim filmovima dugometražnim, a taj prvi koji prati odraslog Anga izlazi 2026 u januaru, nisam siguran da će ovo da izađe tako brzo, ako timeline bude išao redom.

Jer ako gledamo odraslog Anga što je pre Kore, a ovaj novi serijal je posle Kore, verovatno bi drugi animirani mogao da pokriva period odrasle Kore, pa da bude uvod u ovo.

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